Allure Of The Night

Chapter 188 Other end of the deal

Music recommendation: Don’t mess with my head- EMO

Vincent dropped his hand from Eve’s waist and let go of her hand as if he was giving her an option, but at the same time, the vampire was cunning. Cunning because they both knew she had no choice.

“Where shall we go?” Asked the pureblooded vampire, with an untamed look in those coppery-red eyes, that made her heart tremble. “Somewhere quiet?” he teasingly asked her , like a mouse pawed by the clever cat.

Eve, who was used to keeping her heart quiet and stable, felt it beat slightly louder and faster than usual.

When Vincent turned to walk away from her, Eve was compelled to follow him as if in a trance that she didn’t know she had been placed minutes ago. And though he was the first one to leave the dance floor, unlike other proud vampires, he didn’t walk quickly. He let her catch up so she could walk next to him, even though he was prouder than most in the room.

The guests were busy talking to each other, while some noticed the attractive couple leave the room.

The host of the soiree, Mr. Marshall appeared on their way and spoke to Vincent, “Are you enjoying the soiree?” The man’s eyes fell on Eve, his eyes raking through her appearance and he ran his tongue across his fangs.

“Moderately,” replied Vincent.

Eve felt this man’s eyes a little more intrusive, and she instinctively moved closer to Vincent for his shelter.

“I have important business to attend to, excuse me,” Vincent offered a half smile. At the same time, he caught Eve’s wrist. This little action didn’t go unnoticed by the host, who quickly shifted to look at the pureblooded vampire.

“I will see you later then,” Mr. Marshall smiled without looking at Eve again.

Vincent pulled Eve by her hand as they walked past the curious councilman, who turned from where he stood and looked at the couple until they disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The corridors were lit by torches of fire, while some places were lit with many candles that were far from the time exhausting themselves. The place they walked was deserted, with not even servants in sight. Only their soft footsteps could be heard on the carpeted floor.

The entire time, Vincent didn’t let go of her hand, as if she would disappear from his side. He also kept her close so that he could appease the thirst that had gone past his limit, where he couldn’t think straight anymore. He couldn’t restrain himself from having the delectable blood of the mermaid.

“Where are we going?” Came Eve’s breathy words.

“This mansion has many guest rooms, I believe you would prefer that?” Vincent turned to look at her, his dark eyes peering at her. He then revealed his inner thoughts, “Though drinking your blood here against the pillar would be far more exciting.”

Eve wondered what Vincent had on his mind, that he was taking her to a quieter place where no one would disturb him. She knew he would protect her from others, but at the same time, there was no one to protect her from himself. The look in his eyes was no less than the night when they had spent time in his Council office.

Finally, when they reached in front of the double doors of one of the rooms in the mansion, Vincent let go of her hand and turned the doorknobs. Eve brought her hand to her chest as if she had touched something hot and ran her fingers across her wrist, which he had been holding until now.

Vincent stepped inside the room and waited for her to get inside. He said, “Welcome to the dark side,” he stared at her with a smouldering look.

Eve met his eyes, and she felt a trickle of shiver run down her spine. She asked him, “Why didn’t you drink my blood in front of others?”

It was because earlier she had seen other vampires where most of them were, who had sunk their fangs into men or women, enjoying the blood as they drank. Vincent had bit her earlier, and he could have drank from her similarly instead of bringing her here.

A wicked smile appeared on Vincent’s lips, and he asked, “Scared that I might kill you and dispose of your body from the window? Precautions are necessary, aren’t they?”

Vincent was never straight with his answers and liked taunting her. He then asked her, “Does it matter?”

“No,” whispered Eve. She had signed her soul to him, and he would use it how he would deem it fit, thought Eve.

When Eve hesitantly stepped inside the room, her foot wobbled as the strap of her shoe came undone. She looked at the room, which contained—a bed, desk, couch, and fireplace which was cold, leaving the room dark if it weren’t for the moonlight passing through the windows.

Eve heard the key that was attached inside the room turn, that locked the doors of the room. Now it was just her and Vincent.

When she took a step forward, her shoe wobbled further, and she decided to look at it. But when she was about to bend and fix her shoe, she heard Vincent’s dominating words,

“Don’t touch it.”

Her hands hung in front of her, and she would have checked her shoe if it weren’t for the way Vincent looked at her. The smile on his face had disappeared, and there was a peculiar blankness that she found hard to comprehend and read the atmosphere.

Vincent sauntered towards where Eve stood.

He brought his right hand forward to use his index finger and placed it at the base of her neck. His eyes lingered on her slender neck, half covered by her high collar-neck gown. He guided and moved her backwards until her back hit the desk that was placed against the wall. She softly gasped, gulping the nervousness that had been building for quite some time now.

“It is time to transact the deal we have made, isn’t it?” he hummed

Vincent pulled his hand away from her neck, and for a moment, Eve wondered if he was going to sink his fangs into her neck. But he had other plans.

The pureblooded vampire reckoned that he should be rewarded for his self-restraint until this day, not to mention for going out of his way to help her.

Eve was taken aback when Vincent bowed his head and sat on his heels. She blinked for a moment before one of his hands slipped inside her dress to touch her ankle, the one with the shoe with a broken strap.

Vincent raised his head and looked at her. He remarked, “You should know never to make deals with the devil. He will pull out far more than what you can offer.”

“I knew what I was getting into,” replied Eve. Her chest heaved even though nothing had happened until now. But it was the tension that had built-up, that the vampire was trying to push her toward the edge that kept her on her toes.

“Let us see if you really do, little girl,” Vincent’s hand curled further on her ankle, staring into her eyes with sinful intentions.

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