Allure Of The Night

Chapter 302 Visiting Woodlock's Seamstress

Hours passed in the Moriarty mansion, and when Eve finished her working hours, she picked up her things and stepped out of the room. When she climbed down a flight of stairs, she noticed Marceline standing at the side, and she would need to cross the vampiress to climb down the next flight of stairs.

Right now, this vampiress was the last person Eve wanted to come across, especially after knowing what she had done to her. She decided to ignore the vampiress and almost walked past the woman, when she heard Marceline comment,

"How rude, to be walking from here without a single greeting."

Eve noticed the vampiress's voice held arrogance, something she had failed to pick up all these days. Or it was just that Marceline failed to keep her composure that had withered in front of Eve.

Marceline, who was looking ahead of her with her back facing Eve, turned her head to the side as if the human was still beneath her in every aspect and questioned, "Or do you think you don't have to bother with the greetings anymore as you are going to be married to my brother."

Eve watched Marceline turn around and look her in the eyes. It seemed like the vampiress was finally showing her true colours, and it was hard to digest that she was this despicable. She smiled at the vampiress, whose dull red eyes narrowed at her before she said,

"Marceline," Eve ripped the title from Marceline, similar to how Vincent had broken the vampiress's fangs.

The vampiress's eyes set ablaze in anger, hearing this lowly human address her with no respect. Eve calmly stated, "I believe you and I are not that far from being similar because of no fangs in your mouth. And we all know what it means in society when fangs are broken."

Marceline took a step forward, where the two young women held a battle of glares between them, "How dare you," she questioned in a low threatening voice, "To compare a meagre self as you to be similar to be. You must be delusional."

"I was until now, but no more," Eve answered and then said, "You are right, we aren't similar, because I wouldn't have spread such an ill rumour about you the way you did about me. I am surprised that yor aren't regretful for what you put me through."

Marceline smiled at Eve's words, and she said, "I didn't do anything wrong and was only protecting what is mine. Consider it to be me doing you a favour. Do you think it is easy for someone like you to start a life in the mansion? Or have you not heard that the humans here don't survive?"

"If the humans are caught up because of vampires and are used as a sacrifice in the end, then it is not the human but the vampire's fault," Eve's words were calm, and she noticed how Marceline's eyes narrowed, while there was no trace of the usual kind expression on her face.

"You have heard it all wrong," Marceline softly harrumphed.

"I have heard it from the side you should have listened to, maybe you would have known the sacrifice your mother made to keep you alive," Eve who already knew the tragic story from Vincent, didn't need the vampiress twisting the story and she added, "But it wasn't just her who had been sacrificed but also a werewolf. Isn't that right?"

Marceline didn't like that this human was pulling up the past that she didn't like to talk about. She warned Eve, "Don't speak without being careful with the thought that you can do anything now. The faster you run, the worse you fall."

"Don't worry," Eve softly smiled at Marceline. "Now that I know, I will watch my back better. I hope you can learn from the mistakes you made, because right now, you are in the bottom level of the vampire hierarchy, which is no less than a human."

Marceline gritted her teeth, and like her family had told her since last night, she said, "I might not have fangs now, but I will get them back soon. Soon my fangs will regrow and then you will see."

But if only Marceline knew that it was possible only through Eve, she would have never spoken against her after what had happened until now. If she showed compassion and remorse, Eve would have fixed her fangs. But the vampiress was clueless.

Eve walked past Marceline, climbing down the stairs before she disappeared from the vampiress's sight. On reaching outside, she saw Vincent's carriage that had just arrived and Mr. Briggs offered her a bow.

"Good evening, Ms. Barlow," the coachman greeted her.

"Good evening, Mr. Briggs. How are you doing today?" Eve politely asked him as she stepped closer to the carriage, where the coachman had opened the door for her to get in.

"Very well, milady. Thank you for asking," he replied, and when Eve got inside the vehicle, she noticed Vincent sitting on the other end of the seat.

"Good evening, sweetheart. Lovely day, isn't it?" Vincent leaned in and kissed Eve's cheek when she sat beside him.

Eve felt the softness of Vincent's lips that wasn't overbearing, but it was firm at the same time, a quick kiss that somewhere left her wanting more for it. She turned to look into his coppery-red eyes, which unblinkingly looked back at her.

"Is someday," Eve responded to his words and saw the corner of his lips pull up.

"Everything good at the mansion?" He inquired, and she nodded.

"Yes," Eve returned his smile.

"Alright then. Briggs," Vincent called his coachman, "To Woodlock."

"Yes, Master Vincent," replied the coachman, closing the carriage door and going to sit in the driver's seat.

Soon the carriage left the grounds of the Moriarty mansion and then Skellington town, moving towards the town of Woodlock. When they reached the designated mansion, gates were pulled so the vehicle could pass.

Stepping down from the carriage, Eve stood next to Vincent while Mr. Briggs took the carriage to park it away. The butler of Sullivan's mansion appeared at the entrance and was quick enough to notice it was the Viscount's son, Vincent Moriarty, at the door.

"Welcome to the Sullivan's mansion, Mr. Moriarty. Shall I take your coat?" The butler offered with a bow and was ready to step behind Vincent when the pureblooded vampire raised his hand to stop him.

"That won't be needed," Vincent stated and noticed the previous Duke Jeffry Sullivan and his wife Hilda appear in the hallways.

"Mr. Moriarty, what a delight to see you here in my mansion," Jeffry greeted Vincent with a business-like smile, and Vincent offered a charming smile as if they knew each other well.

"It seems like you have come here with some work?"

"Indeed we have," Vincent replied and turned to look at Eve before placing his hand on her back, "I suppose you have already met Genevieve when she stayed the night?"

The older couple's eyes fell on Eve, and Lady Hilda nodded, "She is Anaya's friend."

"Good evening, Lady Hilda," Eve greeted the older woman, who only offered her a slight bow. Though Anaya's friend, the older woman, didn't care about the human.

"We are here to speak to Lady Anaya, is she in the mansion?" Vincent questioned the couple, who looked a little taken aback.

"Anaya is right on the first floor's open balcony. May I know what it is about?" Lady Hilda asked Vincent with firmness in her words.

"We heard good things about the lady's taste and skill when it comes to making dresses. We are here for the same reason," Vincent offered a charming smile, with his eyes crinkling at the sides.

"Gilbert," Lady Hilda called the butler, "Lead Mr. Moriarty to where Anaya is."

"Yes, milady," the butler answered. The butler led them up the stairs and then to the floor, while the older werewolf couple stared at the pureblooded vampire and the human woman.

Noah's father remarked to his wife, "One would never expect that the son would make the same mistake as his father. Marrying a human."

"Let the pureblooded do what he wants. It has nothing to do with us," Lady Hilda said with an unconcerned tone, placing her hand on her husband's arm.

Once Eve and Vincent reached the open balcony where Lady Anaya was sitting out in the open, the she-wolf looked surprised seeing her and a warm smile appeared on her lips.

"Eve, what a lovely surprise!" Lady Anaya got up from her chair. She came to where Eve stood and leaned in to offer airy kisses on both sides of Eve's cheeks. "When did you return from Berkshire?"

"Two days ago," Eve replied with a smile.

"I see, I am glad to know that you are back. Looks like we'll finally be able to catch up with each other," Lady Anaya stepped back and offered a bow to Vincent.

"This is an opportune time to spend time with each other," Vincent remarked, and Lady Anaya looked between the two. "We require a wedding gown, and we were hoping if you have time on your hands, then we would appreciate it if you have it made."

"Wedding gown?" Lady Anaya asked, taken aback, and Eve smiled.

"It is for me," on hearing Eve's words, Lady Anaya was slightly taken aback as if not knowing how to react, and Vincent watched the she-wolf's expression change.

"Congratulations on it! Of course, it would be an honour to make a wedding gown for Eve, but are you sure?" Lady Anaya asked Eve, it was because until now she had never made a wedding gown. "Wouldn't it be better for you to find an actual seamstress? I am still a beginner."

"My sister Marceline was so impressed after looking at your skill in dress making that she has decided to follow your path. We are sure you will turn it stunning, Lady Anaya," Vincent's words were charming with praises for the she-wolf, who stared at the handsome silver-haired vampire.

"Okay," Lady Anaya agreed and turned to Eve, "We can discuss what kind you are looking for and how you would like it made, and then work on it."

"I will let you ladies discuss it, while I wait inside," Vincent leaned towards Eve and, without holding back, kissed her cheek. "Take your time."

Eve slightly glared and turned flustered at Vincent, while he had nothing but a bright smile. Lady Anaya was stunned by the vampire's affection and she composed her expression. When the pureblooded vampire left two of them alone, the she-wolf said,

"It seems like Mr. Moriarty is very taken by you. Let me get the measuring tape."

And while Eve was with Lady Anaya in the Sullivan's mansion, at the front of the mansion's entrance, James Sullivan arrived along with Noah, and entered inside the mansion, walking through the hallways.

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