All-rounder Artist

Chapter 155 - 148 Thunderbolt Entertainment_l

Chapter 155 Chapter 148 Thunderbolt Entertainment_l

Translator: 549690339 |

Lin Yuan was not too familiar with the specifics of Qin Continent, and after he left the house, he didn’t head to the company. Instead, he called Gu Dong to help him pick up someone from the airport—

Jian Yi had arrived in Qi Continent.

Classes at Qi Art were starting tomorrow. Jian Yi originally planned to register at the school, but Lin Yuan had already pondered this matter, so he suggested, “Why don’t you live with me? I have a spare room.”

Lin Yuan lived in a two-bedroom flat.

He usually slept in the master bedroom, and the guest room was basically empty. Having Jian Yi there would be quite convenient. They would both only be staying here for an academic year. Since their colleges were quite far apart, seeing each other every day would be troublesome, so living together would give them both some company.

“That sounds good, let’s do it.”

After thinking for a while, Jian Yi nodded. He and Lin Yuan were both exchange students who had come over in their third year of college. The thought of living in a dormitory with strangers felt odd to him, so he’d rather live with Lin Yuan, “I’ll have to let my family know later.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

On the ride home, Jian Yi and Gu Dong got to know each other a bit, although it was their first meeting, so they only exchanged a few simple words, and the conversation soon came back to Lin Yuan: “Are you settling in all right?” Lin Yuan nodded.

Jian Yi laughed, “As soon as I got off the plane, I started observing. Qi Continent is really different from Qin Continent. The architectural style is different, and the local people here communicate in Qi language. I think I need to learn some Qi language…”

Lin Yuan stayed silent.

He actually knew a little bit of Qi language. To be precise, he knew Cantonese, which was not too alien to him, though he didn’t speak it very fluently. He only knew enough to make the locals understand him.

“The internet is different here too.”

Jian Yi took out his phone and browsed the internet, “I feel like while the internet is interconnected across the continents, the focus varies from continent to continent. We use a platform called Tribe back home, but over here in Qi Continent, something called ‘blogging’ seems to be popular. Yet, they both seem to serve similar purposes.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

Blue Star was made up of eight major continents, each of which was equivalent to several countries on Earth in terms of size. Though the world of Blue Star was under unified governance, the concept of ‘countries’ did not exist. However, differences and competition between continents were everywhere. It was reminiscent of the disparities between different countries in Lin Yuan’s previous life. One major commonality amongst all the continents was that their official languages were all Mandarin.

This was to be expected.

Because the cultures and lifestyles were different in each continent, distinctions were quite apparent. It seemed like the officials in each continent had intentionally emphasized these distinctions. Though the internet was not segregated, there were some directional differences. If people did not actively seek to explore other continents, their understanding of each other would be quite limited.

For example.

When you search for Xian Yu in Qin Continent, various latest related news would pop up instantly in great detail. But when you do the same search in Qi Continent, you could only find very basic information, such as Xian Yu’s works. More detailed news wouldn’t be easy to come by. Lin Yuan couldn’t quite pinpoint the reason, but perhaps the underlying cause was still the competition between the continents.

On the day after they settled in, Qi Art finally started. Lin Yuan and Jian Yi each went to their respective colleges to register. The college had a set of procedures specifically arranged for exchange students. Once all these procedures were taken care of, Lin Yuan was placed in Class 3 of the Composition Department, Year 3, at Qi Art.

He wasn’t the only exchange student.

Besides Lin Yuan, there were two other exchange students in the class.

However, when the teacher introduced the three new exchange students in the class, Lin Yuan was obviously the most noticed and welcomed one. The biggest similarity between Qi Continent and Qin Continent, apart from the common official language, was that:

Everyone judged by appearances.

This phrase was probably applicable to the entire Blue Star, even the two new planets. Anyways, when the girls in the class saw Lin Yuan walk in, their eyes uniformly lit up. As a result, the applause Lin Yuan received during his welcome was particularly enthusiastic.

After the routine self-introductions were over.

Lin Yuan was assigned to a seat at the back of the class. His seatmate was a male student who, though not as enthusiastic as the girls, was still polite. He introduced himself in a soft voice:

“Tang Ming.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Lin Yuan nodded, put down his backpack, and settled in. Boarding students just needed to bring their textbooks to class every day, so Lin Yuan, as a commuter, had to carry a small backpack every day. But it was the same back in Qin Continent, so he was used to it.

There were no classes on the first day.

The classes officially began only on the second day.

Lin Yuan was initially worried that the courses in Qin Continent and Qi Continent would differ significantly. However, after carefully attending a few classes, he realized that there was not much difference in the progress of the courses in both regions. He didn’t fall behind in class because he was an exchange student, this was probably related to the universality of composition knowledge.

He adapted over the following days.

Lin Yuan was completely used to it by then.

During Lin Yuan’s school days, Starlight Music continued to explore new single deals. In the process, they managed to attract two potential deals, but just like before, the two new potential clients walked away frustrated upon hearing Xian Yu’s demands.

“This can’t continue.”

Gu Qiangyun sighed. The three recent deals that had fallen through were all collaborations intended to involve Xian Yu. All had fizzled out because of Xian Yu’s demands. When had clients in Qi Continent ever been easy to deal with?

“Indeed, we can’t go on.”

The music composition department head said helplessly: “If we continue like this for the next few months, how long can our company survive? We need to find a way to change the situation. Should we consider lowering our prices?” “No.”

Gu Dong objected: “Have we forgotten what Mr. Lin said? If we accept low- price orders and have Mr. Lin work, what’s the point of us struggling to invite our ace? The biggest problem now is Qi Continent…”

Gu Dong suddenly had a brainwave!

She mumbled to herself: “We seem to be in a thought trap. We have always been seeking cooperation with small and medium-sized companies. Why not cooperate with large companies? Only large companies are suitable for Mr. Lin’s status.”

“Are you out of your mind?”

The department head chuckled bitterly: “If we can’t even get small and medium-sized orders, do you still want to go after large companies’ orders? Do you think large companies would be easier to deal with? In fact, the clients of large companies would be even more demanding!”

Gu Qiangyun also shook his head.

To deal with large companies seemed more hopeless.

Gu Dong’s eyes were flickering: “But this particular company…perhaps we could try. This may be our only hope. If we can’t cooperate with them, it will probably be hard for us to find better opportunities.”

“Which company?”

“Thunderbolt Entertainment Company.”

Both Gu Qiangyun and the music composition department head stared wide- eyed at Gu Dong, thinking that she was daydreaming. Thunderbolt was one of the largest entertainment companies in Qi Continent. They would usually place their orders directly in Qin Continent and hardly work with local music companies!

“You guys forgot.”

Gu Dong smiled: “Thunderbolt Entertainment has previously cooperated with Teacher Admirable Fish, and it’s not difficult to guess that they were extremely satisfied with the results.”

“You mean!”

Gu Qiangyun suddenly understood.

Indeed, the clients from Qi Continent are difficult to please, but the animation film “Dragon Fish Dance” they previously launched was a perfect collaboration project with an impression song composed by Xian Yu—

“You mean ‘Big Fish’!”

The music composition department head finally caught on too, his emotions in turmoil: “Would Thunderbolt Entertainment be willing? I never even dared to dream about such big companies before. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn’t look at us favorably.”

“We have the key to open the door now.”

Gu Dong suddenly stood up: “I don’t believe I can’t open the doors of Thunderbolt Entertainment this time. They have always liked working with people from the Land of Music. Now that people from the Land of Music are right under their noses, it would be unreasonable for Thunderbolt to directly push us away!”

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