Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 188: First Time Using My Artifact

Chapter 188: First Time Using My Artifact

My test was to conquer some posts here inside layer two, however that was the test given by the mystic art society. My main mission changed right now, as I aimed to establish a post at layer five or higher if I could.

Just as we passed the borders, a group of fifty demons appeared coming from far. Their number is bigger than the teams we faced so far, and so my hunger value.

At once I threw up my spear to make it rest over my fingers, then I didn't delay as I muttered:

"Penta auxiliary skill."

I didn't wait for them to come near me as I threw my spear with five more spears following suit. In less than two seconds my six spears hit around five demons as they were knocked on the ground with their shield shattered.

Then I snapped my fingers as I began to run towards them. This was the first time we met these demons head on like this, and now I was leading this charge.

I then threw my spears again, snapped my fingers then released them. Each time five more spears were added to my entourage until I ended with thirty spear shadows standing behind me and all the fifty demons lying on the ground as easy target practice for my players.

Killing them wasn't anything hard, and beating them like this gave me more confidence.

I could do it.

Just as I was about to train again using my spears to wear out my hunger value, I received an urgent message from Rog.

'There is a large army coming towards our place, they seemed not to be that friendly.'

He sent it at the team chat with the other three, so Rody asked at once:

'How many are they?'

'Why are they hostile to us?' Elyo asked.

'My team spotted over five thousand players, and I don't know why they are hostile but some of them were talking about our adventure group, so I believe they are targeting us.'

The words of Rog made me recall someone's picture at once, as I said in the chat:

'It's the arrangement of that hall master. Be ready to fight.'

I then looked towards Gen and my personal army, as at this moment I felt lucky to buy them.

'Do you know their levels?' I suddenly asked.

'I believe they are level fifty at least,' Rog replied.

That meant they came from another game world and not mine. That damn bastard had arranged this to crush me. the news of the upcoming army spread like fire between my players, and so Gen came to suggest his own solution:

"My princess, I know you want to fight and I support any order you give to me but facing thousands of high leveled players like this isn't something wise. I suggest we should be diverse and escape from here. we need to bid our time slowly and build our strength gradually then we can come back and get our revenge from them."

His proposal was nice and logical, however right now my blood was eager for fighting. I hated it so much when someone tried to backstab me thinking I was weak and helpless.

I was weak, but I wasn't helpless. I also knew that from this moment on we would be facing more teams like these, so a statement should be made out loud and clear so we could avoid any more future trouble.

I planned to use my card in layer four, but right now I had to prove how foolish it would be to attack me.

"Listen to me everyone, stay here and don't move."

My order was sudden and unexpected, as I began to move outwards towards the front where the hostile enemies were coming from.

"My princess, I should accompany you with my army," Gen suddenly moved to the front of everyone expressing his own desire to fight. I glanced with content towards him, as I knew he was stronger than those upcoming enemies.

However his own strength wasn't the one I needed right now, so I shook my head as I said out loud and clear so everyone can hear me:

"No, I will face them alone. Don't ever think your own princess is helpless without any special methods to deal with them."

"But my princess they are thousands, Gen argued back in a try to knock some sense inside me.

"Don't worry, just stand down and watch."

I then winked as I turned to face the front. There was a large cloud of dust coming from far and growing with each passing second.

It was them, and now I was able to test the power of my artifact. I took it out as I held it in my hand as I stood my ground motionless as the noise of the coming players was getting louder and louder.

Me alone was standing there in front of my players while I even discharged my spears as I only stood there holding my artifact calmly watching the huge crowd of players coming with their incredible momentum.

Their speed was high, as their levels were on another scale than mine. before they even reach me, they must have known of my arrangement from assassins as they began to shout loudly with insulting words like:

"Crazy suicidal girl."

"Let's kill this bitch."

"Who wants to sleep with this beauty tonight? Let's all feast on her."

I didn't give a damn about their words, as I knew I had the upper hand with me.

'I want to trap all these players.'

This was the first time using the artifact, however I had a hunch about how to use it. so I thought about what I needed to do, as luckily the cost of trapping players was only one gold coin.

So I could imprison them without even sweating.

'The total number of hostile players with intention of harming you is nine thousand and five hundred players in the radius of ten miles. Do you want to imprison them all?'

Suddenly a cold voice that caused my heart to stir up sounded inside my mind at the same time I felt some heat coming from the small black cube in my hand.

I was surprised by the number of enemies eyeing me, at the same time I was more surprised by the way this artifact worked. It had the ability to know the true intentions of players, which might be handy in difficult times.

Without any hesitation I replied:

'Sure, trap them all.'

Suddenly the cube in my hand became hotter like I was holding a heated up piece of iron. The cube then released a large blanket of fog that befell over everyone like calamity, out of nowhere.

This happened in a matter of seconds, but when the fog disappeared, there was no player at all coming towards me, not from near or from far.

The place ushered in strange heavy silence so sudden, after the noise that was caused by those players the place was not so quiet enough to cause chills inside anyone.

I turned to return to my army simply like I did nothing just now while saying:

"Let's keep going, I just exterminated these flies."

I stored away my artifact, which was the centre of everyone's fiery and shocked gazes towards me.

"W-W-Who are you?" Gen stuttered from shock as he felt real fear for the second time.

Facing thousands of players of higher level and exterminating them in a matter of seconds without even using any skill was something unbelievable. I was sure he or anyone else never experienced anything like this.

This was my moment, and I deserved to enjoy it.

"Let's move out, we might face other attacks like the one we just experienced."

The shock was apparent on everyone's face, even on those who knew I had the artifact with me. they never expected it to be this domineering. Just as we started to walk, I began to examine the artifact as I wanted to know what was happening to these players.

Once I checked the cube in my Inventory, I was faced with another sweet surprise. The artifact gave me the option to kill all of these players and empty all their belongings inside their Inventory with anything acquired from the sacred land.

What the hell! That was an op item that had no equal! Without delay I chose to kill all of them.

I was in need of more fighters, but I would prefer to build up my army of demons not players. First players weren't that trustworthy like demons, besides they would need necessities and I didn't want to cost myself anymore.

So, I chose to massacre them all. None thousand and five hundred players were killed mercilessly like this, but I didn't care. what I really cared about was their items in their Inventory.

This force of players must have been here for quite some time already, so they might have enough hearts and bones to make me feel more secure. The way to upgrade my hunger value was consuming my own stock of cake pearls like fire eating dry weed.

I had to secure more pearls, or else I wouldn't be able to fully get use of this system loophole.

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