Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 90: Adventure Group Role Assignment

Chapter 90: Adventure Group Role Assignment

Lary beamed with a smile as if he had long predicted my question, so he replied instantly:

"You can figure it out yourself, do you want to rent another studio?"

I was tempted to do that, but I had other things I must attend to, so I replied:

"Maybe next time."

He just smiled back while I took my leave. Just as I left the front door and was about to open that bag, I was rained by a lot of system notifications that came without any warning. 

I was startled by all of these prompts at first, then gradually I became excited when I began to check them one by one.

'System prompt: Player Tolor wants to join your adventure group. You can approve or disapprove his request now, or postpone it to later.'

'System prompt: Player Gofrain wants to join your adventure group. You can approve or disapprove his request now, or postpone it to later.'

'System prompt: Player Rejora wants to join your adventure group. You can approve or disapprove his request now, or postpone it to later.'




'System prompt: Player Leona wants to join your adventure group. You can approve or disapprove his request now, or postpone it to later.'

'System prompt: Player Fiodir wants to join your adventure group. You can approve or disapprove his request now, or postpone it to later.'

'System prompt: Player Piokar wants to join your adventure group. You can approve or disapprove his request now, or postpone it to later.'

'System prompt: Your adventure group had over one hundred requests, so it can be officially recognized as a beta adventure group. As a result, you can assign one vice leader and ten elders maximum. 

To assign any player, you need to add him to your friend list then you can assign his role through there. Vice leader can approve or disapprove the joining requests, and also can expel, derank or uprank any player from the group. Elders can derank or uprank any player from the group.'

'System prompt: You can go to the adventure hall and assign a name for your adventure group.'

Well, my heart never beat this vibrant before, as I was really excited and surprised by this. I had one hundred, twenty two joining requests to my group. I didn't have time to waste, however I didn't approve or disapprove of any of these requests, as the first thing I did was to select my friend list, and assigned roles for everyone. 

Shin was the vice leader without doubt, as he was the one fittest for such a role. I trusted his judge and knew he wouldn't double cross me like that distasteful unreliable Respon. I threw Respon behind my back to the junkyard area in my mind, I wasn't in need for any negative thoughts right now.

'Princess, did our group exceed one hundred requests already?'

Shin didn't delay, as he immediately posted this on the team chat, which made me giggle. That cool swordsman was really hyper, if I didn't know him well, I would doubt he was stalking me, but I was sure he really was. 

He was the obvious contrast to Respon, one was addicted to me, and the other was just trying to make me his, one was using actions while the other was using words. Actions were always more effective than words, so poor Respon, you would stay in my junkyard for a long time.

'Yes, I was surprised too by that,' I replied at once.

'Does that mean our group is running?' Mony asked.

'No, we need to accept one hundred players into our group before it can be officially active,' Shin replied.

'I got a message that I can choose a name for the group, doesn't that mean it's active now?' I said.

'No princess, you must approve one hundred players first, and let's be realistic, we can't just accept anyone right now. This is the most critical breakpoint of our group, if we accepted any player without testing, we would be inflated with useless trash players. 

That would waste our time, resources, and above all it will give us a toxic false impression of power that we don't have,' Shin explained slowly, and as usual, that cool swordsman hit the mark with his opinions. I felt more ease for choosing him as my vice leader.

'I don't want any useless players in my group, so I will leave the task of filtering them to you guys. Also, I need you to rapidly raise their levels to level fifteen, and I will be responsible for supplying gears to all of them. 

Just DM me of their classes so I can forge suitable equipment for them,' I said in the chat assigning the mission of selection and training to them, while I took the task of providing gears for them.

'Can you make weapons now?' Shin asked with surprise, as I was only gone for six hours and this was my first attempt to do so.

'Yes, beginner's luck I guess,' I replied.

'No, it's our sweet princess supreme luck indeed,' Heda said, 'Can you please make some fancy equipment for me?'

'Me too,' Snad added.

'And me,' Goda said.

'Don't forget me,' Mony said.

'Me,' Grendy spoke for the first time since long requesting equipment too.

'Guys, you have already very strong equipment. She is a beginner, so she would make white grade equipment for now. Don't put high hopes and be content with what you got , and leave these trash equipment for newcomers,' Shin said in a tone that mixed seriousness and mockery. 

I knew this damn cool swordsman would never cease to irritate me, but I was in a good mood now, so I neglected his negative remarks and said:

'Shin said it right, anyway I will go back to train again and make more equipment. You go and select our new friends, and inform me with their numbers and classes, then raise all of your levels to level fifteen.'

'Do you plan to start attacking the first dungeon? It would be hard to achieve victory there,' Shin said.

'I have to; the conditions for making our group succeed are very harsh. We must not let any dungeon slip off our hands, so train well and see you in a few hours.'

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