Allure Of The Night

Chapter 215 Strings pulled towards the untouched

The butler brought the tea and biscuits, pouring the tea for Eve before he excused himself out of the study room. Vincent stood in front of a small table on which many different alcohol bottles sat.

“What did you want to talk about?” Eve asked him, feeling the warmth of the cup on her hands.

Vincent took a sip of alcohol from the glass with his back facing Eve.

“Strangely, I cannot remember what I wanted to talk about,” came the thoughtful words from him, and Eve glared at him. “Did you have any new premonitions? Jumped out of the window?”

Eve shook her head, “Thankfully not. I… tied my leg with the bed sheet and tied the other end to the bedpost.”

“Precaution, I like it. It would be sad to see you flat on the ground if you were to jump,” Vincent took another sip from his glass.

Ignoring his sarcastic remarks, Eve asked him, “Did you hear anything from the authorities about Lady Camille?”

Vincent’s lips cracked a smile, and he turned around to pour more alcohol into his glass. He said, “Let the poor vampiress rest in peace for a few more hours.”


“In the next twenty-four or forty-eight hours, her body will be found with the other bodies dug around there. It will avoid us having to dig out every part of the ground to find your mother… maybe,” Vincent let her know, and Eve wondered how he would do that.

She asked him, “Is someone else going to get framed?”

When Vincent turned to meet her eyes, he asked her, “You are free to give me volunteers. Anyone you hate or don’t get along with?”

“I don’t think I hate anyone enough to set them up to visit the dungeon,” Eve replied, and Vincent ran his tongue over his fang.

“Thought so, which is why I picked my favourite person. It would be interesting to see a little chaos and confusion,” Vincent spoke nonchalantly and made his way to where she sat on the couch. He folded one of his legs to let it rest on the couch while letting the other rest on the ground so that he sat sideways to face her.

On the other hand, Eve sat with both her foot on the ground and her hands holding the teacup that now rested on her lap. She looked at him, and he stared right back at her. His copper-red eyes stood stark behind the silver strands of his hair.

Eve wondered how to feel about using someone to find her mother’s body.

Vincent asked her, “There’s no need to be tight lipped with me. I am sure we are way past that,” he said, rotating his wrist to move the alcohol in the glass. “Let me take a guess, you are thinking about the poor man who is going to be framed.”

Instead of judging Vincent, Eve decided to understand and asked, “What did this person do to you?”

A slow smile spread on Vincent’s lips, and he said, “He doesn’t know when to stop getting in my way. Bastard made it hard for me to hide the dead bodies.”


Bringing the teacup to her lips, she took a sip from it. But with Vincent continuously staring at her, it unnerved her, and a drop of the tea escaped from her lips before sliding down her chin.

Eve turned to the side and dabbed the side of her lips with her hand. So far, the vampire hadn’t asked her for her blood, and they were alone.

Vincent casually said, “How does it feel being wooed by men? You must be popular.”

“Not as popular as you,” Eve murmured before biting the inside of her cheek, and a grin appeared on his lips. She said, “Sometimes it’s not the number of people wooing you, but the quality of men.”

“You sound disappointed,” he hummed before taking another sip of the alcohol.

“Wouldn’t you be?”

“To be touched under the table by a woman? It would be a delight,” Vincent grinned. “You are asking the wrong person.”

“But you aren’t like that, are you?” Eve questioned him, her blue eyes looking at him.

The grin on Vincent’s lips slipped, and his face turned serious, “How sure are you about it?” He challenged her.

Eve felt her hands turn shaky and placed the teacup on the table so she wouldn’t end up spilling it over her dress. Vincent was odd, but he had never done anything that could hurt her. Which gave her the reason to believe him.

“We are similar to chameleons, who change our characteristics and attitudes. Different with different people,” Vincent finished gulping the last sip from his glass, and when he leaned over to place it on the table and sat back, it only ended up with him sitting closer to her than he had two seconds ago. “Don’t assume false perception in your mind just because you want it to be true.”

“My thoughts are my own,” Eve didn’t look away from Vincent.

The curtains of the study room hadn’t been pulled apart for light to enter, and the only light came from the fireplace, which wasn’t too far from where she sat and a few candles in the room.

“Don’t be sad if you turn disappointed in the future,” there was something with the way Vincent looked at her as if trying to provoke her or keep a distance between them even though, at times, he claimed there wasn’t.

“Then I will be the only one to be blamed,” stated Eve, and she got up from her seat. She said, “I should get going.”

“Did my words scare you? More than Mr. Quintin’s words?” Vincent watched her from where he sat. “Don’t worry, we’ll find you a qualified husband.”

A small smile appeared on her lips, and she turned to look at him. She said, “Thank you for your concern about my single and lonely life, but you don’t have to do that. It is apparent that marriage is not in my fate.”

[Music Recommendation: Deer in Headlights- Sia]

Even though Eve hadn’t uttered about Henry Quintin’s actions in the dining room or words in the deserted corridor, Vincent noticed the hint of sadness behind her blue eyes.

Vincent questioned her, “True. Who knows the next man who comes along will be another imitation of what you experienced today?” He watched her eyes lower as if in thought. Getting up from the couch, he came to stand in front of her, that got her to look at him. “Close your eyes.”


“Because I want you to,” Vincent stared at her with a serious look, making Eve wonder if he had decided to drink her blood now. She closed her eyes, listening to the crackling of the logs in the fireplace. “Don’t open until I tell you to.”

Vincent placed his hands on either side of her waist to pull her closer to him, eliminating the distance between them. He stared at her before leaning forward as he parted his lips. But he didn’t bite her.

Eve felt Vincent’s breath on her cheek as if his lips were just above her skin, with a distance of air between them. She heard him speak,

“What were you thinking walking and sitting next to him?”

“What did you–“

“Sshh,” Vincent hushed to quieten her. His voice held a whisper, like a poison seeping into her with every word he spoke, “You don’t have to respond to them. Men like Quintin are far from eligible to hold you. Most of them have small brains and will be incapable of standing next to you.”

Vincent’s words were like the piano’s keys, soft yet clear. When Eve involuntarily craned her neck, his face moved to the side and her neck. Her heart shuddered in her chest, trying to concentrate on his words while his breath demanded her attention.

He said,

“You asked me earlier if I knew who would be right for you… It would take a remarkable man to see you for who you are. To respect your words, and stand by your side over the storms. Don’t settle because you feel things are slipping.” Vincent’s breath turned colder and Eve clutched the sides of her skirt. “Someone who is as good as you and won’t corrupt you. Someone who will make your heart race and tremble.”

Vincent let Eve sink his words and moved his breath, tracing back where it started.

“Don’t settle for something low when you can have more. Don’t be swayed easily,” When his face came in front of hers, her eyes opened that were slightly dilated.

Eve saw Vincent the way she had never before, and she stared at him, feeling her heart skip a beat.

And just as her heart skipped, it slipped to the floor when Vincent said, “It is only a pity that men like those are either taken early or don’t exist.”

A sliver of worry and anxiousness slipped into Eve’s mind, knowing Vincent had only tried to lift her spirits in his own odd ways and there was nothing more to it. He let go of her waist and stepped backwards while she felt her heart pull towards him.

What did he… do, Eve whispered in alarm.

The study room’s door suddenly opened, and Vincent’s father and Lady Annalise stepped into the room with a surprised expression, not expecting to see Eve. She quickly bowed at Vincent and the other two vampires before hurrying out of the room.

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