Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 238: Facing Two Arrogant Mystic Art Masters

Chapter 238: Facing Two Arrogant Mystic Art Masters

I watched the empty space created by my spear in satisfaction, before nodding as I had achieved what I aspired for. My newly recruited, hastily gathered, low moral army changed, transformed into a fanatic believing army, players who would fight and die for me without any hesitation or fear.

How could they be afraid of any enemy when I was their greatest fear and admiration? Moral soared to the heavens, and I was content by this.

"Listen up, you will hold the castle until my army reaches here."

I said, as I intended to go at any moment of notice, to rescue my army. I already knew this battle would be long, chaotic one, so for an army supporting me to come here, all the way through all this ocean of players, they would be annihilated many times already.

So, I needed this new army of mine to buy me time, as when my other army requested aid, I would definitely move to their aid without hesitation or doubt.

My newly recruited players were silent, didn't respond back in words, as they thought I was testing them, and for sure I was. I stood in my place, relaxed, without any stress of any kind. I had already secured this castle, triumphed over that nasty defendor of it, and now what remained was to stomp upon these flies, and declare my right to own this place.

As I thought from before, the position of this castle was rather unique. No army could come here without being spotted. Just as I watched the incoming armies of players, many of my newly recruited ones moved in different directions, like they were chaotically scared.

I was about to yell at them, stop their retreat, and order them, harshly, to return to their posts, when I noticed something else. They weren't retreating, as part headed towards the crumbled walls and started to repair them, using the pieces of ores, smashed under my mighty battle with the guardian from before, and trying to amend the deep wounds in the walls.

As for the other part, they headed towards those huge towers, and I watched them in curiosity. Did they know how to operate them? if so, then our odds had already soared by thresholds, even without me taking part in any fight.

My hunch was on the mark, as they started to operate the towers, starting a massive attack on the incoming enemies. The towers were, mostly, intact, and they had a clear great range of offense, so their first wave of attacks rendered many players dead in no time.

I watched, feeling some pride in myself, as my towers kept raining spells over the players. it seemed there was an imaginary line, after it no player could manage to set foot without dying.

As the ground approach was halted like this, I noticed the approach of many balloons, numbered in thousands, trying to approach the castle from above, overcoming the defensive towers, as I did long time ago with that nasty castle.

'Interesting,' I muttered to myself, as this strategy of mine was brilliantly copied, and was now used to attack me, how ironic!

I just giggled, before I pointed my spear artifact, and started to rain thunder over their faces. Each balloon couldn't withstand one hit from my spear, disintegrated into ash, along with players within.

Equipment started to rain down the ocean of players on the ground, like it was a festival day. I kept attacking the balloons until less than one third of them retreated, with fear in their hearts. I was pretty sure they wouldn't try this little trick over me again, as they now knew the consequences for that.

I had to admit to myself, this oppressive feeling of being so mighty would be missed greatly when I returned to the game. there I couldn't use any artifact, as these artifacts were bound to operate only in the sacred lands, not inside the game.

The feeling of returning into that chaotic stressful competition with other players, with many odds against me, wasn't the best feeling ever. But, I knew I had to endure, bid my time there, and try to do my best.

I had many tasks being delayed by my trip here, besides the addition of my greatest enemies, those anti-witch groups, I was sure the early days after returning wouldn't be nice at all.

I sighed, why did my life have to move from this good to that bad?

I couldn't change the rules of the game, but all I could hope for was my performance here would be admired by my master, and he might give me a hand there. Also Lady Nada must be proud when the news reached her ears, and my blacksmith life would gain a tremendous boost, or that what I hoped.

After the destruction of most of the balloons, the greedy players couldn't find any way to invade here except for going straight up against me, so the rate of attacks increased, and with the new added players to the charge, they managed to outnumber the defensive abilities of my towers.

Just as they were approaching my walls, which were now showing signs of recovery, endless skills were used, raining down from my newly recruited army over the heads of my enemies.

I could swear I heard the curses of those enemies from my place, as the appearance of my new army was so sudden, as they thought I was alone.

I just giggled, as the hardships they had to conquer increased by folds. Now, even if they managed to escape the devastation caused by my defensive towers, they wouldn't be able to set their path freely towards my castle without facing another stubborn attack by my army.

And thus, this castle, these towers, those players in my army, and this huge mountain had turned the place into a meat grinder, able to kill any number of players no matter what.

With time, it seemed players started to lose hope, as my enemies showed signs of decreasing the intensity of their assault over my castle. I found that logical, as they were stressed greatly by the massacre that was going in front of their eyes, without any signs of breaking through.

Hope was a tricky thing, as it was gained hardly, and lost easily. Once hope was lost, cause was lost with it, and so defeat would come.

I stood motionless, observing the fervent fighting beneath me, with readiness to interact at any given moment. I was ready to interfere if the situation demanded, and when I was about to lower my guard after hours of continuous killing, a sudden change appeared in the battlefield.

There was a sudden roar coming from the sky, followed by the appearance of two small dots coming from far. They weren't using balloons, as the two were flying over to me. they were players, highly ranked players at least. I felt some threat coming from them, and me feeling this threat in this place with all my might, was something disturbing and strange.

My attention was shifted, from the whole battlefield towards these two. they were moving here fast, and in a few minutes they managed to cross a huge distance, to stand with pride and arrogance, just near my castle, on a higher level than my balloon, like they were just looking down at me.

"Oh, it's a small fry then," the female player said, while she brandished her sword, strangely shaped with irregular edges like a saw, not a sword.

"Aha, I thought I would face a master, but ended up only facing a mere disciple," the male said, while putting his huge broadsword over his shoulder. The two were speaking to each other as if I didn't exist, as if they had already kicked me out of here and this was now their place.

This attitude irritated me, as now I wasn't that weakling back in the game. I wasn't forced to lower my head anymore, or accept any injustice or harsh, offensive words and attitude.

So, I didn't speak until I got out my shield, put it on the balloon, while looking towards the two in disregard, as if they were nothing, the same way they were looking back at me from the start.

"Oh Will, look, the little kitty wants to play with us, hahaha," the female swordsman spoke and laughed on her silly words like it was a very funny joke. The berserker, named Will, took off his huge sword from his shoulder, pointed it towards me before saying in an arrogant, irritating tone:

"Hey kid, just give up, we are both masters, mystic art masters. If you don't want to be cursed for your entire life, after we kick you're a** from here, then surrender the castle peacefully, and we might consider giving you a gift."

"Listen up you two jerks," I replied instantly, without the need to hide my upset or being polite to these two bastards, "this is my castle, my own gaining. If you want to claim something, have the strength first before coming here and say these empty bullshit words!"

"Y-You!" The female swordsman trembled, from extreme anger, as she was offended by my words, but that Willy was calmer, more collected than her. He just sneered, as he replied:

"And who is going to prevent us from taking this castle from you? Your pathetic master?"

I glared back at him, as I knew I was facing not just one master, but two. I already knew how hard it was to face two monsters like them, but this might be the case if we were back in the game world.

But here? Here was my turf, my playground, this was the place where I set the rules, not anyone else. So, I sneered back, then laughed loudly, mocking the two of them, then said:

"My master is too high for some weak ants like you to come and take care of things here. I will face you off, and I promise you I will conquer, break your damn arrogance, and record every single bit of this battle and announce it to the whole world, so everyone would know how weak, pathetic, and stupid you are!"

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