Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 246: Venerable Mystic Art Masters

Chapter 246: Venerable Mystic Art Masters

The moment I thought about it, the area around me stirred in an ominous aura, forming a huge spherical tornado like phenomenon. The sudden appearance of this aura with the phenomenon alerted all the masters around me, but my master calmed them down, saying it was my doing.

The spherical shaped tornado started to expand, fast, to cover a huge area in the space in front of me. my master muttered something I didn't hear, and a huge platform made of special sturdy looking ore appeared just underneath all this.

The place around me was made of the same material the courtroom was made of, so they wouldn't withstand the demon I was summoning here. My master did give me a hand here, and I appreciated all his support and care.

In less than a minute, the whole world calmed down, as a huge demon appeared, with three eyes in its forehead, with four artifacts in its arms, one was that mighty dreadful sword of calibre.

Once appeared, every master around me took out one artifact at least, preparing for a battle. This was a natural response to the summoning of my demon, which landed smoothly on the platform summoned by the master, and it looked me in the eye.

"It seems I lost to you, witch descendant," it said, in a regretful tone that wasn't suited to its huge domineering existence.

"Don't be like this, after all you weren't supposed to win," I chuckled, as this demon which stirred this fear into the souls of everyone around me, was my pet now.

"Tell me, did you summon me to deal with those ants?" he said, in disdain, while glancing at the masters around me.

"No, they are my friends," I replied instantly, for fear this demon might act on a whim and cause a severe problem.

"So, who is your enemy? Point at him and I will make him disappear in a minute," it said, in a strong sense of confidence, and complete utter arrogance that I liked.

"No, there is no enemy here, I just summoned you to say hello," I said, enjoying the funny reaction on this demon's face.

"Are you sure?" it said, trying to make sure of what it just heard. I just nodded, before a sound of alarm echoed in the whole place around me, accompanied by a ruckus from everywhere, as many masters, disciples, and guardians ran to here, hurriedly, in preparations to fight.

"Hold your arms, this isn't an intrusion," my master shouted, with a very loud and clearly audible voice, stopping everyone in their tracks.

They all looked at him, then towards my demon, then at me, as the demon seemed obviously speaking to me, in a calm manner they never experienced from demons before.

"You know it's a crime bringing these filthy creatures into our own turf, master Sam!"

Suddenly, this voice came like a soft whisper, from high up above me. I looked up to feel the presence of a mighty force descending upon me, binding me in place, as if I had to move a muscle I would be instantly crushed by it.

"Do you want to die?" my demon said, as it was also subjected to the same sheer force like me.

"They are here," my master simply whispered to me, "remove your pet before they kill it," he added, in sincere advice.

'Return the demon,' I thought, and the same sphere made of the ominous aura reappeared again, overing my demon, which bellowed with its angry voice:

"Don't return me, I want to teach these ants a lesson, don't send me back, let me be here, let me fight them."

I just chuckled and felt great pride in having such a strong and courageous demon. "Don't be upset, the time for you to fight would come sooner or later. Just rest inside and be prepared for a fight at any time," I said to it, in an attempt to south its wrath.

It disappeared rapidly, without having a chance to say a word. As it vanished, the sounds of alarms vanished as well, and ten humans appeared, out of nowhere, standing on the air, surrounding the place my demon was just at a moment ago.

"Tsk, we came all the way here for nothing then," one of the venerable masters said, in a dejected tone.

"Don't feel this bad, after all it seems we were summoned for another purpose," another venerable master said, while setting his gaze upon me.

"Hey you, little disciple, did you summon that stupid animal? Just send it back so we can teach this arrogant idiot a lesson, and might kill it in the process," a female venerable master said, making me quite speechless. Hey lady, this is my pet, which I paid too much sweat just to capture! it's not meant for you to kill!

"Sorry to interrupt you, venerable masters," my master stepped in, greeting the venerable masters in front of me, bowing his head, and cubbing his hand in a move everyone around me did, so I also did the same.

"Sam, I always saw greatness and wisdom in you, what happened for you to act this foolish, and summon us in such a way?" another venerable master said, with some upset in his face.

"It's a matter of injustice that I can't stand by and watch without dealing with," my master said, without raising his head yet, "my disciple was schemed by an elder here, a judge, who is now trying to expel her, and take what she had earned with her bittersweet," my master added, in words that made my face blush.

"You mean by disciple to be this one next to you? The one who summoned that animal?" The female venerable master said, before pointing to me, "hey little girl, take your animal out, I want to have some morning sport on him, and I might kill it accidently in the process," she again said, which made me not know what to say to her.

She was insane, childish and insane! How could she be such a venerable master?

"Camilia, c'mon," another master said, "let's just share it, it's rare now to find a suitable sport for us," he also was a mad person, it seemed all of them were.

"What happened Sam?" one of them finally was sane enough not to participate in this silly, let's sport on this animal of mine and accidently kill it, game!

"It's Terik, he plotted against my disciple, and wanted to claim the fifth layered heart castle to his own," my master said.

"What did you say?" Camilia, that beautiful female venerable master, who was so fixated on killing my demon, asked with some surprise in her tone.

"Did you say the heart castle of the fifth layer was breached finally by us?" another venerable master asked, with much more surprise in his tone.

I knew this castle was so hard to acquire, but I thought for venerable masters like them it was a piece of cake. I didn't imagine they might see this as surprising.

"Who did it? this disciple of yours?" another venerable master asked.

"Yes, she just conquered it and returned here, but she was welcomed with a court trial, instead of being honored," my master said, in a very calm tone.

"Terik did this?" venerable master asked.

"Yes, master, he did it, and I couldn't stop him alone," my master said, twisting some facts around, but that Terik deserved it.

The venerable masters didn't say anything, as they stood silently there, and they were watching me, that was what I thought.

"Terik, come forth now," one of the venerable masters simply said, in a low tone that was hardly heard. I doubted that Terik would even hear it, but strangely he appeared the moment he was called upon.


That once arrogant and full of himself snake was now standing in front of the venerable masters, shaking of fear. I wasn't worried anymore, as I was confident in my ability to get out of here safely, with the support of my master.

"Tell us, Terik, one of our elders and judges, what is this all about?" one of the venerable masters said, calmly, a calm that preceded the storm.

"It's a simple matter that I was trying to get the truth of it, but Sam here made it a big deal already," Terik said, trying to evade the answer.

"Just answer the question properly, and let the judges be called by us!"

"It's one of my disciples, came to me complaining he was robbed by Sam's disciple," Terik said, and paused at this point.

"What did she rob from him?" a venerable master asked.

"The castle," Terick replied, "the fifth layer castle," he added, neglecting the most important word.

"Do you refer to the heart castle of the fifth layer?" a venerable master asked.

"I-I don't know, I didn't have the chance to get any answer from her," Terick said, stuttering in his speech for a moment.

"But your disciple knew what this castle was and what its identity was, right?" one of the venerable masters said.

"If he is as if he presumed, then he must know the identity of the castle, and you as a judge and elder here appointed by us, have all the needed access to review the reports coming from the sacred land under the question," another venerable master said.

"So, Terik, did you go and check what your disciple claimed?" another venerable master said, in a very domineering way.

Terik couldn't speak, as he was already thrown into the abyss the moment I managed to summon the venerable masters.

"Masters, if you may," my master said, as he pointed to me while saying, "my disciple had the demon guarding the fifth layer heart castle, and this is alone a proof for her right, and for what Terik and his disciple was shamelessly trying to do.

I don't need to say anything regarding the significance of this matter, and Terik's previous proclamations to be one of the anti-witch groups is all known to you. I only ask for justice, and to give my disciple the right she deserves."

Honestly, I didn't understand what he was talking about, but it seemed taking down that castle had much more significance than I initially thought. Apparently, the fight I was thrown into was a very complicated and fierce one.

'What the hell have I thrown myself into exactly?!!' I muttered to myself, with a total loss.

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