Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 220: A Ground Breaking Battle

Chapter 220: A Ground Breaking Battle

The spear hit the walls, causing the whole world to go silent for a few moments that seemed so long and sacred, the whole world was worshipping my hit, as if the walls there were an act of felony against nature, against the world, against humans, against me.


It started with a muffled voice, like a small explosion happened many layers beneath the ground, then it was followed by a very loud, extremely violent sound that trembled even the air itself. The lights coming from the sky diminished under the light generated by my spear, as if it turned the world upside down, the sky darkened turning into a piece of land in the night, and the ground lightened up so brightly to rival the sunny skies or even the sun itself.

Everything started to shake, the ground, the sky, the air, even the distant mountains and hills. Everything seemed to tremble before the mightiness of my spear, before the devastation that was created from this simple throw, and this was followed by a series of loud bangs that started from the place where the spear hit the walls and extended like invasion towards both sides.

The high and majestic walls, side by side with the defensive towers, started to crumble, like pieces of dry bread got stepped by a careless giant. The devastation was massive, so massive that went beyond my expectations, as I glanced with shock and thrilling emotions to the walls then to my hands where the little spear was still there.

Was I dreaming?! I doubted myself, however another explosion sounded from far, which made my body shiver. That distant creature roared, and it seemed to be agitated, challenged by my spear over its authority, and it should be.

I was afraid at first, but when I sensed the spear in my hand, and felt its eagerness to shred this creature to bits, I regained my composure. I could kill that creature and ten more, hundred more, even thousands more if needed, with just a simple spear in my hand.

Was this the true power of the artifacts? Was my prison that powerful? I suddenly understood what my enemies were thinking of, and why they were so desperate to get rid of me before I became more powerful.

Damn them, I had already become this powerful, who could stop in my face now? that stupid lizard? I glanced with no interest towards the creature, as it fanned its wings aggressively and began to rise up the sky. It planned to hit me directly, get rid of this threat which made its own heart tremble of fear, however I didn't even give it more than single glance, as all I did next was to throw my spear lightly like that, like throwing a rock into a lake, and even didn't bother to check the results of that attack.

I already knew what would happen to that lizard, no force in this world could stop my spear from coming through, only artifacts could do it, and no one here had such a thing, except for me.

The hit came swiftly as a loud bang happened, not as devastating like the first one, but it was vigorous indeed. The walls below me were now in ruins, and the road to the castle was wide opened.

However I was sure whoever lived and controlled this castle wouldn't let me get there that easily. Once the walls got down, and even before the rubble settled, and after the elimination of that creature, dozens more of the same creature species appeared, forming a grand welcoming party for me, an alarming presence for anyone else.

"Listen to me," I totally ignored those lizards as I turned to look back, towards the growing armies of players as I shouted at them. "I'm Agatha, and I'm here to get rid of this tyrannical castle. I will handle anything dangerous, and you get yourself busy dealing with the demons. Stay away from the scope of my spear, or I can't guarantee your safety."

My words were meant for propaganda, nothing more. I could easily tear apart this castle, kill everything that popped up from it, but where would be the fun in that? I needed to make myself a hero, not just some passerby who couldn't leave a mark inside those players' souls.

Many of these players are in fact my enemies, and no matter I did they wouldn't acknowledge my help, and if a change presented itself they wouldn't hesitate to stab me in the back.

I wasn't targeting them from the start, a fool would live and die as one, like a scum. Whom I wanted were those who came outside the nobles circle, those like me and my group, those free players who had no loyalty to anyone, as their swords were only for themselves, and themselves alone.

I wanted them, wanted their support and their swords to be mine. I knew this would be a hard task, a long time needed to be done, but it was worth the effort.

This was just my first step, as these players wouldn't be allured by money or prestige, or else nobles could have found their ways into their hearts a long time ago before me. the only way to obtain their loyalty was to gain their trust and admiration, and what I was doing right now was a crucial step towards that.

I turned to look towards those lizards again, as during my little talks they advanced, in a strong motion, aiming for my life. I didn't play safe, as I led my balloon to advance, heroically, in front of everyone's eyes, straight towards those creatures.

At the same time, the castle doors were widely opened, as legions above legions of demons started to appear. For me, they were just walking pearls that needed harvesting, and I had a moment of regret, as all this wealth would end up in others hands, while I was doing all the hard work.

However eyeing my grand prize, I swallowed that bitterness in the heart and focused again towards those lizards. I had to let those players have their share in this victory, or else how could I gain their trust? Brothers in arms, that was one of the highest honors any soldiers would share together, just like sharing food and drinks with one another.

My spear wasn't delayed by my own thoughts, as it started to claim the creatures' lives one after another, smoothly like it was cutting wild weeds. The painful, dying roars of these lizards came mixed with the brutal explosions happened by my spear, to fill the whole space and let everyone here, no matter his loyalty lied, or what he was doing, to be always attracted to my battle, with uncountable eyes sticking over me.

I didn't mind that, I even hoped this moment would be longer, but the lizards that stopped between me and the castle were just this few, and after killing them nothing else remained, nothing but the castle in sight.

"It's your turn now baby," I muttered as I flighted my balloon towards the castle, while an endless stream of players came like a flood heading towards the castle, killing all the demons they met on their path.

The fight on the ground was more heated and exciting than what I was having on my side, until I just reached the outskirts of the castle, where the defensive towers started to rain their fire over me.

I wasn't surprised, but what was surprising were these fires, which couldn't be stopped easily, and by their rapid speed, evading them was something tedious, even for me.

Things didn't stop there, as suddenly more than a hundred creatures appeared, not alone this time, as they had other bizarre things accompanying them.

"Are these the defensive towers?"

I blurted out in disbelief, as those dark things flying side by side with the creatures were the same towers which were firing at me, this time they became on the same level as mine, and the firing distance between us got worriedly shortened!

"If you are going all out, then I have no excuse to not do the same."

I muttered with a smile that didn't suit this situation, that was least to be described as desperate. Everyone on the ground felt sorry for me, as I had put myself in this risk, cutting any routes for retreat, putting myself in danger without any hope for emerging safely.

Even being victorious was now considered a fairy dream, a child's wishes, a thing of the past.

I was destined to render them speechless, make them more awed, in a way I would never do it better myself.

The way to safety was simply by using another artifact, the shield. I thought at first that I wouldn't be in need of it, but now I renege on my previous assumptions, as they were all wrong. I needed the shield now more than ever, as it was the only thing that could secure my life and make sure I wouldn't lose anything I hardly gained.

The shield wasn't like the spear, as it was big, even bigger than my size, and it was heavy, heavier than my own weight. I felt like I was holding a grown up man, full of arms, not a simple shield like this.

I gritted my teeth, as I had no way to waste my precious seconds trying to adapt to this shield. I had to defend first, then think of how I would stabilize my body later on, so I clenched my teeth, put away my spear artifact for a moment, and grabbed that shield with both hands as I moaned loudly while lifting it up.

The higher it went, the heavier it became, until I felt I was holding a mountain with my bare hands, any more and I would lose my hands for sure.

Just as I reached my limit, I sensed a faint tremble over the shield's surface, covered with thick layered unknown ore, and it started to shine. Light was the fastest thing on earth, and now the light was the fastest and the sturdiest thing here.

No matter what or where the light reached, any attack was negated, no matter it was a demons' attack, creatures' attack, players' attack, or even the defensive towers attack, all were humbled in front of my beams of light, like spoiled kids facing their parents.

The world ushered in light, swarmed with strange silence and quietness that made the scene quite amazing.

As marvelous it was, I didn't get distracted as I tried to held the shield by one hand, leaning it on the balloon's border, which got smashed under its heavy weight, even driving the balloon to swing from side to side, and by the other hand I grabbed my spear, and without any delay threw it towards the front.

I feared for my shield to negate its effect too, but I was mistaken. It seemed the two recognized each other, as being servants to the same master, and thus the shield didn't stop in front the path of the spear, which now was really omnipotent, with no power on these lands to stop it, not even the sturdy walls of this mighty castle.

My victory was already grasped in my hands, and nothing would stop me from seeing it through, not even a miracle, if such a thing even existed.

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