Allure Of The Night

Chapter 314 Words Between Friends

Eve and Rosetta walked in one of the quiet corridors, away from the others who were now in the parlour room. Eve noticed the young vampiress turn behind and then look back in front of them, and when their eyes met, the vampiress smiled at her.

"I thought you weren't going to be living here until later this week. Seems like Vincent is too eager to have you in the mansion," Rosetta remarked, while holding a hint of curiosity in her eyes as she looked at Eve. "I didn't know you liked him back otherwise I would have not badmouthed him in front of you," she looked sheepish as she said those words.

Eve smiled a little before she shook her head and said, "Back then I wasn't aware that things would turn this way between us."

"Are you sure you want to marry him?" Rosetta asked because she wasn't too fond of Vincent Moriarty and had long back decided that he wasn't the person she wanted to marry. No amount of handsomeness could rid the terror he had ignited in her towards him.

"He isn't too bad, Rosetta. He is different, but I think his other qualities overshadow that other side of him," Eve assured her friend, who looked genuinely concerned by her choice of the man she had agreed to marry. She continued, "There was a fire outbreak in Meadow, and Vincent came to rescue. He brought Eugene and me here to safety."

Rosetta quickly nodded her head, "I hope you both are alright? It must have been scary to have a sudden fire in the town. I wonder which crazy person would even think of lighting up the entire place."

The crazy she was going to marry, Eve thought in her mind.

Rosetta said, "I am glad to see that you are safe, and now that you are here, it will be easier for me to meet and spend time with you. I doubt my mother will have any problem when it comes to mingling with you, after all, soon you will be part of the high society," she smiled wide.

The two young women continued to walk in the corridor, where the corridors held light that came from the many candles that continued to burn brightly.

Eve asked Rosetta, "How long are you going to be in Skellington?"

"I don't think my parents mentioned it, but I am thinking maybe after Christmas?" Rosetta replied with a thoughtful expression. She then said, "My parents are too intent on finding out the person who killed Aunt Camille, and they won't be leaving the place until they find the culprit." Her red eyes moved to meet her friend's blue eyes, and there was a doubt. She said, "Myles, Aunt Camille's butler keeps insisting that Moriarty has something to do with it, because I wrote about you in the letter..."

For a moment, Eve felt her heart stop, and she could sense there was a question that Rosetta didn't ask her, as if the vampiress wanted to, but she was contemplating on whether to ask or to keep it to herself.

"You think she came to meet me?" Eve asked softly, and the two women didn't realise that the pace of their footsteps had reduced.

"I don't know," Rosetta replied, and she shook her head, "When the time is right, my parents will find out the truth and they will stop unnecessarily suspecting everyone. There is something that I wanted to say to you."

Eve's eyebrows furrowed in question and asked, "What is it?"

They had reached the parlour room, and their footsteps had completely halted. Rosetta placed her hand on Eve's shoulder and said, "If one day in the future I need you, you will be there for me, right? I will do the same for you. After all, you are the only friend I know who is genuine and would never hurt me."

A heaviness grew in Eve's heart, and she stared at her friend, who looked as if she held complete trust in her. She replied, "If it is something in my hands and ability, I will be more than willing and happy to help you, Rosetta. I would never hurt you intentionally."

Rosetta beamed at Eve's words, and they heard footsteps from inside the parlour room that approached the door. Soon Eve noticed Marquee Hooke stepped out of the room with Viscount Eduard.

Marquee Hooke noticed Rosetta standing next to the human, and he said to his daughter, "It is time to get back home, Rosetta."

"Yes, father," Rosetta quickly left Eve's side and went to her father, exchanging a few more words with the Viscount. The father and daughter met up with Lady Aurora, who was already seated in their luxurious carriage, which was ready to be driven out of the Moriarty mansion.

Eve looked for Vincent but seeing how she hadn't come across him in the corridors or after breakfast, she noticed the butler walking her way, and she asked him,

"Do you know where Vincent is?"

"Master Vincent is out in the garden, milady," Alfie answered her question with a bow, and Eve thanked him. She stepped out of the mansion's entrance and turned her head left and right before spotting the pureblooded vampire, who stood in front of a bush with his hand holding a cigar between his fingers.

When Vincent heard light footsteps approaching, he turned to look at Eve over his shoulders. He brought the cigar near his lips and took a drag before blowing the smoke in a direction that wouldn't hit her.

"Everything okay?" Eve asked him, and Vincent gave her a nod.

"You are here with me, everything is perfect," Vincent responded, and he offered her a smile that held ease. "Something on your mind?"

Eve gave Vincent a nod, "Yes. I keep worrying about them discovering the truth." Her eyebrows knit again, and she took a look around the garden where they stood to make sure no one was there to listen in to their conversation. She said, "The butler knows that Lady Camille came to the mansion, and I think it has left bread crumbs behind."

"It isn't too hard to get rid of the butler. Once he's gone, there is less evidence left," Vincent hummed, taking another drag and Eve shook her head.

"No, he is innocent."

"Mm, I thought you would say that, but you seem to forget what I told you yesterday. No one is ever innocent, my darling. But you could argue that there are different levels of innocence, maybe?" Vincent's words were calm, as if it didn't worry him. But that was only because he was used to killing and burying the bodies.

To hide one body, they had already killed the coachman. They couldn't keep hiding more bodies for the murder she had caused because, at the end of the day, all those death would be caused because of her.

"Relax, I won't let you sink when I have wings. I promised to keep you safe, didn't I?" Vincent stepped closer to her and pressed his lips on her forehead. "You are mine to protect and I won't let anything happen to you. The Marchioness said she has evidence that points that we have something to do with the murder. But I will take a look at if she's bluffing or if she really holds any evidence at all. I only need you to stay quiet and not whisper about it. Okay?"

Eve stared into Vincent's eyes and finally gave him a nod, "Okay."

"Good girl of mine. Why don't you go inside and be on your way to Allie, and I will see you in the evening?" Vincent hummed, his one hand moving down her shoulder where he didn't want to leave her by herself. Not because he was worried that something would happen to her but because he wanted to stay close to her.

Vincent was fascinated and enthralled by Eve's presence, where all his mind could lately think about was her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, breathe in her scent, feel her body against her, and hear her cry out his name, watching her dazed and aroused eyes staring back at him.

"Are you going to Darthmore?" Eve asked him, and Vincent hummed again.

"Yes, unfortunately work calls, and my presence seems to be demanded by the Head Council. If not, we would spend our time together, you in my arms where I would bathe you with kisses."

Eve felt a current run from her stomach to between her legs, where she remembered last night, and she turned a little breathless at the memory of it. Soon her eyes turned to bright gold in colour and Vincent caressed her cheek, "My mermaid, I cannot wait to have you."

"You already do," Eve whispered, and a crooked smile appeared on his lips. The woman was a siren, yet there was the innocence of the mermaid that he wanted to stroke and burn in flames.

Vincent's eyes turned slightly darker, and he dropped his hand from her cheek, "Not in many different ways. You will see."

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