All-rounder Artist

Chapter 267: 249: The Advancing Shadow_i

The popularity rankings and the high amount of rewards early on exposed “Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma” to a large number of people. This degree of exposure was enough to attract many readers who initially were not interested in the comic.

Many people are like this.

Regardless of their interest in the subject matter or title of the work, they would at least have some anticipation when they see them appearing on the highly valued list and would likely to take a closer look.

A normal herd mentality.

If the work happens to appeal to them, those who clicked on it naturally become part of the audience. As a result, the number of readers who like the comic “Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma” increases, causing the comic to eventually climb up to…

Third place!

At the Tribe at this moment…

Ms. Han, the Chief Operating Officer of the literature and comics department, has just finished a senior-level meeting. She is rushing towards the newly established comic department office and asks the second-in-command of the website, the deputy webmaster, while walking:

“Have the data come out yet?”

“The rankings have been updated.”

The expression on the deputy webmaster is a bit strange.

Han Jimci glanced at him, opened the office door, turned on her computer, and asked, “With all the big-name comic artists we’ve dug up and the previous heavy promotion, the traffic shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

“The traffic is not a problem.”

The deputy webmaster hurriedly said: “Tribe Comics’ daily activity is among the top in all of Qin Qi’s online comic sites. Both initial member registrations and user reviews are pretty good. I will send you the report later, but the works on this ranking list…”

“What’s wrong with the ranking list?”

“You better see for yourself.”

The expression on the deputy webmaster’s face become increasingly peculiar.

Han Jimci raised her eyebrows, opened the website interface, and looked at the current popularity rankings.

When she saw “Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma” at third place, her mouth slightly widened, her face full of astonishment –

Shadow’s comic?

Ranked third?

The deputy webmaster seemed to be unsurprised by Han Jimei’s reaction because he had a similar reaction when he first saw the list: “As you can see now, Teacher Shadow’s original comic has been well received.”

Han Jimci was at a loss for words.

This is the third on the popularity list!

It’s not just “okay,” it’s clearly very impressive!

You must know that to be able to enter this list, you basically have to be a very influential comic artist in the industry!

With the backing of the Tribe.

About half of Qin Qi’s best comic artists are now releasing new works on Tribe Comics.

A work that stands out on this website, even in the entire industry, is worthy of pride!

In fact.

Even if Shadow was truly willing to collaborate with the writer provided by the Tribe, Han Jimei’s expectation would simply be for them to break into the top ten on the list. This is not to mention that Shadow actually rejected the Tribe’s proposal and chose to create her own work. Moreover, she chose the niche subject of gourmet food!

This doesn’t fit the profile of a pure artist!

Looking at the performance of “Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma”, Shadow is clearly an extremely creative comic artist, even arguably a top-tier comic artist on the website!

It goes without saying what a top-tier comic artist means for a website!

Thinking of this…

The expression on Han Jimei’s face gradually changed from astonishment to excitement!

She turned her head and stared at the deputy webmaster: “The third place… that is considered a pillar-level work, right?”

This is a term used in the comic circle.

On any comic website, works ranked in the top three are considered pillar-level works for that website.


The deputy webmaster nodded heavily: “If the popularity of “Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma” can be maintained in the top three for a long period of time, then it can be considered a pillar for the website, and the website will tilt its resources and focus on cultivating it!”

Up to this point…

The deputy webmaster’s voice grew a little sentimental: “Also, there’s one thing that Ms. Han might not be very aware of. In every large-scale online comic website, all of the pillar works without exception belong to the passionate genre. It’s the first time for me to see a niche genre like gourmet food breaking into the top three. This is truly the most impressive part of this comic…”


There was a barely concealed smile in Han Jimei’s voice: “This time it seems that we weren’t the only ones who misjudged the situation.”

That’s right.

Not just Han Jimci.

The entire comic circle misjudged!

From the official establishment of Tribe Comics, the comic circle has kept a very close eye on this new website.

So, people in the comic circle naturally noticed the performance of “Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma”. For a while, many people were so shocked that their glasses were about to fall off!

“Shadow ranked third?”

“Did I see it wrong?”

“He’s not just a pure artist?”

“I’ve read ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma’, although the plot is still short, the story creation is very good…”

“It turns out that everyone misunderstood one thing. It’s not that Shadow is not good at original works, but that he didn’t choose to create an original work for his first comic. Perhaps he wanted to practice his drawing skills, or for other reasons?”

“This is a pillar-level work!”

“Tribe Comics really made a fortune this time around. Nearly half of the top comic artists in the circle are serializing new works in the Tribe, and now a new star, Shadow, has appeared. Is this website going to dominate the comic circle in the future?”

If Shadow had collaborated with a writer, everyone would not be so shocked.

But because everyone thought of Shadow as a pure artist, when “Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma” was so popular, everyone was dumbfounded!

That night!

Shadow’s Tribe fans went into growth mode!

In addition.

The comments in his Tribe section were exceptionally lively, with old fans and new readers mixing together:

“I’m here to shout 666 for the master!”

“After reading Teacher Shadow’s new comic, I always become listless after my body violently trembles…”

“The person above, beast, what did you do to ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma’!?”

“Speaking of which, Teacher Shadow is clearly very good at original works, so why did he decide to go the route of a pure artist before?”

“Don’t you understand yet, of course it’s because of love.”

“The answer is … Chu Kuang…”

“I’m a newbie, I don’t really understand, who is Chu Kuang and what does he have to do with Chu Kuang?”

“Let me explain to the newbie, Teacher Shadow’s first comic work is called ‘King of the Net’, which is a comic adapted from a novel. Also, Chu Kuang and Shadow, um… along with Xian Yu, are three good buddies privately.”

” OMG, this is so exciting?”

“So even though Teacher Shadow is very good at original works, he still chose to illustrate for ‘King of the Net’, all for the sake of Chu Kuang?”

“Hahahahaha, Teacher Admirable Fish needs to work harder!”

“Does Teacher Chu Kuang feel Teacher Shadow’s love?”

“As Xian Yu and Chu Kuang’s influence grows, our Teacher Shadow has also started to work hard to keep up with them.”


At this time, the number of fans following Shadow on Tribe had broken through fifteen million, and was moving rapidly towards twenty million..

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