Allure Of The Night

Chapter 291 Uncovering Lies

291 Uncovering Lies

Music Recommendation: Data Mining- Choi Jung In


Marceline shook, half at the nervousness of being caught and a half at the thought that Vincent had slapped her for a lowly human! She cried with her eyes starting to glisten,

"Why are you slapping me! I have considered you to be my brother no matter how mean or rude your words have been towards me! It was Stella who told me about it!"

Lady Annalise tried to pull Marceline away from Vincent so that she could take a look at the young woman's face, but Vincent stopped her with a harsh glare and said,

"It would be best for you to step back from our discussion, unless you want to feel ashamed later."

"This isn't how you speak to your mother, Vincent," Eduard let most of the things pass in his family just so that there could be a peaceful environment, but this had gone out of hand. He had never seen Vincent be violent with his own family. "Why do you suspect Marcie when she clearly said where she heard it from?"

"Because I was there the day Eve was being humiliated by the townsfolk of Meadow. Apparently, someone's maid went and lit fire about her mistress being upset because our governess was sleeping with her husband. How about we call Stella and see if she really told you about Eve, or if you were the one who went to Meadow?" Vincent raised his eyebrow at Marceline, whose cheek burned as if on fire because of the force of the slap.

Marceline called out his bluff and said, "Go on. Do it and you will know that it was her who told me." With tears streaming down her face, she said to her parents, "He's slapping me for such a small reason, for a woman who isn't even a part of the family now. What will he do once she is part of the family?"

"I will bury you alive," Vincent glowered at her.

Marceline shook her head, "How can you even say that?! I am your sister."

Vincent stated, "It is a true pity that you are my sister. Else I would have already done it than warn you."

"I didn't do anything!" Marceline continued to stick to her lies.

"Can you stop terrorising her!" Lady Annalise shouted.

The atmosphere in the room started to turn chaotic. The youngest vampiress in the room turned anxious with how things were turning out to be and she stared at them in worry.

Eduard placed his hand on Vincent and said, "Son, these things can be talked through." He then turned to the door and called the butler, "ALFIE!"

Moriarty's butler quickly appeared in front of the door, where he had been standing at the end of the corridor until now. He bowed and heard Senior Mr. Moriarty order him, "Go to Lady Stella's house and tell her she has been summoned to the mansion for urgent matters."

"Yes, Sire!" Alfie quickly turned and left to fetch the woman, who was Lady Marceline's friend.

Eduard turned to look at his daughter, who quietly cried while his wife tried to console her. He questioned,

"Marceline, did you have anything to do with what Vincent just said."

Marceline looked offended and replied, "Why would I ever do anything to her? Do you think I am someone who will even step foot in Meadow??"

"How are you sure that Marceline had anything to do with it? Where is the proof?" Lady Annalise questioned, not knowing Marceline's true nature beneath the obedience and sweetness she exhibited.

"And what if I prove that it was her?" Vincent didn't look away from Marceline.

"You are setting me up for no reason!" Marceline exclaimed.

"Pray tell me why would I do that. You don't amuse me as much as you think you do, darling sister," Vincent remarked, his head tilting to the side.

"Just the way you are trying to set me up for no reason! Why would you even think I would want to hurt her? I have been nothing but nice to her and she is Allie's governess. I know how everyone prefers her as the governess as she makes our little sister happy!" Marceline continued to defend herself. "Once Stella comes you will know that I heard it from her!" She looked as if she was the victim of confusion she was not part of.

Many minutes passed, and the family members didn't leave the room and continued to stay inside, waiting for the butler to bring the woman to the mansion. After more time passed, Lady Annalise turned to look at the wall clock and frowned,

"Did the carriage break down that it is taking so much time?"

Eduard knew Vincent didn't do things for no reason, and because of the line of work his son was in, he couldn't help but frown deeper. Marceline softly sniffled while not looking at anyone as if she was not only physically hurt but also emotionally.

After many more minutes, footsteps were heard outside the room and in the corridor, that got louder with every passing second.

"Finally, they have arrived," Lady Annalise murmured, and everyone turned to look at the door.

The butler bowed, and he raised his head, where his eyes briefly met the family members' eyes, and he stepped aside. For many seconds, Lady Stella didn't step in front of the door, but when the person did, Senior Mr. Moriarty and Lady Annalise grimaced. Because Alfie had not brought a woman but a man.

Eduard's eyes narrowed at the butler's failed attempt to follow his order. He demanded, "I told you to get Lady Stella. Whom did you bring?"

Vincent spoke, "Alfie was following my orders, father. I knew this time would come, considering how Marceline's dear friend is in the West to visit her aunt." He then spoke to Marceline, "Did you think just because I wasn't home or in Skellington I wouldn't try to get to know who was behind the incident that took place in Meadow?"

Marceline's already tear-streaked face turned pale on seeing the man at the door. It was Patrick Humphrey.

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