Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 228: One Meeting before Leaving

Chapter 228: One Meeting before Leaving

At the end of the stressful battle we just had, everyone finally had his or her moment of peace, and I had no excuse to push on them right now. times of war were abundant, but times of peace were rare, extremely precious.

"Order everyone to camp and rest here," I said to my three advisors, "and fetch for my group leaders and my new subordinates' leaders as well. We have to organize a meeting."

"Now?" Gen asked in surprise, as he thought we would take a period of rest before we think of what we should do next, but he was mistaken.

"Time awaits no one. We need to rest, our players are, but for their leaders, like us, rest is an extravagant luxury none of us can enjoy."

I sighed, as the grueling life of those in power was something I was trained to do since I was young, so I was acting, as usual, in a natural way when I was in a position to rule, like now.

My subjects, my followers, my players, were just norms, people who just had some ambitions to achieve. I realized that I was different, and to succeed I had to shape them to be like me, a workaholic, always thinking of what to do next.

I didn't wait for long, and during my wait for them to come, some demons started to attack my army. I didn't order my players to move, as they had earned this moment of rest preciously with their utmost efforts, so I just ordered my demons to sweep the place clean.

It wasn't practical to order the demons to patrol, as they were uncontrollable, but moving them back and forth every now and then was enough to keep any harassment away from my resting players.

In less than ten minutes, I saw the balloons coming again towards me, also my own was now welcoming my top players one after another. This wasn't just a simple meeting about this layer, or to just get everyone to know each other, it was a meeting for the future.

I had some feeling that I had to return to the game world sooner than I planned, so I would prefer to avoid any unneeded battles, go straight up towards the next layers and claim it.

Staying here, waiting for my players' army to keep track of us was impossible. Players were fast, but comparing them with the speed of my balloons was injustice to them.

So, I had a simple idea in mind, which I intended to explain right now.

"Hi princess, you are really full of surprises."

Nina was the first to come, with a face full of eagerness to speak and chat. I just chuckled, as I didn't mind having one more sister, as the first was reserved for Lady Nada, and the second spot was for Diana.

I smiled, warmly welcoming her on board of my balloon, as I intended it to be the place of our discussions.

"I'm an open book, girl," I chuckled as she moved to hug me and I hugged her in return. She chuckled loudly and even laughed shortly before she moved away and looked into my eyes with a playful look. "Yes, you are an open book, totally opened."

She winked, and I didn't get her joke that she smiled on it like it was so funny. I just smiled back as she moved her eyes around, before muttering:

"Sweet girl, you have many awesome looking boys here."

This time I understood her, and that made me laugh, embarrassedly, as I truly loved the presence of good looking, handsome boys around, how could I deny it then?

"See? Busted, now tell me," she then leaned to me, that even her head was about to hit mine, "tell me whose is your favourite?"

I couldn't hold my laughter back, even when I raised my hand to my mouth in a try to hide my wide opened jaws and bright to be seen teeth.

"So far?" I asked in a playful tone as well, arousing her interest to the peak, as I delayed my response before whispering, "none so far."

"Really?" she asked with doubt, as she looked toward Rog while gesturing with her eyes, "not even this hot assassin? I heard the boys speak, you value him dearly, even you granted him a mystic art medallion, right?"

I didn't speak, but it seemed my cheeks blushed and exposed me to her. She raised her finger to my face as she danced it up and down, like she found a great treasure. "See? C'mon, tell me, tell me all."

I looked away, embarrassedly, as I muttered, "not now," then I looked to the players around us, closely watching the two gossiping girls, "they are so close."

"hahaha, you are such a cautious girl, and you sure should be, as it seems he isn't the only one, right?"

She winked again, this girl just loved winking and speaking dirty things it seemed. Though I was embarrassed by her topics of interest, she didn't get me bored or overly annoyed. She passed the test, she could be my friend and little sister for sure.

We didn't have time to chat, or gossip, as the other balloons just arrived. Richard, Rendy, and Randy just came on board, glancing at the two of us, standing so near and whispering, in what seemed like a little conspiracy, girls' conspiracy that they had no interest in.

"Welcome all of you," I tried to jump over this awkward moment, as I moved to stand in front of them, with Nina just closely following with a silly smile over her face.

"It's our honor to respond to your call, princess," Richard was the one to reply, first, as he slightly bowed his head, expressing how affected he was, and how much he respected me.

I forgot they never saw me summon demons before, and so their looks of affection that I could clearly notice in their eyes were logical.

"Let's start our little, important meeting," I said, attracting their attention, not only the four of them but every player on my balloon.

"Isn't it a meeting to arrange the camp?" Nina moved from my side, to stand in front of me, eyeing me in a weird look that made me quite helpless. As expected, their vision was only focused on things underneath them, not on the horizon, not like me, and they were lucky to have me.

"No," I firmly shook my head, "I want all of you to listen, listen very well to my words. I intend to divide our move into two."

"Are you dividing the army to control this region fast?" Rendy hurried to ask.

"No," I shook my head again.

"What do you plan to do with half of the army then?" Richard asked, with his wise tone.

"Sigh!" I helplessly sighed, "I never said I was going to divide the army." Before anyone else interfered with the unneeded comment, I hurriedly explained, "I want to divide our motion into two, one is this huge army, and one is composed entirely of balloons."

My words rendered them speechless for quite satisfying moments, before Gen asked:

"Do you want to hastily control a higher level layer?"

Finally! Someone had gotten my idea at last!

"Sure, that's my intention," I said, "I have something, very important things, back in my game world. I need to move from here fast, but I have to conquer layer five first, establish a territory for us there, so we can start from there at any time."

They looked at me, like they were looking at a crazy person. I sighed, they just couldn't understand how dangerous staying here was, especially when I already had a way to amass many players and recruit endless demons under my service.

"Listen," I said, after a long deep breath, "I know you might have your reservations, but my decision is final. We are here not to discuss it, but to discuss who will stay here and lead this huge army, and who will come with me and help me rule over a castle or a fort at layer five."

Once I expressed my thoughts, a low storm of whispers aroused, before Rody led the players from my group to speak:

"We will follow your steps, princess."

"Me too," Diana said.

"And me for sure," Gen said.

I looked at Gen, lost in thoughts. I knew this swordsman and the remaining of his team were loyal, so loyal to me. they had lived through hell and ordeals with me, but again I needed men to stand here, men I could trust, and again I needed men like them with me, men I could spare, control my castle and guard my territory until I returned again.

This was a dilemma, who would go and who would stay

"Gen," I finally made up my mind, "select ten of your best players, and come with me. As for the rest, all those who came with me from my game world would come with me, and the rest I will leave here," I then turned to the newly acquaintances of mine, asking in silent eyes about their stand.

They now understood the meaning behind this meeting. I had my own plans for my own private forces, but theirs I didn't step in their own businesses, though I had the right to do so. I preferred to keep their dignity, not arouse their upset against me for something so negligent like this. They understood, and apparently they appreciated it.

"I will come with you, sister," Nina said, "it will be a fun thing to do," she added, with a playful tone, like she was going on vacation, or running away for a boy.

I smiled, helplessly sighing inside me, without the need to say anything more, the rest nodded, as they planned to stay here, leading the army, enjoying the free benefits of this new reinforcements.

"What about the demon army? will you take or leave it?" Randy suddenly asked.

"I won't take it with me," I simply replied, "but leaving it here wouldn't be wise, as there is no one here to order them," I added.

"You can teach me how to control them then," he said, before he obviated, "I just want not to lose all these powerful demons."

He wasn't convincing, not to me, not to anyone. I recalled he didn't give me a good impression from before, and now he raised the alarming suspicion towards him.

"No, unfortunately you, or any of you, can do that," I faked my sorry, "I will release them, to clear the way from here to Layer four. They won't be of much help, but at least they will relieve a lot of pressure."

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