Allure Of The Night

Chapter 334 Words In The Corridors

Music Recommendation: Transient Calm- (K)NoW_NAME

Eve wondered where Timotie was, hopefully, not causing any trouble, she thought to herself. Several minutes had passed, since the maid diligently continued to follow her. While she made her way to her room, she noticed Marceline walking in the opposite direction.

From what Eve knew, Marceline's room was not on this side, but on the other side of the mansion. When they came to cross paths with each other, Marceline remarked,

"Enjoy as much as you want now, because soon you will be back to living in that lowly human town."

"I heard that you are going to get married to one of the elite vampires. You should too," Eve handed Marceline's words back to her with a smile.

Marceline softly huffed, "I don't know where you heard it, but it is old news that doesn't hold anymore."

The vampiress continued to walk but at the end of the corridor, she crashed against one of the maids of the Moriarty mansion, who had walked from the right corridor. The thing that Marceline was holding in her hands fell on the marble floor with a light clatter, and Eve's eyes fell on it.

It was small, white and sharp. Were those fangs? Eve questioned herself.

Marceline's eyes widened on noticing the fangs on the floor and she quickly picked them up in her hands. She then glared at the maid for not watching where she was walking and raised her hand to slap the maid for her audacity. But before she could strike the maid's face, Eve caught hold of the vampiress's hand.

"What do you think you are doing? How dare you even touch me," Marceline demanded from Eve.

"One would think that after being defanged you would have learnt your lesson to show compassion to the people who belong to the lower status. But you seem to not hold a pinch of it," Marceline pulled her hand back and Eve let it go.

"Who are you to tell me how I should treat my servants?" Marceline huffed, turning around to face Eve.

"You are a lowly human, and if it weren't for my brother's interest in you, you would be a servant in this mansion. Which isn't too long."

Eve stared at the vampiress, who surprised her every day since finding out about what she had done to her. She replied, "You could have watched your footsteps then blame the servant who was carrying the quilt in her arms. Don't you think it is a little more than out of line for you wanting to hit her, where you share half the fault."

Marceline rolled her eyes, "Of course, I wouldn't expect for you to understand how things work in the mansion of the high social standing families. Considering how you were brought up in a small house in a poor condition."

"I don't think it is a matter of status, but a matter of what is right and wrong. Surely, you had your own governess who taught you about it, but it seems like you might be a poor student," Eve calmly replied.

"It seems like you are intent on making me appear bad in front of people, when I am only showing where I stand. I am the daughter of this mansion's owner. These servants and maids work for the Moriarty family and their lives are already given to us," Marceline took an intimidating step towards Eve and warned her, "Do that again, and you will regret it. It will be better if you don't try to cross paths with me. Don't think I have forgotten what you have done until now. I will pay them all back. "

But Marceline's words didn't intimidate Eve, and she responded, "Let us hope you don't do something that will result in more humiliation, Marceline. It is pitiful when it happens."

"Watch your words, you filthy human," Marceline glared at Eve, "I might not be able to harm you, but that doesn't mean I will go easy on the people whom you care so much about. At the end of the day, I am still a Moriarty and though Vincent hates it, he cannot kill me. Blood is thicker than anything," the vampiress walked away from there.

The maid whom Marceline crashed against looked too scared. And though Eve had helped, the maid only apologised before hurrying away and out of sight.

Eve stared at Marceline's retreating figure. Blythe stared at her and she stared back. She wondered what Marceline was doing, carrying her broken fangs and walking around the place. Was she looking for a way to attach her fangs back to her mouth?

Earlier when the fangs fell on the floor, the vampiress looked flustered, as if she was embarrassed for anyone to know about what had been done to her. Yet, at the same time, Eve noticed that Marceline learned no humility or feel regret over her actions.

Eve stepped inside her room, closing it and heard purring.

"What are you doing here, Timotei?" Eve questioned the cat, who had stretched himself on the bed and was rolling on it.

"I was keeping an eye. Saw the scheming vampiress walk in front of the door and wondered if she was here to check something," Timotei yawned before adding, "I am such a useful person. The world would be in utter disaster if I didn't come to help."

"Did she step inside the room?" Eve asked him, her eyebrows furrowing in question.

"As if she could, when I am here. It seems like she stepped into the next room," Timotei continued to purr and said, "It feels like back in the day when I had a room of my own. Such great pleasure," his bushy tail moved back and forth.

Next room, Eve thought, and she murmured, "That's Allie's room."

"Mm," Timotei purred and said, "It seems like all Moritarty members are odd, aren't they. The little girl wanted to pet and put me on her lap, which I did not mind until she called me a pet," he paused and raised his paw, "I am not a pet!"

Eve ignored Timotei and after a moment, realised, "Fangs. Those were Allie's old fangs." But what was Marceline doing with them? There was definitely suspicious behaviour out in the corridor.

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