All-rounder Artist

Chapter 274: 256: A Woman Will Only Affect His Speed in Drawing the Sword _1

Chapter 274: Chapter 256: A Woman Will Only Affect His Speed in Drawing the Sword _1

Lin Yuan didn’t notice Aunt Zhou’s reaction. He was already immersed in his current state, enjoying it tremendously, he could hardly believe that he had created the arrangement for the piece…

Well, he didn’t really.

Yang Zhongming made the adjustments, in fact.

Yang Zhongming’s musical composition is profound.

Even a classic like Mariage d’Amour, he could adapt in countless ways.

With this character card ability, it was only a matter of time before Lin Yuan found a version that was most compatible with the film!

At the end of the piece.

Like a poet’s dirge, the curtain slowly closed, leaving only a few lingering piano tones.

Lin Yuan temporarily stopped playing and turned his head to Gu Xi to ask for her opinion: “Did you notice the adjustments I just made?”

Gu Xi was stunned.

Lin Yuan asked: “Are you listening?”

Gu Xi came back to her senses, feeling somewhat embarrassed and awkward, with the same shock as Aunt Zhou.

“Yeah, I noticed the changes in the adapted piece were good; the melody is very

beautiful. But, I’m not sure if it fits your intended film…”

“Let me make that call.”

Lin Yuan said, “Go ahead and familiarize yourself with the original piece first because no matter how it is adapted, it is based on the original. I don’t plan to make too many changes.”

“You mean…”

Gu Xi’s chest rose slightly, seemingly hyperventilating: “Does that mean you can grant me the rights to play Mariage d’Amour?”

“Of course.”

Lin Yuan said, “As I told you before, I won’t have you work for nothing, you can play this piece, but only after the film is released.”

Gu Xi’s face turned crimson instantly.

But immediately afterward, she put her shyness aside, feeling elated, as though all her anticipation and pursuit of Lin Yuan had been well rewarded!

  • I


At the side, the initially shocked Aunt Zhou upon hearing this, her expression became somewhat complicated.

She did not speak, just stared at Lin Yuan for a while, her eyes gradually grew more profound.


Lin Yuan was oblivious to how his words might have come off: “Not only this piece but there are also a few others that will be in the film. I should give you a demonstration now, so you can get accustomed to it beforehand.”

With that, Lin Yuan settled down at the piano for the third time.

The script for “The Tuner” provided by the System, included the original film’s pieces, full of Indian flavor, and the quality was pretty good.

Although not as good as Mariage d’Amour, it was overall well done, very importantly, it had a high compatibility with the film.

Sometimes, what suits best is the best.

For example, you can’t possibly match an art film with music like The Fate Symphony, right?

Only Mariage d’Amour would not be out of place, and could be seamlessly incorporated into the new film through adaptation.

The room became quiet.

Gu Xi listened in anticipation.

Aunt Zhou kept her eyes on Lin Yuan.

As Lin Yuan settled down for the third time, a new piece flowed from his fingertips shortly after.

The piece was called “wo ladki”.

Lin Yuan had given it the Chinese name “Missing”.

It was a slow piece.

With each group of soft twin-notes by his ears, Lin Yuan’s technique adeptly moved over the keys. The crescendo and decrescendo rhythm was calm and elegant.




His hands chased each other but never overlapped or met, Lin Yuan quickened his rhythm. What Lin Yuan didn’t notice was that Aunt Zhou had already stood up from her seat, with her eyes wide open.

Gu Xi was fixated on the score, her gaze seemingly frozen.

In Lin Yuan’s estimation, this piece was not as good as Mariage d’Amour.

But Lin Yuan overlooked something…

This piece had a striking Indian style, an extremely novel musical style for the Blue Star piano circle!

Because Blue Star didn’t have Indians.

The Indian music style is completely different from the Chinese style, and now Lin Yuan brought this novel style to life!


When Lin Yuan played this piece, Aunt Zhou didn’t think this piece was inferior to the last one, instead, her eyes grew wider and wider, her face full of disbelief!

“This style…”

“Unheard of…”

Aunt Zhou could discern it, and naturally, so could Gu Xi. Hence, Gu Xi was as shocked as Aunt Zhou.

Yet Gu Xi was quicker to accept it — because in her heart, she firmly believed that Lin Yuan truly possessed the talent of a Maestro.


When Lin Yuan reached the second half of the piece, Aunt Zhou subconsciously found herself uttering these words.

Although it might seem ridiculous to associate these words with a young composer.

But after hearing Lin Yuan’s play and arrangements today, Aunt Zhou felt that Lin Yuan truly deserved it!

Gu Xi’s judgment was actually right!

“It seems I can make a few changes.”

Lin Yuan suddenly found that this piece was not presented at its utmost excellence.

The enhancement from Yang Zhongming’s character card ignited a vigorous urge to create within him!

It seemed that Yang Zhongming’s ability, upon encountering an excellent piece, filled him with an irresistible impulse to experiment.

So, Lin Yuan truly did revise it, it stank of improvisation.

It still had its original Indian style, but the rhythm underwent some adjustments.

The chord progression remained largely unchanged, but that indescribable feeling was somewhat intensified.


Lin Yuan paused as he made changes to the last few notes.

This spontaneous decision was still not perfect. The original was already very relevant to the plot. He needed to go back and consider it more, and he had to do it while using the character card.


He didn’t continue playing and turned to Gu Xi and said, “I have three scores here in total. I’ll give them all to you later. Once you’ve mastered them, come back to the set and we’ll finalize the version.”


Gu Xi nodded dumbly.

Having said what he needed, Lin Yuan left the two in the room and, leveraging the effects of Yang Zhongming’s character card, made some trial adjustments and modifications.

Only when the effects of the character card ended did he realize that Aunt Zhou and Gu Xi were still there.

Lin Yuan apologized, “Sorry. I was a bit engrossed in my playing.”

“Don’t be!


Aunt Zhou’s smile was no longer as gentle as before; it now seemed to carry a burning warmth. “Were those modifications just now impromptu?”

“Sort of.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

Aunt Zhou’s face was full of admiration.

Just then, someone called out for Mr. Lin outside. As a film scriptwriter, Lin Yuan sometimes had to deal with issues, so he could only say to Gu Xi and Aunt Zhou, “I’m leaving.”

“Then we won’t disturb you.”

Aunt Zhou pulled Gu Xi along and said goodbye to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan nodded and handed the plot summary of “The Tuner” to Gu Xi. “This is confidential. Look it over to facilitate our discussion next time.”

But it didn’t need to be kept strictly confidential.

Because the plot summary Lin Yuan gave to Gu Xi was quite brief, he just told her what kind of story it is, no detailed content, just reminded her to keep it confidential for precaution’s sake.

Gu Xi nodded in response again and again.

A few minutes later, the two returned to the car. Neither of them spoke; nor was the car started. The car was quiet.


Aunt Zhou looked at Gu Xi, her smile complex: “Do you think Lin Yuan has a girlfriend?”

Gu Xi was confused: “What?”

Aunt Zhou couldn’t help but get excited: “Silly girl! I mean, you should pursue him! If you become his girlfriend, you’ll be set for life. I’ve never seen such a gifted young man!”

Gu Xi:



Aunt Zhou seemed unable to calm down her emotions: “His first piece of music was indeed at a maestro level, the second piece was a brand-new style of music. Although not as good as the first one, what’s rare is its spirituality, which is a must for a maestro!”


Gu Xi laughed, “Aunt Zhou, you’ve finally admitted that Lin Yuan is a maestro, haven’t you? If he weren’t, why would I chase him this far.”


Aunt Zhou murmured: “Even if he isn’t, he isn’t far off. Hey, are you sure you don’t want to be his girlfriend?”

“Give me a break.”

Gu Xi said helplessly: “Do you think Lin Yuan, with his abilities, would lack for female admirers? Or do you think that I stand out in any way in his eyes?”

“You’re right.”

Aunt Zhou looked at Gu Xi regretfully: “If he had the slightest interest in you, he wouldn’t have had some assistant take us in. I thought you were quite popular with boys.”




I am indeed popular!

But is Lin Yuan just an ordinary boy?

With a roll of her eyes, Gu Xi couldn’t help feeling a little annoyed. She felt so low in front of Lin Yuan, like a lickspittle. But the problem is, if she didn’t fawn over him, Lin Yuan didn’t appear to have any interest in dealing with her.

That said.

What’s wrong with being a lickspittle? She has now obtained the music piece, she is the performer of ‘Mariage d’Amour’, and besides, Lin Yuan gave her some pieces in a new style, which is very beneficial for her future development and even strengthens Gu Xi’s determination to keep toadying!

Toadying to the end!

You get everything you need!

While Gu Xi was pondering these things, Aunt Zhou suddenly cried out in surprise: “Turns out Lin Yuan is Xian Yu?”



Gu Xi was taken aback.

Aunt Zhou pointed out the plot summary of “The Tuner” in Gu Xi’s hand, where it said ‘Xian Yu’, with ‘Lin Yuan’ written in parentheses behind it.

“So Lin Yuan has this identity too!”

Gu Xi was very surprised, and then admired even more: “Then Lin Yuan is too amazing! Not only is he skilled at piano composition, but he is also adept at popular music and scriptwriting!”

“You’re too weak!”

Aunt Zhou suddenly glared at Gu Xi: “You are acquainted with such a genius but can’t nab him. If I were twenty years younger, he would definitely not escape from my palm!”

“Aunt Zhou, stop joking!”

Gu Xi suddenly got a bit angry: “Enough with Lin Yuan not having any interest in me, even if he were, I wouldn’t accept! Because he’s a true genius!”

“So what?”

Aunt Zhou looked a bit stunned.

Gu Xi’s gaze was firm: “Women will only hinder the speed of Lin Yuan’s sword drawing.. He only belongs to art!”

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