All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

In the City Lord’s mansion, Thunder Lord dismissed everyone, leaving only Wind Lord Mumu Xingyun by his side.

“Brother Xingyun, what do you think?” Thunder Lord asked. With his purple hair, purple beard, purple eyes, and purple robe, his appearance was quite inhuman, and his features were extremely fierce and terrifying. But people described Thunder Lord as having ‘the face of a fierce god, but the heart of a sage’.

“Back then, they clearly said our grudge was settled, and they would never bother our family again. Now they’ve gone back on their word and want to take Lixi away. It’s utterly shameless!” Mumu Xingyun recalled the past events with anguish. He couldn’t protect his love and son, who were forcibly taken back. When Thunder Lord returned, he personally confronted them, battling with the Azure Wind Realm’s Ancestor for a day and a night, ending in a draw. Knowing Thunder Lord wasn’t easy to deal with, the Azure Wind Ancestor had no choice but to release Wind Lord’s son, the Holy Maiden’s father, and they agreed to settle their grudge.

“There must be some change behind the Azure Wind Ancestor’s breach of promise this time. Although light contractors are very important to our Myriad Spirits Realm, they’re just ordinary spirit contractors in the Azure Wind Realm,” Thunder Lord analyzed.

Mumu Xingyun’s eyes lit up, thinking the same as Thunder Lord, “The reason Lixi was appointed as Holy Maiden is because of light attribute’s strong suppressive power against the Nightmare race. But the Azure Wind Realm doesn’t have enemies like the Nightmares, so the light attribute isn’t special there. Their current insistence on forcibly taking Lixi away, does it mean the Nightmare race has successfully invaded the Azure Wind Realm?!”

Thunder Lord nodded, “Exactly, that’s what I think too, so they want to take Lixi away. Since our two realms became connected, they’ve always been bystanders. Now it’s time for them to taste the bitterness we’ve experienced.”

Mumu Xingyun looked worried, “I’m afraid they won’t give up on Lixi so easily.”

“No worries, I’ll set up a restriction formation outside the Azure Wind Realm soon. Of course, I’ll know immediately if anyone at Spirit God Realm comes out. I got a spatial treasure in the outer realm called Sky-Reaching Escape, which can quickly reach the marked location of the restriction formation. They might dare to come out, but they might not be able to go back,” Thunder Lord said confidently.

“A spatial treasure? That’s a good thing,” Mumu Xingyun said enviously. “Although the outer realm has many treasures, I’m afraid my current strength isn’t enough to freely explore it.”

“You’re now at the ninth stage of Spirit God Realm. To explore the outer realm, you need at least the strength of the Transcendent Spirit God Realm. Work harder to break through,” Thunder Lord encouraged.

Wind Lord smiled bitterly. Breaking through the Spirit God Realm was incredibly difficult. From entering Spirit God to Transcendent Spirit God was a huge gap.

“By the way, I heard Night Lord targeted Lixi before?” Thunder Lord asked.

“That’s right. I heard from Yun Fei that three of the 99 Demons came. Unfortunately, I wasn’t there at the time, and they almost succeeded. As fellow humans, they actually targeted the Holy Maiden. It shows they’re beyond redemption,” Mumu Xingyun said, still feeling scared. Fortunately, nothing happened to Lixi.

“Hmph! Night Lord’s rebellion has been going on for ten years, causing us great harm. These flies are really annoying. Unfortunately, Night Lord has at least the strength of the third stage of Transcendent Spirit God Realm. You’re no match for him. Last time he was severely injured by Sword Lord and went into hiding. His injuries probably haven’t healed yet, but he’s still trying to cause trouble. Counting the time, Sword Lord’s sword-seeking journey should be ending soon. Let’s wait for his return to quell Night Lord’s rebellion,” Thunder Lord said.

“Sword-seeking journey… I wonder which secret realm Sword Lord has ventured into this time,” Wind Lord said enviously. Sword Lord was powerful enough to go anywhere in the mortal world, often seeking swords and only occasionally returning. If not for Night Lord’s special technique, he would have been slain by Sword Lord the last time he showed up. Once Sword Lord returns, there will be no worries about the likes of Night Lord.

“By the way, give this to Lixi. Consider it a coming-of-age gift from her godfather,” Thunder Lord took out a jade token with a divine bird pattern engraved on it.

“The Divine Beast Token? This… this is too precious,” Wind Lord said excitedly. The Divine Beast Token could summon a mechanical beast with Spirit God Realm strength, equivalent to a personal Spirit God bodyguard. Its value was self-evident.

“It’s fine. With my current strength, I don’t need it at all. The younger generation in my family are all useless things, not qualified to use it. Although Lixi is your granddaughter, she also calls me godfather. There’s no one more suitable for this item than her,” Thunder Lord said.

Wind Lord was grateful. With this item, Lixi’s safety would be greatly assured. “On behalf of that girl, I thank you, Thunder Lord.”

“Alright, you’re a grown man, stop being so sentimental. I have many things to do, so I’ll leave first,” Thunder Lord came and went like the wind, appearing and disappearing in an instant, turning into a bolt of lightning and vanishing from the City Lord’s mansion.

“It’s still too dangerous outside. We should return early,” Wind Lord stroked this token, deciding to take his granddaughter back to the Rising Sun Kingdom soon. There, with the Holy Temple elders and himself guarding the Holy Maiden, they would have the strength to fight even if those three returned.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Wind Lord’s injuries had mostly recovered.

The Sun Knight Regiment once again marched grandly through the streets of Sun City, but this time they were leaving.

Lixi sat alone in the carriage, which was mystical, allowing her to see the scenery outside clearly, while those outside couldn’t see inside. She searched for that familiar figure in the crowd.

At this moment, Zhanyue was just like before, wearing the uniform of a Sun City soldier, maintaining order on the street. But this time, his gaze towards the carriage was completely different.

Lixi looked at Zhanyue, knowing he couldn’t see her, and she could only watch silently, unable even to say a proper goodbye. After this incident, it would probably be much harder for her to go out in the future.

As if their hearts were connected, Zhanyue seemed to know Lixi was watching him as he looked at the carriage. He pointed to his right hand, thanking her for the spatial ring she had given him.

“Sigh… I wonder if we’ll ever meet again. I left the Holy Temple Knight token in the spatial ring. As long as he comes to the Rising Sun Kingdom, he’ll have a chance to see me with this token,” Lixi pondered, then suddenly remembered something, “Oh no… my clothes and accessories are still in the ring!”

Lixi blushed furiously at this thought. There were even her worn undergarments in there. This was terrible. But now it was even more impossible to ask for it back.

“Girl, what’s wrong?” Wind Lord, sitting cross-legged on top of the carriage, sensed his granddaughter’s emotional fluctuations and asked curiously. He noticed his granddaughter seemed to have many things on her mind lately, but didn’t pay too much attention. After everything that had happened, it was normal for her emotions to be unstable.

“It’s nothing, grandfather. Do you think the illumination Goddess still has descendants continuing to this day?” Lixi suddenly began to doubt Zhanyue’s identity.

“Huh? The illumination Goddess never married, how could she have descendants? She did adopt nine orphans, known as the ‘Nine Radiant Stars’, but they’ve long since fallen in history. However, they might have descendants continuing to this day,” Wind Lord answered.

“Nine Radiant Stars? Could he be a descendant of one of the Nine Radiant Stars? Otherwise, how could he have the illumination Goddess’s divine-level technique?” Lixi’s thoughts were all on Zhanyue.

“It’s finally over,” Cheng Lu led the team back to the military camp. He had lost a few brothers in this mission and was heartbroken.

“Brother Zhanyue, have you thought about joining the military?” Cheng Lu asked. He hoped to recruit more people, and Zhanyue was a very good candidate.

However, Zhanyue shook his head, “Big Brother Cheng, I’m too free-spirited and disorderly. The military isn’t suitable for me. But my mandatory service period isn’t over yet, so I’m at your disposal during this time.”

Cheng Lu said with some regret, “Alright, everyone has their own aspirations. I won’t force you. For the remaining days, I’ll try to teach you as much as I can. I hope you can use it in the future.” Cheng Lu knew Zhanyue’s ambitions weren’t in Sun City. Although Zhanyue’s current strength seemed low, his growth rate was terrifying. When he registered, he was only at the first stage of Spirit Contract Realm, but now he was already at the third stage. How long had it been! His future achievements would certainly be no less than his own.

Zhanyue trained very hard, and the Ghost Fruit inside him was also subtly influencing him.

“By the way, Captain Cheng, I’ve recently mastered a technique and want you to take a look,” Zhanyue said. In three days, he had already mastered the most basic moves of the purple-grade technique “Flame King Blast” and wanted to try it in actual combat.

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