All My Disciples Suck!

Chapter 418

Chapter 418:

418: It turned out to be a step-by-step kill

Patta, Patta!

The scarred War Hunchback Beast walked out step by step with a black blood-stained sword on its mouth .

It’s no surprise.

Although there was a sword on the mouth of the War Hunchback Beast… it was a world of cultivation, which made it very reasonable!

But… we are fighting a War Hunchabck Beast with a broken black Zanpakutō in your mouth. This is a bit of a joke, right?

“Why is this War Hunchback Beast biting a knife?”

“Hold the grass, this is Zoro the camel? Is brother Zoro possessed?”

“Did this damn developer drink too much dogblood and uses his feet to write the plot?”

“Poisonous, this game is poisonous!”

“Hold the grass! The War Hunchback Beast has a knife in its mouth. Does it think it will frighten us?”

“What about giving the War Hunchback Beast a knife? This third test player is already at the Foundation Establishment Realm! Can he still lose to a War Hunchback Beast at the Spirit Vein Realm? If he does, I’ll swim using butterfly stroke in a pond of my own dung!”

In the audience, the players were all excitedly discussing, but almost 99% of the players believed that the War Hunchback Beast in the mere Spirit Vein was absolutely impossible to win!

“Haha! With a knife in your mouth, you think you’re invincible? I’ll just stand still, if you can hurt a hair from me, you’ll be the boss!” Lose Half said disdainfully, and as soon as he said it, he pretended to be boss.


However, the sword-wielding War Hunchback Beast stomped hard, accelerated rapidly, and in just a few breaths, rushed to Lose Half!

“So fast?” Lose Half was stunned for a while, but he still didn’t care much.

“I’m at the Foundation Establishment Realm…”


Lose Half raised his hand to act like a boss, but something happened.

As a bloody arrow spewed out from the neck of Lose Half, Lose Half’s eyes widened, and then with a thud, he died.

“???” All the players in the audience were stunned.

“Hold the grass, Lose Half was killed by the War Hunchback Beast! In the first test, the weak players defeated the strong, and in the third test, the Flame coin warriors were defeated by the War Hunchback Beast? This is unreasonable!”

“Hold the grass, the War Hunchback Beast in the Spirit Vein Realm killed a player in the Foundation Establishment Realm by leaps and bounds? What’s this bullshit fight?”

“No! How could he stand still and accept the attack? Did he think he was Brother Ming!”

“Don’t you think that this War Hunchback Beast’s swordsmanship seems to be terrifying?”

“Yes, why does the War Hunchback Beast know how to use a sword?”

“The War Hunchback Beast in the Spirit Vein Realm winning at first was nothing more than a surprise! But the next players were prepared, but they still lost? What a joke!”

Many players thought about it. They thought that Lose Half in the Beginning lost due to his arrogance.

Next, the third test players who came to learn skills and confidently began to challenge!

“Hahaha, my Colored Arm has been completed, and my cultivation has reached the Spirit Vein Realm. Can I lose to the mere War Hunchback Beast?” A player laughed and raised his dark, armed right arm, full of confidence.

ID: The strongest demon END

and then…


The strongest demon END was kicked off by the three-legged War Hunchback Beast’s foot, which was covered in Colored, and died at the speed of light.

“Uzumaki Sasuke!”

“Uchiha Naruto!”

At this time, a pair of players jumped into the air, and they stood on the field handsomely, launching a new round of challenges!

“Colored Arm!” Uzumaki Sasuke raised his hand. His arms were covered in Colored Arm, skilled and natural!

“Chidori!” Uchiha Naruto raised his right hand, and with a flash of lightning, he turned into a Chidori!


However, in just one round, the two were instantly killed by the sword-wielding War Hunchback Beast!

“Those in front are all scum, look at my light-speed jabs!” Fist-resentment Gaolang leaped into the air, skillfully displayed his knowledge, avoiding the flying kick of the three-legged camel beast, and then went around to the three-legged War Hunchback Beast.

Bang Bang Bang!

Fist-resentment Gaolang raised his hand. He unleashed three punches of light speed!

As a demon player, his physical body was stronger than that of ordinary humans, and he also learned to transform demon energy into Colored Arm, so his power was even stronger!


The skin of the War Hunchback Beast was not broken. It was not even scraping!


The three-legged War Hunchback Beast kicked the Fist-resentment Gaolang into the air with a backhand kick!

“Hold the grass, the third-test players are dying so miserably?”

“This one has already killed more than 100 people!”

“Cough, cough, logically, I think these three War Hunchback Beasts are really buffed!”

The players in the audience were shocked!

At this moment, the most shocking scene happened!

“Get out of the way!”

Four tall figures stepped into the ring together.

The outfits of the four, as well as the clothes, and even the matching spirit tools, were simply incredible!

One had a huge white beard and held a magic weapon in the shape of a broadsword.

One had dyed red hair and cut off one of his own arms.

One deliberately wore a black hat and had a black beard.

The last one was to choose the Demon Race and had a huge body with a height of three meters.

The ID of the four is even more magical!

ID: Whitebeard!

ID: Red Hair!

ID: Blackbeard

ID: Kaido!

“Hold the grass, it’s the four emperors!”

“Hold the grass, the four emperors are here!”

“Oh my god, the four emperors team up to fight the War Hunchback Beast? What kind of plot is this?”

“Four emperors are on the stage, how can they still lose?”

Many players were in an uproar, and some of the first and second test players directly started the live broadcast! This live broadcast immediately caught attention on the forums.

“Oh my god, the four emperors have joined forces?”

“Fuck, a certain thief king dare write a plot like this!”

“I’m dying of laughter, pffhaha!”

The barrage was in chaos! All the Earth friends laughed and almost fainted.

However, less than ten breaths…

“How is it possible?” All the players were stunned!

The three-legged War Hunchback Beast, like an unshakable god of war, stood on a hill.

This small hill was actually made up of the corpses of four players whose IDs were the Four Emperors.

They lost!

In less than ten breaths, the four emperors joined forces and all were defeated!

“My god, the four emperors teamed up and lost?”

“Damn, this War Hunchback Beast has even destroyed the four emperors? Go and call Brother Ming for support!”


“You didn’t realize this battle. Isn’t the War Hunchback Beast too exaggerated?”

“Why do I think that the third-test players are too weak?”

“That is, the legend of the first-level Body Forging Beef Noodles killing a hundred War Hunchback Beasts in one day, have you forgotten?”

The players in the audience and the Earth friends in the live broadcast room watched in an uproar. But at this time, there were ten challengers with different auras!

“Hehe, don’t worry, this time, the War Hunchback Beast is sure to lose! Ten of us, but we got the true power of Brother Ice!” Ten players stood proudly, raising their hands!


Twenty Frost Arrows floated in unison!

This scene instantly stunned all the audience, players and Earth friends!

“Hold the grass, they are going to use infinite Frost Arrows?”

“Damn, what a shameless tactic!”

“This wave is stable, absolutely stable!”

“Yes, twenty Frost Arrows will hit them together at the same time. Slow down, and then output from a distance, you can definitely kill the War Hunchback Beast without being harmed!”

“Oh, no matter how strong the War Hunchback beast is, it will definitely lose now!”

There were still technical experts in the third test!

How could the ten-member infinite combo Frost Arrow team lose?

Tell me, how could they lose?

At this time, the gate slowly rose!

The third War Hunchback Beast that had never appeared before appeared. There were huge scars all over its body, and a War Hunchback Beast that only had a single eye walked out slowly.

“One-eyed War Hunchback Beast? Hahaha, this is not a sure win?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, with all the scars on its body, isn’t this a cripple?”

“Hey, looking at it this way, it seems that the player is bullying the War Hunchback Beast!”

Many players shook their heads when they saw it.

This War Hunchback Beast was covered in scars. Nobody knew how many tragic pasts it had gone through.

The most unfortunate thing was that it only had one eye.

How would it fight then? Wouldn’t it just die?

However, at this moment, a figure stood in the corner and suddenly frowned.

“Huh? Isn’t this the camel that I used to practice skills against for seven days, and it finally beat me to the brink of dying?” Indomitable Bear said with a bewildered expression.

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