Allure Of The Night

Chapter 162 Unextinguished anguish of the heart

The young boy’s hands were wet, dripping with the blood of the men he had killed without blinking his eyes. No matter how many men he had killed, his blood thirst hadn’t been quenched. He wanted more blood, but more importantly, to drink the blood of the man who had killed his beloved mother, leaving her to bleed to her death.

Hellion moved his clawed hand in front of him again while he walked backwards. He taunted,

“This is how all you blood sucking creatures are. You don’t care about others. All you care about is blood and it is never enough, is it? Traitor’s like your mother should be hanged to death! What I did to her was give her an easy way out!!”

Young Vincent didn’t like this man talking about his mother. He said, “Every time we have a celebration in the mansion, we make a cake that my mother designs. She would not let us take a bite or taste it.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?!” Hellion didn’t know if this little boy had gone insane and was talking rubbish.

The vampire boy continued saying, “But it wasn’t the cake we wanted. It was the tip of the cherry that was placed on top of the cake… and you are that.”

Hellion looked at the boy as if one of his men had hit him on his head. Instead of walking backwards, he turned and once again started to run. But his energy had depleted and he wheezed. He didn’t go too far as the vampire caught up to him, jumping on his back and leading them to fall to the ground..

The man and the boy rolled until hitting a tree. They struggled to gain the upper hand over the other, and Hellion used his clawed hand to swipe the boy’s chest, enough to get the boy off but not enough to kill him.

When Hellion tried to get up and flee, Vincent bit into the man’s arm, tearing it off.


Hellion’s scream echoed through the forest, and he clutched his shoulder from which the boy had torn his forearm.

“This is how my mother must have felt when you hurt her,” said the boy without emotion. “You took her away from me.”

Hellion continued to scream and roll on the ground. He tried to crawl away, but the vampire followed him, picking up the glove with claws. The man realising his plight, now apologised,

“Why don’t we forget what happened? I won’t harm you and you don’t have to harm me. LISTEN TO ME!” He shouted in desperation.

To Vincent, the man’s words were soothing, but they didn’t soothe or fill the hollowness he felt in his chest.

Vincent quickly jabbed the metal claws into the human’s leg, and another scream erupted from Hellion’s throat.

“Stop! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Hellion shouted, and unable to crawl, he gritted his teeth in pain.

“Repaying for what you did,” Came the calm words from the young vampire, and Hellion watched Vincent with terror in his eyes. Soon Vincent came to hover above and in front of the man’s chest.

“P-please, don’t kill me! You are a good boy, aren’t you!” Hellion trembled as he spoke. “Your mother was indeed a good woman. You wouldn’t want to disappoint her now, would you? Good people listen to their elders,” he laughed nervously.

Vincent sat on top of the man’s stomach, raising his hand, which held the claws and asked, “Are you ready to pay for your sins?”

Hellion shook his head. Vincent stabbed the metal claws into the man’s chest, not once or twice but several times. Hellion died with the multiple stabs and his body went still. Blood drops splattered on Vincent’s face and clothes, and his hand movement didn’t stop, as he continued to stab the man repeatedly, until he finally screamed in despair about losing his dear mother.

The melancholy scream echoed through the forest, shaking even the birds that had perched on the trees, making them fly away.

[Music Recommendation: Anderi- Martin Phipps]

The boy finally let go of the metal claws and stepped away from the dead man. He walked away from there, returning to where his sibling and his mother were. Even though he had killed his mother’s murderer, it didn’t ease his heart, and the emptiness in his eyes grew.

Reaching the place, the young boy walked to where his mother’s body lay on the cold ground.

The other children were stupefied and too stunned to speak after watching the bloodshed that had taken place, looking at the silver-haired boy with a look of weariness, as if he was worse than a devil.

Vincent sat next to his mother, fixing her dishevelled hair away from her face and combing her hair with his fingers.

He closed her beautiful eyes and made sure even in death she was comfortable and was lying respectably. He gently stroked his mother’s head and laid his head on her chest, hoping for a miracle where he would hear her heartbeat. But it was quiet.

Hours passed before people from the council arrived at the scene along with the men they had caught, who were Hellion’s men. When they came nearer, Hellion’s men’s eyes turned wide on noticing the gore and blood spread on the snow.

“What in God’s name happened here?!” Questioned one of the council members.

“Where’s the man who was leading this?” Another council member demanded Hellion’s men, who looked left and right before shaking their heads. “Huh. He fled I see, he must have known that this was going to happen.”

“Look there!” The third councilman pointed at where Vincent laid his head on the woman’s chest. “Do you think he killed all these men, Sire?!”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” came a voice that belonged to a small boy who made his way to the front. It was the head of the Inner Circle of the Council, and he noticed the silver-haired boy raise his head and look at him. “If we didn’t catch these humans responsible with the body, you would have told he was the one who operated this entire thing,” Clayton rolled his eyes.

“But he does look like that,” whispered the third councilman who had spoken earlier.

“He’s just a boy, and in shock,” replied another member.

While the four council members discussed upon this particular case, while questioning Hellion’s men, Clayton walked to where Vincent sat, and his eyes fell on the young vampire’s hands that were covered in blood. His red eyes met the boy’s coppery-red eyes that looked unfazed and empty. While his eyes still on the boy, he ordered,

“Get this place cleaned and the bodies sent to the council morgue.”

“Yes, Sire!”

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