Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 213: Star Descent Spear Skill

Chapter 213: Star Descent Spear Skill

I was trying to concentrate as hard as I could, ignoring the imminent crisis my team was in. The staff was a great help to me in concentrating my magical energy, which I assumed was double of my normal efficiency back in my days as a magician.

However I didn't know if this was enough. I didn't plan to just defend these shock waves, I had to step forward. That demon had to be hit as hard as I could master out of my skill, supposing that I succeeded in casting the skill right.

Once I started using my spell, I couldn't augment it anymore. That was one of the drawbacks of it, which made it not my preferable spell back then. And now this came to remind me why I hated this spell.

So I waited, as much as I could. The only consolation for me was my team safety was secured. As long as these shock waves continued, no harm would come to them from the believers.

Though the more I waited, the more they got separated from each other. It was a tough choice, for me I had to take this on my shoulders as this was the only way out.

I waited, and waited, and waited while my body kept swinging like a small piece of ash in the wind. Any strong blow would easily tore me apart, however I stood my place motionless which made that demon angrier.

It planned to send me back outside the area of his dominance. Frankly speaking I didn't know why, however it seemed to be afraid of something, or that what I kept telling myself.

Lying to myself kept me clinging to this weak last straw of hope, like a person in the final moments of his life trying to survive, and I was exactly like this.

After the passage of unknown time, my accumulated energy began to seep away from my control. That meant my limit had been reached already and further energy gathering was of no help.

So I began to act.

Throughout this time my mind kept working, rewinding back each trial I made, each feeling I had, in hope to find my missed perfect combo.

However up till now I couldn't pinpoint it, with this vague feeling that I tried to haunt and it started to haunt me back, I was really confused and distressed.

If I already had this feeling, why didn't it just reveal itself to me?

I couldn't wait any much longer, the time was up and I had to move.

The demon kept accumulating its two balls of energies as well, and I intended to blast them first before anything else.

Just when I intended to act, the same vague feeling came to alarm me. it was something weird, like some soft voice kept whispering about not going forward with my plan.

The most crazy part was it wanted me to welcome the two energy balls with an open chest and no arms, what craziness was that?

At this moment I had no time to rethink, and my mind began to act with instinct. The first thing I did was to use my accumulated energy to cast my spell.

"Crescent fiery waves."

My spell was already ready in my mind to cast, as once I muttered those words and moved the staff in hand accordingly, the spell was cast successfully.

Crescent shaped waves began to emanate from my staff, as they began to form like waves of a big ocean. The waves started small and narrow then they started to grow in intensity and size.

I knew if I had the ability then I would be able to summon waves that could cover the whole horizon, however my magic was short and my limits were bound to be lesser than that.

However what I could summon would eventually be enough for me, at least it would save the day.

The first wave was created successfully as it began to cut its way among the demon's waves. That made the pressure exerted upon me disappear, and my wind flying body stabilized finally on the stable ground.

But I didn't wait for a second there as I took out my spear and moved. The waves I created would keep coming one after another, with the direction of them being controlled by my staff.

They would keep present until they reached a distance I couldn't control and dissipate. Some, however, would explode with some violence, and that wasn't even under my control.

I shook away all these distracting thoughts and began to focus over the task in hand. That demon noticed my counter and it began to show some distress signs, especially when I began to walk towards it.

This seemed interesting, as everything was pointing towards its tyrannical overwhelming crushing victory over me, so why was it this distressed, even more than me?

The second wave came to follow the first. The newly summoned wave came to push the first wave forward and aiding it in stopping the shocking waves of the demon.

And I followed suit, walking with absolutely no pressure towards the pit.

Each step I took made the demon more angrier, and the two balls of energy it was gathering began to shine brighter with each passing second.

Whatever this demon was trying to do, it began to accelerate it. I clenched my grip over the spear in hand as I had to react. Waiting for this attack to hit me first was an act of foolishness, I knew better, I was better.

Just as I was about to throw my spear in the air preparing to use my trick, the same annoying feeling haunted me again, warning me from doing anything more.

That was really bizarre, as there was no logical explanation for all that except it was the same feeling I had when I was trying to form the skill.

I glanced at my spear with doubt as I hesitated, the moment was just in front of me and if I didn't act immediately I would lose this window.

Should I or shouldn't I do it? That was a really awkward situation!

I decided to go with my mind and logic, and so I threw up my spear in the air and let it glide smoothly over the tips of my fingers. I eyed the target I was aiming for, one of the two arms gathering the energies and was about to throw the spear when a slight shake came out from it.

My spear shook, and my own soul shook with it. that wasn't bizarre, that was a warning, clear statement of my spear.

I recalled the first moments when I learnt to do my trick, my spear guided and aided me through it. should I question it now?

Without much choice I changed my mind, I would trust my spear even if what I intended to do meant to lose my life along with it.

As far as I knew I wouldn't be able to survive this incoming attack of the two balls which the demon just threw at me, however I trusted my spear.

It was my hand to kill and my arm to shield, and it never betrayed me, so why should I betray it now?

The balls came fast towards me without much change in the shape or color of the balls, but their shining was getting brighter and brighter.

When they just neared me, I felt the slight vibrations from my spear, so I followed my feeling and directed the spear towards each ball at a time.

Miraculously, once the balls touched the spear they stopped, paused in their places for a moment before melting down and disappearing into the spear.

That was insane, I never imagined something like this to happen, however the weirdness never ceased to happen, as the old familiar bizarre feeling haunted me this time, and it came strong and vibrant like I was able to really touch it by my bare hands.

That feeling told me to keep going with my skill, which made me speechless. I still couldn't reach the perfect combination of the skill, so how should I be able to use it?

However my hesitation didn't last long as the feeling kept coming stronger and stronger, and so I decided to give it a try.

The skill needed three phases, which I was mastering perfectly by now. the minute tuning, however, wasn't perfect, or anyway near it. helplessly I intended to let my spear fall in my hand grip when I had this urge not to do so.

That was weirder, as the skill I was supposed to perform didn't need my spear to be in this position. It wasn't a trick to begin with. I sighed, I didn't know what to do except to follow my vague mysterious feeling and start the skill.

The three phases were done in no time, one after another. I mixed them based on the closest combo that generated the feeling from before. I didn't put any hopes over it, but I wouldn't lose anything from trying, after all.

The demon had lost its two balls, that scary attack it was trying to hit me with, and now it only had the shock waves which were countered by my spell. Nothing was there for me to worry about, except for the skill which I was sure of its failure.

From the ashes of my despair, the hope rose brightly to shine above me. the skill I carelessly used started to take shape, and the steps I just mixed up began to agglomerate together into one big mighty energy pulse that formed a serpent like lightning that hit towards the distant sky.

That was an amazing feeling that made me shudder from the inside I did it! this was amazing! I stood my place motionless while the waves kept coming from my staff without pause.

The sky, however, shook once the lightning serpent disappeared in it. I felt a sudden scary surge of energy that came from above, like a deity was descending from heavens to the world of mortals like me.

I felt weak, but I didn't feel danger. The most amazing thing was that I felt this weird feeling connecting me with whatever was there in the sky.

It waited for my signal, my order, my permission to fall down on whatever I chose. It was really wonderful, to feel this invincible, this powerful. I felt if I wanted the earth to crack open, then I could do that.

What was exactly that fierce skill? I now began to question myself, was it even possible for a weak person like me to obtain a skill like this?

Was it even possible for Robin to know such a skill?

I doubted that.

I glanced down over the demon, which began to coward away frightened of me. it was the only one here to really know the true limits of my skill, and it was sure of its demise I suppose as it started to desperately climb the pit in a try to escape.

As if I should let it have what it desired!

I just gave the order by my intention kill this bastard and eliminate it from the face of this world!

Once issued, the sky shook again and this time I began to see the true shape of what was clouded behind it. It was a strong, massive, so bright star that was falling from an unknown place heading straight towards the earth.

Its speed was really impressive, and in a blink of an eye it fell upon that demon like doomsday. The earth violently shook, with a mighty wave of aftershock started to hit everything in its way without mercy.

Everyone was in the reach of this wave of dust and blood, except for me. I was spared from everything except one the toll of using such a mighty skill.

My body wasn't that strong, as I suddenly understood everything. This skill wasn't supposed for mere weak players like me to learn, and that made it impossible for me to cast.

I knew why Robin kept using the skill over and over without any success, because he couldn't use it, no one could before I did.

Even I couldn't do it without the help of these two massive energy balls from the demon, plus the help of the mystic art which supported me.

Even so, my body couldn't tolerate such pressure. Even with all that help, my body couldn't deal with the recoil of the skill, which was enough to shock me out of existence and let me enter into slumber.

I lost my consciousness at the same time my thin body began to show multiple deep wounds. My armor was covered with my blood which flooded from everywhere and even began to drench the ground.

The last thing I remembered was my spear, as it moved with its own will to lie on the ground before me, turning the whole bare scorched ground into a piece of garden full of big flowers.

I couldn't recognize any flower, as once my body fell upon them I was totally covered by their petals and lost the sight of this world for a long, long time I suppose, with just a simple question in mind.

What the hell just happened to me here?!!!

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