Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 205: The Seek for The Magical Pond Quest Has Begun!

Chapter 205: The Seek for The Magical Pond Quest Has Begun!

"I cannot object on such an offer," I simply replied while crossing over my little discomfort.

"Good, however we have to first find something here, and I need one promise from you as well," he said before he pointed towards the lands under us while saying:

"These lands are full of treasures, but without any offense, your ability to excavate the treasures buried here with your mere strength is hardly achievable. I recommend you leave here now and come later when you have the ability to get treasures and be able to protect them."

His words were somehow rude, but honest. I knew from the moment I saw these huge mountain-like walls that I had no ability to stand against the armies stationed behind these walls.

So I had a faint desire to leave here for good, and after his words just now this desire turned into a clear intention.

"Bo problem, but you said we want to get something first," I said.

"Yes, over time we became aware of the places of the treasures buried here, and also have some info regarding their guardians. All I want is to get a small bond, which has only one ability but it's really something heaven defying," he said.

"What is this single heaven defying ability?" I asked with some interest.

"It's the ability to traverse the limits of universes and link places together no matter what," he said before pausing as his intentions were received by me.

"Do you want me to be able to come here in the future?" I asked.

He looked at me as he nodded his head while saying:

"Sure, as my condition can't be achieved without that pond."

"Really?!" I said while crossing my arms together, "and what is this condition of yours?"

He just glanced silently at me as he was telling me you don't know it yet? I had some vague picture of what he wanted.

"Ok, you want me to conquer that empire for you, right?" I finally said after an awkward long moment of silence.

"No, not for me," he said while shaking his head, "I want you to do it for my people."

I looked again towards the far distant huge walls as I realized how hard this mission would be. I wasn't thinking about budging back, as if he wanted to help me then I had an obligation to help him in return.

"I can do it, but this will take a long time, longer than what you think," I expressed my doubts.

"Longer than a thousand years? I seriously doubt that," he said with his silly smile. I didn't know why at this moment I saw the ghost of someone in him, the ghost of the far away Shin. I just smiled back as I nodded expressing my agreement.

No matter how long I needed, it wouldn't reach thousands of years.

"Good, now let me tell you some essential things about the nature of fighting here. you know this isn't the game world you used to be at, and regarding the special circumstances of here, the world would force its own rules upon all of you.

The leader's strength would be assessed, and everyone's strengths would be equalized with you. Here you can't use skills like you used to before, however if you can do the same movements of the skills, you will be surprised to find the same effects of the skills," he said.

I looked towards him with surprise, as I didn't expect to lose all the advantage I got like this. Gen and my personal army were the ones who I depended upon, and if their levels were lowered to mine then that would compromise me by a lot, much more than I initially thought.

"Can I change the leadership to Gen then?" I asked about the only solution I had in my mind right now.

"Unfortunately no, as the leadership was determined the moment you met the guardian of this world," he instantly replied.

"Damn it!" I said with great dissatisfaction. How could I accept this horrible neutralizing to my only advantage here?

"Don't be this upset, the bond is considered one if the lowest level treasures here," he tried to console me.

"A challenge is always risky, and now I will have to fight it with both my hands tied over my back," I bitterly said as this seemed not fair to me.

"I know it's hard, that's why I said you shouldn't try to get any other treasure from here at the moment," he repeated his own words from before. I just took a deep breath before exhaling it slowly.

I wasn't afraid from any fight, but fighting like this seemed annoying and irritating to me. all I could depend upon then wasn't over my players who I bought with high price.

"How can I use my skills here?" I asked with a dejected tone.

"Well, each skill has a set of movements to be used, don't you know that?" Prino said with some surprise in his tone.

"She the princess is still weaker to reach that level. using the skills in such a way wouldn't be available to anyone below level fifty at the game," Gen stepped in after a long time of silence to say these shocking words to me.

Did that mean I have nothing to do right now in this fight? I didn't only get handicapped, but also I was now a burden, what a nice place this was!

Everyone sensed my feelings and the sudden change of mood to take a few steps involuntarily to the back. I was like a ticking bomb right now, waiting for any minute stimulus to explode.

"D-Don't worry princess, you still have your killer move," Gen tried to console me here as he pointed out towards my spear trick.

His words hit me hard as I didn't think of my spear trick before. Yes I could use the spear mystic art here, as I knew the steps to do so. Everything began to be reasonable and logical right now, as it seemed the mystic arts weren't just important at the sacred lands.

It seemed these arts had mysterious secrets hidden deep, and right now I just got a glimpse of part of them.

I grabbed tightly my spear as my spirit was reborn vibrantly with a blaze that was much more than before.

"Let's go then and get that bond, I said as I wanted to get that bond and leave here as fast as I could.

"Are you ok princess?" Gen asked with concern.

"Don't worry, just be ready to support me there, by the way can I use the balloon here? it has many useful skills," I said while directing my questions to Prino who replied at once:

"Unfortunately not, but you can use your prison if we meet any demon in our way. After all this prison is the nemesis of any demon," he said.

"It's a shame not to use the balloon skills, but the prison has some features and many are based on the usage of my gold coins. Is this the same here as well?" I asked about the issue that mattered me the most.

My artifact could imprison anyone and even turn them into my side by using gold coins.

"No, here there is no such a limitation to your prison," Prino said.

"Limitation?!" I asked with surprise.

"Sure, your prison is like a monster that couldn't be resisted by the demons, and that made them try to neutralize its effects. Out here these limitations aren't present, as your prison can only depend upon you and use your innate strength as its fuel to function. The only limitation here for it is you," he said.

"It seems my only rule here is to limit others," I muttered with some regret, "Tell me what is this innate strength of me? this is the first time I ever heard of such a term."

"Oh, how come? Didn't you use the mystic arts? The same strength that you use in the arts is the strength required for your prison," Prino said with surprise and doubt.

"What?!" I exclaimed with surprise as this wasn't something I expected. It seemed being here was something I had to get used to, being surprised all the time and getting all my expectations overwhelmed.

"Don't you know the source of strength you use to perform your mystic arts?" He said with more doubt.

"Oh, no I sure know it, but I didn't expect it," I said before pausing as the name of this kind of strength was really funny. It was the hunger value, and right now I felt kind of lucky to be able to raise its value before coming here, "never mind, let's just go to the place of that bond. Guide us there please."

He glanced at me with doubt and hesitation before he pointed towards the south, away from the direction of those walls in the horizon as he said:

"From here."

As he began to direct us towards the place of the bond, Gen whispered to me:

"I have a spearman here who can teach you the moves of some powerful skills if you want."

I looked at him with surprise, as this man always proved his worth to me day by day. The best thing ever about him was the addition he provided all the time without even asking. I gave him one of my best smiles ever as he deserved this while saying:

"Bring him to me then."

"Right now princess," Gen replied with an embarrassed look, I didn't know that my smile would have such an effect over him. I softly chuckled while watching him hurry to bring that player.

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