Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 222: Meeting Richard and Nina

Chapter 222: Meeting Richard and Nina

My wait, however, took longer than I expected, and so I became quite impatient after the passage of the first hour. When the second hour passed, I loudly declared:

"You, you, you, you, and you, come here to meet, as for the rest of you who wasn't chosen by me, go back and wait as much as you like for your info. If, which is unlikely, you want to make a deal with me, then you can come again and I will warmly welcome you."

My words were direct, unpredictable, and shocking to most. As for those I selected, they were the bunch of the lonely players who, despite being pushed far by the groups and guilds here, didn't leave. Some of them left already, feeling it was hopeless to speak with me, however their ill trust in me made them lose this opportunity, which would never come easily like this ever again.

"What are you glaring at me for? Go back and don't waste our time."

I waved my hand towards them, in a rude manner, but they didn't move until I took out my spear artifact again. The unique nature of my spear was already engraved in everyone's memory, so once they saw it they didn't cling to any pride or false ego, as they all left, all but the ones I selected.

"Come here, I won't bite," I said when I noticed the hesitation over their faces, even some fear. They should feel like that, if I was such a maniac person, if I was like my ancestor, that witch.

I put away the artifact that scared them, and replaced it with my usual spear. The presence of my spear had worked its magic, as the fear was gone and they started to move towards me without delay.

"May I introduce myself," a tall, well built man stood in front of his balloon, which was the only one here above my own rank.

"And you are?" I asked, faking no interest in his handsome face or sweet strong voice.

"I'm Richard, the leader of a rogue group in the world numbered 1267445."

His voice was so entrancing, that I had to look at anything else to distract myself. I felt my breath get shortened for a moment, and that made me feel weird, it was exciting but weird.

"Sorry, I'm not familiar with the game numerical system, or know what rogue groups even mean."

My words were met by his sweet smile, as the boot he was on stopped a few meters away from me.

"My game started three years ago, and right now I hold a good territory inside it, a mansion by my name and a prestigious fort in this sacred land."

I didn't know why, I waited for him to continue his words, like saying: and I'm here to be betrothed to you, or something like this, but he didn't. I held my laugh hardly as I said:

"That's good, what does a rogue group mean?"

I was much interested in this more than the info he just mentioned. It seemed he was, like all others here, oblivious to my true identity, which made me picture his sweet face reaction once he learnt about it, that was really a moment not to be missed.

"This is some sort of our, common players I mean, way to bend the rules and create groups like the official adventure group."

Although I understood it was like a fake group, that was very good news to me. I needed to gather around all those scattered players from different game worlds, as I didn't recall, was it five or ten or more worlds?

If it was five, then those present here would suffice. If it was more, then I needed to find others then.

"That's a good way to find your way amidst a world controlled by nobles," I said as I smiled, "if we have future cooperation, then I can promise you that your footing will be deeper and much stronger than now."

"Richard, stop the nonsense already!"

Suddenly his female voice came, strong and loud enough for the two of us to notice her and turn to look at her. She was a magician, fine magician if I had to tell, with a long thin staff in her hand, leaning on it like it was a walking stick and not a war staff.

"What's wrong Nina?"

"You forgot to tell her you are married, not once but thrice," she said with a wide smile that held mockery more than the weight of her balloon, which was the same as mine.

"You" He seemed very angered by her words, which made me release my laugh finally. I laughed wholeheartedly, as this man here was a womanizer, and from all the women out there he picked me to flirt with, what a moron with sad luck.

"Humph," he angrily harrumphed, as he glanced at me then at Nina while saying, ``for your knowledge I respect her like my own sister, she is even at her own age now."

"Sister?!" Nina replied with a sneer before adding, "I never heard of you having a sister, when did that happen? In your dreams?"

This time I couldn't control myself from laughing loudly that even my entire body trembled. He looked, in an embarrassed way, to me as he wanted to apologize or say anything, but I pointed to him with my hand to stop before I controlled my laughter and said:

"It's alright, I'm already betrothed to someone."

"See? Even married women didn't escape from your hands."

Nina was funny, as she stopped her balloon beside his. Richard didn't say much more, while he left the stage for Nina who introduced herself:

"Hi sis, I'm Nina, I'll be in your care from now on."

I smiled warmly to her as I felt we would end up being good friends. "Hi Nina, tell me, are you from the same world as him?"

I asked as they both seemed familiar, very familiar with each other, but she shook her head while saying:

"No, my little sister is, as he flirted with her many times before until she told me and I taught him a lesson."

"What do you say?" Richard angrily yelled as he couldn't take this anymore.

"What?! Do you want me to teach you another lesson again?" she calmly said, like beating him up wasn't the big deal at all.

"Without your rank, you wouldn't be able to be this big in front of me," he proudly said, refusing to be beaten this bad. Nina didn't say anything more to him, as she turned to look at me while saying:

"Don't mind him, he is big in everything but his mind is this small, but he is a good person, very nice actually, also loyal."

"Are you talking about your dog?" I jokingly asked, which made her open her eyes wide before she burst into laughter, while he glared angrily at me, but he couldn't say a word.

"Sorry, forgive me, I just felt the urge to say that."


He only replied like this. He was so cute, when he was angry he was like a big little kid, I liked teasing him.

"Tell me, from which world are you from?" I asked.

"I'm three years earlier than him, meaning four years from now. what about you?" she asked with interest, even Richard and the three approaching balloon owners were listening keenly to my reply, as I said:

"I just entered the game this year."

"C'mon, you can't be serious!" Richard said, letting go all of his anger like it wasn't there.

"I'm, I just joined the game for no more than a month."

Honestly, when I heard myself saying that I felt weird. It felt like ages, not just one month. All this happened in this short duration, what an epic journey it was!

"Really?" Nina said in a surprise tone that seemed not like a surprise at all, "so you must be familiar with that spear girl, the one which attacked some guilds and embarrassed them," she added while her eyes were sharp, very sharp.

Unconsciously, I prepared the shield artifact in my mind, so at the least suspicious move I would summon it to defend me.

"Yes, the one who is the fiance of the crown prince," I replied.

"Yes, she is, do you know her?" Nina asked, with her poker face that showed nothing to me. I couldn't tell if she was going to explode in my face or be the nice funny girl from earlier.

"Yes, it's me," I said, sharpening my instincts, ready for any battle. The situation kept this tense, which was felt even by the approaching players, for quite heavy moments. During which none of us even spoke a word.

"Really?" she asked, "are you sure you are this girl?" she stressed.

"Yes," I simply replied, without adding any more words.

"Good," she blankly said, "I wanted to meet you a long time ago."

"Long time ago? for what?" I asked, without lowering my guard for even a moment.

"Because Shin was my love, the one I used to dream lying in bed with, and now he left me and joined the stupid server you are at, because of you. Tell me, where is he now?" she suddenly threw these bombing words, that made me unconsciously shudder. I hardly crossed that black hole event of my life, and now I was forced, without my wishes, to go back and be thrown into it again.

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