Allure Of The Night

Chapter 393 Chasing In The Forest

Timotei wanted to show Marceline that life was much harder than she thought it to be and not to underestimate him. The vampiress was a problem. She had upset him by trying to throw him out of the mansion.

The black cat then scrunched his nose and his whiskers. He opened his mouth, "RAAAAAWWWWRRR!" Wow, he couldn't believe his throat had such power, Timotei thought to himself.

This was enough for the coachman to pull the reins of the horses, getting them to start galloping, and he quickly left the place along with the carriage as fast as he could to save his life.

Timotei couldn't help but snicker. He said to no one, "I will see how you will be able to get back to the mansion, Lady Marceline. Might as well take a nap with the dead witch."

But before Timotei could witness the vampiress's frustration for not having a ride back to the mansion, he felt something stop his tail from moving. He remarked, "Did my tail catch cold that it has stopped functioning?"

Timotei used his paw to pull his tail from the back and checked it, gently caressing it with his paw, "Seems just fine."


The black cat dropped its tail from its paws as it felt something breathe on its neck. It finally turned, looking with its eyes moved to a corner. Behind him sat a bear, and it finally dawned on him that his earlier roar had possibly been combined with this big black bear, with saliva dripping from its mouth.

"I am just a passing guest here, who doesn't want to pass away," Timotei spoke in a gentleman-like fashion without raising his voice. To move backwards, the bush obstructed his escape, and he said, "You are a black bear, I am a black cat. I doubt it would be fair to our fur, that you eat a small person like me."

Timotei and the bear stared at each other for two seconds. In the third second, the bear opened its mouth wide and roared. The black cat quickly started sprinting from there, and the bear chased the cat, its feet thumping on the snowy ground. Timotei did what he thought was best.

Why sacrifice an animal, a human and a tree, if the vampiress could be used as a meal for the bear? In the middle of huffing for air, Timotei laughed at his intelligent self and said,

"Sometimes, I surprise myself. How can I be this smart?" Said the cat, who had earlier failed to notice the bear.

While the bear chased Timotei, on the other side of the forest, Marceline had finished bandaging her foot and was heading back to her carriage, holding the dagger given by the witch.

To stop the curse from spreading further, so that she could buy time, she would need to find the three things that she needed. She wasn't going to amputate her leg! Thankfully, this time, she didn't have to worry about anything backfiring at her. And she had taken care of the witch herself this time.

Marceline heaved for breath as her foot was bothering her too much, and she couldn't pay attention to anything but that. She said to herself,

"I will get back to everyone who has done this to me. Marceline Moriarty never forgives," and her dull eyes glowed with the anticipation of taking her revenge.

The vampiress held the front part of her skirt so the hem wouldn't come in the way as she walked. But when her gaze moved ahead, she caught sight of something small and dark running. She ignored what it was, as she heard the thumping and saw the big-sized bear coming in her direction.

"What the hell…?!"

Marceline stopped walking and took a step backwards. Seeing the bear making its way towards her, the vampiress rummaged through her cloak for the gun, but the bear had gotten too close and she couldn't do anything but start to run while dragging her foot in the direction she had come.

"Why is this happening to me!" Marceline cried out in frustration and ran as fast as she could for quite some time, while being chased by the bear. When she finally found the opportunity, she hid behind a tree and pulled the gun.

The bear came at her, ready to rip her head off. At that time, Marceline pulled the trigger one after another into the bear's head, where the gunshots echoed in the forest.

Blood splattered on her dress. One drop of the bear's blood fell on her face before it slid down her cheek. Marceline breathed heavily.

Timotei had climbed the nearby tree earlier to escape from the bear, frowned, "Useless bear. But then she might not have been of your taste."

Marceline sat on the ground, and she huffed for air. All she wanted was to fix her fangs and get her respect back. She might have thrown Eve before to the people of Meadow, but the human was doing perfectly well, while she was going through pain and humiliation now.

She pushed herself to stand up and went back to where the carriage was parked earlier. But when she reached the place, neither was the carriage nor her coachman waiting for her. Unable to hold in her frustration, she screamed,


Marceline gritted her teeth, wanting to strangle her coachman for leaving her, when she specifically told him not to move. She couldn't stay in the forest and had to get back to the mansion. But on foot, it would take a day for her to reachSkellington. She thought about the steps to undo the curse and walked to a tree that looked young as if it was intact.

Timotei watched the vampiress cut one of the tree's branches, and he hissed, "So desperate to not waste time and get things done quickly." The blade of the dagger glowed. He heard her mutter to herself,

"I should have killed the bear with this dagger. Now I will need to dirty my clothes again tomorrow."

"…." This… Timotei hadn't thought about it. He sighed, that the vampiress had used her gun and not the dagger given by the witch. He would have to keep a close eye on her now.

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