All My Disciples Suck!

Chapter 465

Chapter 465: The Art of Destiny, Immortal Emperor Flame Dao

“SS evaluation? Double rewards?” He Yiming felt that his breathing was almost stagnant.

This wave of rewards was simply heaven-defying!

The cool He Yiming almost fainted!

The Altar of Heavenly Fire!

It was the building that nourished the Heavenly Fire. In the future, the Devil Prison Heart Flame could sleep peacefully here.

Not only that, but according to the introduction of the system, once the Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame moved in, the Heavenly Fire Altar would automatically divert the power of Heavenly Fire to the alchemy pavilion, the forging hall, and He Yiming’s sect master room.

This meant that in the future, He Yiming and the players could use the Heavenly Fire to make alchemy and use the Heavenly Fire to forge it!


Too coquettish!

Too good!

Heavenly Fire alchemy, with He Yiming’s current attainments at the level of the Great Perfection of the Azure Emperor Immortal Body in the Heavenly Pill Realm!

The highest quality of the Heaven Mending Pill was the toughest pill to refine.

Refining a top-grade pill would mean that both He Yiming and the players would have a huge breakthrough! That is a qualitative improvement!

For He Yiming, owning Heavenly Fire meantthat He Yiming could use the material of the Heavenly Pill Demon Beast, and the material of the fifth-rank monster, which was used to try to refine the existence above the earth weapon! That was the heavenly weapon!

What was a heavenly weapon!


Like Emperor Zoro’s demon sword Blood Feud, before meeting Emperor Zoro, it was enough to become a seedling of the heavenly weapon level! However, Blood Feud was a special spirit weapon, which was condensed through countless killings and the major achievement level killing intent!

But the heavenly weapon, after being successfully forged, could contain powerful martial intent power!

As for the players, whether there would be a huge breakthrough with the help of Heavenly Fire, He Yiming was not sure.

If the Heavenly Fire Altar only surprised He Yiming, then another reward made He Yiming ecstatic!

The second art of destiny, Immortal Emperor Flame Dao!

Just listen to the name, and you will know that it will fly!

After careful comprehension and study, He yiming was shocked by the horror of the Immortal Emperor Flame Dao!

The Immortal Emperor Flame Dao was a way of controlling fire that can control the Heavenly Fire and Imperial Flame!

Moreover, this time, he not only got the chapter of human, but also the chapter of emperor!

As long as the cultivation base was in place, he could control all the Heavenly Fires in the corresponding realm. Even if He Yiming became the Great Emperor one day, even Imperial Flame could be perfectly controlled!

But this was not what was shocking.

If you can only control Imperial Flame and Heavenly Fire, how can you be called the Art of Destiny?

What is the Art of Destiny!

The invincible art that suppressed an era deserved to be called the Art of Destiny!

Immortal Emperor Flame Dao was that He Yiming could refine the Immortal Emperor Flame Dao Seed. These Dao Seeds, He Yiming can bestow on his disciples!

Every disciple who got the Immortal Emperor Flame Dao Seed could get He Yiming’s Dao Seed if the conditions were met. The power of Heavenly Fire controlled, and even Impreial Flame!

To put it simply, it meant that once the Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame entered the Heavenly Fire Altar.

After all players get the Dao Seed given by He Yiming, they could all borrow the power of the Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame!

The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the strength, and the stronger the borrowed Heavenly Fire Power!

Moreover, the player borrowed the Heavenly Fire Power to kill an enemy, the luck points obtained were not small, and they would all belong to He Yiming!

At the same time, the demon players could still absorb the soul energy of the killed enemies for themselves to condense the demon marks and improve their strength!

It was simply perfect!

Defect? ​​Insufficient? Flaw?

There were no such problems in the Art of Destiny!

It was invincible!


After He Yiming digested these quietly, he slowly raised his head.

“Huh?” Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame was slightly stunned

It felt that in an instant, He Yiming in front of him had undergone tremendous changes, completely different from before!

But he couldn’t see the specific difference.

“The altar that can house me should be built within a hundred years!” Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame glanced at He Yiming’s sect, but didn’t see a building that could accommodate him.

One hundred years was nothing to Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame!

To be honest, He Yiming’s talent should be amazing, that’s why Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame only gave a hundred years!

Change to an ordinary Heavenly Pill Realm?

One hundred years?

Give him 10,000 years and he wouldn’t be able to build it!

If the Heavenly Fire Demon Prison Heart Flame really erupted with all its strength,

the entire North Spirit Realm can be burned to ashes!

Even the entire North Spirit Realm could not withstand the Heavenly Fire Demon Prison Heart Flame Strength.

A Heavenly Pill Realm, where did he get the courage to build the altar come from?

“A hundred years? No need!

“One breath is enough!”

He Yiming said lightly.

“???” Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame was completely dumbfounded.

One breath?

Are you kidding me?

Just as Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame was considering whether to shoot He Yiming to death, it was shocked again!

“Heavenly Fire Altar, get up!!!”


Accompanied by the roar, many players who stayed in the sect were all stunned, and all looked to the south.

A huge, luxurious, and domineering golden building slowly rose!

Twelve huge stone pillars almost piercing the sky!

A huge bonfire suspended in the void, made of twelve cyan nameless giant trees!

Between the twelve golden stone pillars, there were cyan runes all over the sky, flowing with a bang!


Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame was shocked!

Is this the holy altar?

The aura emanating from the twelve giant cyan trees was simply amazing!

Even Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame was instantly convinced that even if he gave himself 10,000 years, he would not be able to burn a single cyan giant tree!

“One breath…

“He really built the Heavenly Fire Holy Altar?”

Heavenly Fire Demon Prison Heart Flame couldn’t believe the scene in front of him…

“Hold the grass, where did this building come from?”

“Oh, this damn game updated while still online?”

“Heavenly Fire Altar? What the hell?”

Many players exclaimed in surprise, but they were soon relieved.

It’s a game!

Isn’t it normal to spawn a building?

“Are you satisfied, senior Heavenly Fire!” He Yiming smiled slightly, looking at Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame.

“Huh… It seems that I underestimated you!” Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Now that the Heavenly Fire Altar was available, why hesitate? Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame signed a contract with He Yiming without any hesitation! The

strength of each other was linked!

At the time, the Devil Prison Heart Flame immediately rushed to the Heavenly Fire Alter.

Then it directly restored the Heavenly Fire itself! Like a raging flame, it nestled quietly on the bonfire composed of twelve huge cyan trees.


Following the burning of the twelve huge cyan giant trees, Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

Bursts of cyan aura continuously nourish the Heavenly Fire Demon Prison Heart Flame. The huge damage that the Heavenly Fire Demon Prison Heart Flame had suffered was beginning to recover at an astonishing speed!

Restraining the fatal injury from the collapse, not only stopped the momentum of the collapse, but also began to recover!

Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame even felt that he would be able to recover in a hundred years at most!

“This altar is simply heaven-defying!” Heavenly Fire Devil Prison Heart Flame couldn’t help but growled in its heart in shock.

I am afraid that in the three thousand worlds, there will never be another such a perfect altar.

From now on, this altar will be my nest!

No one who comes here can drive me away!

“The first task is finally completed!” At this time, He Yiming also let out a long breath.

The system released three tasks at once, one more difficult than the other!

Fortunately, the most difficult task had been completed!

The remaining two tasks did not seem to be that difficult, so it should not be a big problem!

So now …

He Yiming issued a gathering order to call all players together!

Then he issued a notice.


Attention all players, the first super DLC enhancement patch is released after version 3.0 is launched! All players gather quickly, let’s experience the charm of the DLC enhancement patch together!

As soon as this notice was released, whether it was the player waiting for the resurrection near the Desert of Hell, or the player who was teasing the watermelon people in the land of a hundred races, or the player who has dug the spirit stone mines in the hundred thousand mountains in the north, or the player who remains in the sect, or the player who is still building the city in the Myriad Demons Realm.

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