Allure Of The Night

Chapter 156 Shift of balance

Music Recommendation: Respite- Fredrik Jonasson

After a few hours, Vincent sat in the mansion’s library with his legs stretched as he read a book. He heard a pair of footsteps approaching the room.

“… we have the biggest library compared to anyone in Skellington,” Vincent heard his sister Marceline’s voice.

The young vampiress stepped into the library with her friend, a boy named Maxwell Anderson, who lived with his family at the edge of the town. The Anderson family were one of the high-status werewolves.

Marceline continued explaining, “What book did you want to read? You will find all the unique books here, Max. Oh, Vince. I didn’t know you were here.”

“I hope you aren’t turning blind,” Vincent murmured, and his sister huffed.

“My eyes are perfect. Isn’t that right, Max?”

“You have lovely eyes, Marceline. Vincent must be joking,” replied the boy named Max, who had freckles on his nose and black hair.

Vincent could hear his sister boast about the things they had in the library as if she had read the books here when she hadn’t even touched any of them..

“I know. Everyone tells me that but I never bring it up,” the little girl laughed, “Aren’t I the most humble person in the room or what?”

One blind leading another blind, Vincent thought in his mind and returned to reading his book.

Though the mansion was big and Marceline could choose any place to sit and talk with her friend Maxwell, she decided to sit in the library room. Vincent ignored the two of them while they continued to talk to each other.

“Vince doesn’t attend the classes held by the governess, so it would be fine if you come and join with me,” the young vampiress suggested to her only friend. She added, “I usually don’t like anyone else attending the classes but I wouldn’t mind you there, Max.”

The boy named Maxwell offered a smile to Marceline and said, “I have to ask my parents.”

Marceline nodded and said, “If you need help, I would be more than happy to talk to them. We make a great team, don’t you think?”

“We do!” Maxwell agreed and said, “Marcie, my cook is making a special dessert today. You should come have it with me.”

Marceline beamed in happiness and said, “How can I refuse. Desserts are my favourite!”

“Mine too!” Replied the boy.

Marceline’s smile widened as she looked deeper into the boy’s brown eyes. She asked him, “When will you be able to turn into a wolf? I want to play!”

“If a pet is what you wish, you should find a bird that speaks as much as you do,” came the words from Vincent, whose head was still behind the book in his hand.

Marceline puffed her cheeks and said, “Are you reading or listening to us speak?”

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ Vincent closed the book and got up, “Stepping out of the room for now before I get a headache.”

The little girl harrumphed and turned back to her friend. Maxwell smiled at the vampiress’s eagerness and said, “I am able to turn into a wolf, but the transformation is painful. I am still getting used to it.”

The young vampiress said, “I will be the first one you show, right?”

“After my family, yes, you will be the first one. I am excited to show it to you too!” replied Maxwell excitedly.

Marceline was fond of Maxwell, and the boy enjoyed her company. After all, this was the only friend she liked. Maxwell said to her, “We should go to my place and see if the dessert has been made.”

“If you insist,” replied Marceline, and she placed the book aside, knowing one of the servants would put the book back in its original place.

Three more hours passed, and it was time of the evening when the sun was ready to set in the sky when Vincent met his mother in the corridor.

“Have you seen your sister?”

“Wasn’t she playing with the puppy?” He asked her, and his mother shook her head.

“No, she isn’t,” and she sighed. “Your father is probably on his way back home and we need to leave to the Miller’s mansion to have dinner with their family. Why don’t you go and get ready and I will look for Marcie.”

Once Vincent was dressed, he came down from his room. On seeing his mother who was dressed, he asked her,

“Did you find Marceline?”

“She is at Anderson’s mansion. I have sent the servant to fetch her.” She bent down and sat on her heels, “Come here,” raising her arms. “Your shirt’s collar seems to be errant. Don’t I have the most handsome son?” She smiled, looking at him. “I cannot wait to see you grow up.”

“I can’t wait either,” Vincent muttered.

When his mother fixed his collar, she placed her hands on his shoulders and said, “About our earlier talk in the dining room. Don’t cage things and let them free, darling.”

A young Vincent stared at her before asking, “Isn’t that what everyone does?”

The woman smiled, her eyes holding fondness for her son, “You don’t have to follow what others do.” Holding one side of his face, she leaned forward and kissed her son’s forehead.

Hearing the sound of the carriage arrive, Lady Katherina heard her husband call from the hallways, “Katherina?”

His mother smiled at him and got up before walking to meet his father. Vincent made his way to the mansion’s entrance. After a while, he noticed one of the servants pass through the gates, walking back nervously.

“Where’s Marceline?” Vincent questioned the servant.

“Miss Marceline told s-she wouldn’t come with a servant and will return in Anderson’s carriage,” answered the servant, and Vincent frowned.

“That insolent brat,” whispered Vincent and dismissed the servant from his sight.

As he stood at the entrance, a firefly caught his attention that glowed on one of the pillars. When the young vampire walked toward it, the glowing insect flew, and he followed it. In time he caught hold of the firefly and watched light appear and disappear between the gaps of his fingers.

At the same time, a carriage approached the mansion and stopped at the front of the Moriarty mansion. Marceline and her friend Maxwell stepped out of the carriage, and the vampiress smiled carefreely.

“The dessert was delicious, I will be sure to let my cook hear about it,” Marceline’s chin and nose raised. “It was so soft that I thought I was eating clouds–What was that sound?”

Even Vincent, who was staring at his hand, looked up and in the direction of where he heard the odd sound.  His eyebrows furrowed and he took a step in the direction.

“Vincent has Marceline returned?” Lady Katherina asked with a sigh, who was still walking in the hallways. Before the young boy could answer, he heard his sister’s scream.


Lady Katherina didn’t hear her daughter’s scream as she was yet to step out of the mansion, but she saw her son run towards the mansion’s gate. She frowned and called him, “Vincent!”

The young boy ran to the gates and on the way noticed the guards on the ground. Stepping out of the gates, he caught sight of three men who forcibly pushed his unconscious sister and her friend inside another carriage.

“Stop!” a young Vincent shouted, but the carriage was quick to leave and he couldn’t keep up.

His mother, who had followed him out of worry, saw the carriage leave while not knowing they were people waiting in the shadows.

Before any word could be exchanged, men came from behind and hit the back of Vincent and his mother’s head, carrying them in another carriage.

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