Allure Of The Night

Chapter 336 Distraction In The Corridor

Surely Vincent didn't keep any person's fangs after breaking them, and considering the velvety box was right next to the stuffed bear, it only meant that these bear's fangs belonged to Marceline. Eve pulled out the fangs from the bear's mouth, slipped them in her dress pocket, and made her way towards Marceline's room.

Right on time, Timotei stood outside Marceline's room, his bushy black tail moving back and forth while he watched the door.

On noticing Eve at the end of the corridor, Timotei left the door and made his way towards her. Making sure no one was around, she asked him, "Is Marceline in her room?"

Timotei nodded, "She hasn't left the room since she entered. How long am I supposed to sit there again? I have a busy night ahead of me."

"She has her younger sister's fangs. She's either trying to harm Allie, or trying to trace it back to me in some way," Eve explained to Timotei in a hushed tone. The young vampiress wasn't in the mansion until late noon and had left home quite early. Returning home, she had looked for Allie's fangs, and this only meant one thing. "She's probably using some help from someone to find answers. There is something I need you to do, Timotei."

The black cat didn't look impressed with Eve's words and responded, "If you are going to make me work, I think I should start getting paid. I would like to have one gold coin every ten minutes."

Eve gave the cat a pointed look. Somewhere it gave her a feeling that both Timotei and Rosetta were cut out of the same cloth. Instead of agreeing to his demand, she bargained, "How about I speak to Vincent about a room all for yourself? There will be delicious food too."

Timotei gave it a thought and asked, "Directly to my room?"

Eve nodded. But the cat appeared to be doubtful and before it could refuse, she added, "You are the only person I can rely on, Timotei. I know by your sharp and clever skills, you will be able to do it."

The black cat stared at her for two seconds, where his tail had gone still before it started moving again. He waved his paw in front of him, "Isn't that evident. I am the bravest and cleverest of them all. There is nothing I cannot do. All I need to do is snap my fingers, and everything will be done in a second," he harrumphed, while he looked at Eve with a proud face.

"I need you to switch Allie's fangs with Marceline's fangs. Here they are," Eve fished for Marceline's fangs in her dress pocket and then pulled it out, placing them on the ground. "I think Marceline put it in her dress pocket, and before she leaves the mansion, you need to do this quickly. Without her notice of course."

Timotei took hold of Marceline's fangs in his paws and hid them where Eve couldn't see them anymore. He smoothened one of his ears and said, "I will be back in three minutes. You will see." Saying this, the black cat disappeared from the corridor.

Eve went to stand in the corner of the corridor, waiting for the cat to return with Allie's fangs. Just as Timotei had proudly said, he arrived after three minutes in front of her.

Timotei cleared his throat and said, "We have a little situation," Eve frowned at what it could be, "Her windows and doors are locked and there's no way I can get in. I need you to open the door for me."

Eve covered her eyes for a moment and sighed, "I will divert her attention and you take the fangs from her dress pocket. Okay?"

"Of course, I can do something so easy. I can do it with just one paw," Timotei coughed, and Eve walked towards Marceline's room.

On reaching the front of the vampiress's room, Eve made three sharp knocks on the wooden door. From the other side of the door, Marceline opened the door, and her arrogant look turned sour on seeing Eve in front of her room. The vampiress bounty asked,

"What do you want?"

"I am here to make peace between us, than fight with each other," Eve suggested to the vampiress, who stared at her. She said, "Hurting each other will bring us nothing."

Marceline softly huffed, "Do you think I am interested in your peace offering? It is because of you Vincent defanged me, robbed me of my peace."

"And what you did was alright? Provoking people to humiliate me for a reason I have no idea why," Eve internally hoped that Timotei would swap the fangs quickly, and right now, she noticed the cat hanging on Marceline's dress skirt without her notice.

"You are a lowly human, you cannot compare your worth and status to mine at any time. Are you now scared after knowing my brother is going to marry Rosetta?" Marceline smirked triumphantly. She continued, "I told you, I will drag you through the dirt and show you what it means if you intervene in my path."

The black cat used its claws to hang on the vampiress's dress skirt and tried climbing up near her dress pocket. The arrogant vampiress was too immersed looking down at Eve, to look down at herself and realise Timotei was there.

"One day you will regret your own words and actions, Marceline," Eve's eyes softened, but Marceline's red eyes narrowed.

"Step out of the mansion, and then see what happens to you. I will make sure it will be difficult for you to walk in the light with your head up," Marceline glared at Eve. When the vampiress looked away for a moment, Eve noticed Timotie's paw carefully sliding into Marceline's dress pocket.

The vampiress was about to close the door in Eve's face, but Eve placed her hand on the door to stop it. "What do you think you are doing?"

"I am not done talking to you," Eve stated with a straight face, and she could tell Timotei wasn't done yet.

"And I do not talk to lowly humans who are beneath my shoes. Get out of my sight now, I am going to sleep," Marceline glared at Eve, even though she wasn't wearing her night clothes, and it appeared as if the vampiress was still in her earlier clothes. "If you really want peace, why don't you lick my shoes and I will reconsider my decision."

Eve pursed her lips. This person was unredeemable, and she doubted there was hope for Marceline to come around. She said, "I hope God shows you mercy, Marceline." This elicited a chuckle from the vampiress. Timotei jumped down and quickly walked to stand behind Eve.

"Pray for yourself, you filthy human. You need it more than me," Marceline then closed the door with a bang in front of Eve's face, which was an inch away from being hit.

Eve stepped away from the door, walked away from Marceline's room and to the next corridor and then asked, "Were you able to switch the fangs?"

Timotei, who walked next to her, puffed his chest and proudly responded, "There isn't anything I am not capable of. I do not like that woman, she smelled funny."

"Funny?" Eve asked. Timotei stopped walking and raised his paw.

"I would like to be carried now and be treated like a King after finishing such a difficult job."

To Eve, Timotei was only a cat because of his cat appearance and behaviour, and as she hadn't seen him in his vampire form, she didn't find it odd. It was just a talking cat that she doubted would ever take its vampire form ever again. She picked up the cat, and heard him sigh contentedly.

Timotei stretched his limbs before comfortably settling in Eve's arms. Though he wasn't someone who liked his food to take care of him, he couldn't deny that Eve was a beautiful woman with a kind nature, better than most and he didn't mind being spoiled once in a while. He closed his eyes, softly purring, but his blissful time was short, which he didn't notice.

When Eve stepped towards the mansion's hallways, she saw Vincent making his way from the front.

Vincent's eyes fell on the rotten cat in Eve's arms and his eyes narrowed. What did they think they were doing? His footsteps sped through the hallways before coming to where Eve was and picked up the sleeping cat by its scruff.

"Meow?" Timotei felt the pinch that woke him up, and he came face to face with Vincent. "Wait, where are you taking me?!"

The black cat flailed its arms, wanting to free itself, while Vincent walked towards one of the open windows and threw it out of the mansion.

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