Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 81: Renting Blacksmith Studio

Chapter 81: Renting Blacksmith Studio

I looked to him silently as he continued to explain:

"Oh, and about forging new equipment itself, you need to follow the design you have."

I interrupted him as I said:

"I don't have any designs."

"Oh, that's normal, as you just started the game, but don't worry as we can provide you with standard designs," he said.

"Standards designs?!" I wondered, "Are they that bad?" I asked as the name gave me a bad feeling.

"Oh, don't focus on the name, it's just a simple name," he said while waving his hand like it was nothing. I kept asking again as he didn't answer me yet.

"Can you explain what standard designs are?"

"Oh, they are simple designs unified all over this game world. any player can use them to make different kinds of equipment, with levels equal to current player level or above it by five levels maximum," he said.

"Different kinds of equipment, huh," I muttered as I thought this was already perfect.

"Oh, I forgot to mention they can't form a set," he added.

'I don't mind that,' I thought to myself, "Tell me, do I need to learn from a mentor or master or something," as I was totally expecting something like that. After all, my recent short experience with my spear master was a life changing one.

"Oh, you want a master? Unfortunately that's unavailable here, only when you make great things and have outstanding talent and use it to show how grandiose your potential is, then a master might be interested in you and ask you to be his or her apprentice. Other than this, don't put many hopes on such a thing," he said.

He really was perfect in destroying all my hopes, but I didn't blame him, after all he was only reciting the rules here. I sighed as I saw my own dream of getting the help of another mighty master flew away like butterflies.

"Oh, if you want to craft something, you need to use the aider model inside any of our special rentable studios here. 

We have different types of studios with many advantages, and all of them can provide you with aid and basic materials needed to make your standard equipment for all the time you can afford here," he added.

"How much will it cost me to rent the lowest rank studio here?" I asked as I was realistic about my demand this time. I figured out how expensive it would need to be a blacksmith, so renting such a luxurious studio with helpers and materials plus the standard design would cost a lot. 

The ten gold coins that I took from Shin appeared suddenly in mind, as I guessed what Lary's answer would be.

"It will cost you ten gold coins to rent a studio for six hours. Renting times here are six hours as the lowest, and no upper limit as long as you can pay in advance," he replied.

I didn't delay as I took out the 10 gold coins and gave it to him as I said:

"Here, I want to rent a room for 6 hours."

"Oh, how impatient you are! First it's called a studio nor a room, and second I didn't finish explaining everything to you, or do you want to go in and try by yourself?" he said in a way that made me feel stupid.

"I didn't know there was more to say, please go on and explain," I said, trying to make myself look better. He sighed as he was discontent by my rashness, but he replied nonetheless:

"Oh, listen to me carefully and I won't take much time. Although our studios are equipped with things that could help you, the real blacksmith doesn't need any of this. Make your final target here is to work without the need of our studios. 

To do so, you need to have skills, supportive skills for blacksmith lifestyle class. These skills are very rare and if you find any of them at auctions, they will be fetched with high price, very high indeed. The last thing I want to tell you about is related to all equipment you are successful to make. 

We offer any of our blacksmiths an option to buy all of their products with the basic prices set by the game itself, so if you need to sell your equipment to us, just come here and look for me. I have finished now, and you can go to your studio at once."

Lary took out a strange crystal after he finished speaking, and gave it to me while he took the 10 gold coins from my hand. 

I took the crystal and examined it, but just before I could ask anything about it, the crystal flashed with a bright light for a second, and then I found myself into a strange place, which was like a small room with a metallic table in the center of it with many options and some spaces. 

There was nothing else here except for a seat in front of this table, some decorations on the wall regarding a hammer and some blacksmiths during forging their equipment.

I walked towards the only table in this place and then grabbed the seat and sat on it. Once I sat, I heard an audible click sound, with a small window appearing out of nowhere on top of the table with many words written on it.

"Welcome blacksmith, I'm your help in the forging process. You can call me Nada. Tell me, what is your rank as a blacksmith?"

I felt comfortable talking to the owner of this voice, so I replied:

"Hi Nada, I'm Agatha. To be frank, I'm still a beginner and this is my first time actually in forging any equipment."

"Don't worry honey, everyone here started from somewhere, right? Just ease yourself and don't put any pressure, and I will try to guide you slowly till you know your stuff well," that female voice said in a way that made me feel more at ease and relaxed at once. 

She was good, if she was really a person not a program like what I believe, and if so then we could be good friends.

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