Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 264: The Witch's Grave

Chapter 264: The Witch's Grave

This was the first thing my demon said to me, but in fact, at this moment, while I was holding my prison in hand, that strange resonance that appeared from before got stronger, much stronger than before.

"What? What did you just say?" I asked, while my mind was trying to think about the origin of this bizarre feeling.

"This place isn't good for you," the demon said, with a sorrow look over its face, "it's the grave of the witch, how did you get here?" he threw this bomb in front of my face.

So this was the witch grave, the place where my previous self got killed and buried at? Was that why I had this weird feeling?

"Just go up there and help my masters, don't reserve any of your strengths, and take this with you," I said, while throwing his own four artifacts, which he grabbed with extreme delight over his face, "thanks a lot," he said, while he moved, very rapidly, joining the battle up ahead.

As for me, I stood motionless in my place, while trying to pry over the feeling I had.

'So it's a calling, huh?' I thought when I finally understood the meaning of it. the feeling was trying to drive me to one direction, where I started to move towards. I didn't care about the heated battle up above, as I knew my demon would be enough to deal with these enemies, along with my masters.

The journey to that direction took half an hour, before I managed to reach a small hill, covered with roses all over it. the place seemed unrelated to the snowy environment here, and that made me wonder, was my previous self buried here?

I didn't delay and started climbing up the hill. There was a path leading to the top, and I used it to reach there. all along the way, from the moment I stood over this hill, I felt like there was someone hugging me, showering me with love, passion, and care.

Midway, though, one of Terick's minions reached above my place, where he evilly smiled after he managed to slip through all the fighting ongoing up there.

"Die you witch!" he screamed, directing his sword towards me. I watched the sword coming towards me in no worry at all, as I thought about taking out my shield, receiving this attack, deflecting it.

However, I wasn't able to do so. Just as I thought of taking my shield, I heard a soft sigh before a soft voice erupted in the whole world, like it came from every single place here.


This one word was said, and that master's body exploded into pieces, simply like that!

I glanced, with no emotions at all, like this was expected, towards the bloody remnants covering the roses. I watched these parts being absorbed, slowly and silently, but these roses, which seemed also natural to occur.

I had nothing in my mind except going up there, and reaching the place where the previous witch died. I had this feeling, that no matter who stood before me right now would be obliterated.

"Please remove all of my enemies, kill them all!" I suddenly said so, as if there was such a force by my side, then I should use it to kill all my enemies.

"As you wish, exalted witch!"

The soft voice came again, and after this short and respected reply, all the masters fighting against my own exploded, like they were ants and were stomped upon by someone!

This sudden change disturbed everyone on my side, so I had to calm them as I said:

"Don't worry, it was me who did this."

My words were simple, but they had great weight in them. they all glanced at my direction, while I kept ascending this hill, like a victorious queen. This place wasn't any random place of sacred lands, it was the witch grave, my previous self grave.

I was sure the witch before me didn't die simply like that. She had great powers, and special abilities that made her see the future, the distant future for her reincarnation, for me.

I kept ascending, and every step taken towards the top made this mysterious feeling inside me stronger. I was like I was getting closer to my own identity, my true self, and indeed I was.

As for my masters, they were all there, standing motionless, watching me ascending to the top, while the whole world ushered under complete, strange, and scary silence.

Even the snow itself stopped falling, like the whole world was waiting for my arrival to the top of the hill and meeting my old self!

The distance remaining to the top seemed endless, yet I finally stepped on the top of the hill, screening every single thing there with expectations.

The top of the hill wasn't that large after all, as it was only a rounded place of two hundred meters radius top. In the middle of it, I found a tree growing there, so old and short that it seemed it was the origin of this whole world.

The tree had a thick trunk, with many wrinkles on it like it had ages here. it was half my height, with many small crowded green leaves, with one strange oval shaped fruit in its middle.

I could spot the fruit, and I felt some familiarity with it. It was like being part of me, lost for a long time ago, and finally being found. I walked in small steps, mesmerized by this fruit, until I finally stood in front of this tree, and took this fruit out of it.

The moment my hands touched the fruit, the whole world shook. Suddenly all the snow around me melted down, forming streams of water that started gathering in the lower parts in this world. the ground finally appeared, grey and desolate at first, then flowers started to sprout out from it.

It didn't take a few minutes for the whole world to be covered in roses, beautiful roses like those covering the hill itself. Many lakes started to be formed, and the clouds in this world dissipated, letting the sun rays fall, shining this piece of heaven.

"Wow!" I muttered with great admiration to this beauty around me. From my place I saw the whole world being covered in a thick soft blanket of very colorful roses, making the whole white world from before pale in front of this beauty.

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