Allure Of The Night

Chapter 415 Finding The Truth

When Moriarty's butler had returned with a liquor bottle and a saw in his hand, Eve watched Marceline hold a terrified look. The vampiress's eyes carried desperation and frustration in her eyes.

Eve questioned if Marceline felt any regret for her actions. Being the forgiving one, she noticed tears fall from the vampiress's eyes as she begged for her leg not to be cut and instead be fixed by a witch's help.

When her eyes met Vincent's, she saw the aloof expression on his face. Though the vampiress was his sister by blood, he looked calm and seemed to be enjoying the vampiress's plight.

If Eve wanted, she could heal Marceline's leg. She didn't know up to what extent, but she could.

While one side there was Eve's forgiving nature, but at the same time, there was another side. A side that came from the siren that wanted Marceline to suffer for her ill actions.

If Eve hadn't swapped Allie's fangs for Marceline's with Timotei's help, it would be her in Marceline's place. With a detached foot and a leg that continued to rot. This only showed how Marceline never cared about the harm she was causing others.

"Sire," Alfie walked to Vincent's side, offering the burning saw.

Eve hardened her heart as she watched Vincent take the saw in his hands and grip it. As the saw descended to Marceline's leg, the room turned cold, and a sharp scream erupted from Marceline's lips as the hot metal sliced until the infected area on her leg.


Marceline's painful scream echoed not just outside the room's corridor, but the entire mansion.

"I will go see what Allie is doing," Lady Annalise excused herself, as she couldn't watch one of her children's legs being amputated. Though she wasn't Marceline's biological mother, she had tried to bond with her, and it caused an ache in her chest.

On the other hand, Viscount Eduard came forward to hold Marceline still, whose body thrashed as she continued to scream with the burning sensation of the metal on her leg.

Vincent had already picked up the aiding box from the closet of the room and pulled out a needle.

Unable to stand still and watch, Eve to where Marceline was. She knew what was waiting for the vampiress after being defanged and losing a leg. When her hand reached for Marceline, as if wanting to reduce the vampiress's pain in her amputated leg, Vincent stopped her,

"Eve, go and bring Mr. Pepper here."

Eve's hand hung mid-air, and they stared at each other.

Vincent knew the kind of person Eve was and he loved her for that. But his sister deserved every bit of what she was going through.

Marceline, who was in pain, noticed her brother and the lowly human sharing a quiet moment, while she was bleeding and suffering. She shouted,

"Did you not hear what my brother said? Go and bring the physician!" The vampiress's hatred towards Eve magnified because she blamed the lowly human for her current state.

Marceline glared at Eve with her red eyes filled with tears that continued to fall, and her jaws clenched.

Eve stared back at Marceline, feeling pity for the vampiress, and she wondered if the young vampiress would ever accept her faults and mend her ways. But she already knew the answer to it. It was never. Thinking about it, a small pitiful smile made to her lips, and the vampiress on noticing it turned enraged.

"What do you think you are smiling at?! This is all happening because of you, you worthless piece of whore from the lowly town—AHHH!"

Vincent poured the liquor on Marceline's wound, "Did that hurt, Marcie? Pardon me, it slipped."

Marceline screamed like a little child, flailing her hands, "Kill me! I prefer death over this humiliation!"

"I am sorry, but we love you too much to kill you, dear sister," Vincent remarked in a dead tone, "It is something that you will have to do yourself."

"Vincent," Viscount Eduard stopped his son with a frown.

"What? I was telling the truth," Vincent's eyes brightened with one corner of his lips threatening to pull. He didn't want to kill Marceline. Fortunately or unfortunately for his sister's luck, she was stuck being alive, and he wouldn't let her die. He didn't even have to torture her because it seemed like she was doing that herself.

Marceline was tired from all the screaming, and she heaved for air. She felt like the little hope and light she had in her life was diminishing. She whispered to Eve, "It is all because of you. I was cursed by a witch. I will curse you that you—"

"It is time you take responsibility for your actions rather than blame others, Marceline," Eve's words were sharp as she said it.

"How dare you speak to me in that tone?!" Marceline questioned in a low and threatening voice.

Eve responded at the vampiress, "The wealth and status that you have is not something you earned, but something that was passed on. What do you have that you are proud about? You only possess arrogance which is as empty as your heart."

"What do you have—"

"Eve has a heart that feels the pain you are going through," it was Vincent who spoke this time. He said, "Eve isn't wrong. You aren't a child anymore so stop behaving like one. You went to the witch, cursed the person you thought had helped Allie. When the curse didn't work and fell back on you, you are now crying for your own actions. Stop blaming her or anyone else to soothe your self centred self."

Marceline's lips trembled, and her body shook when she covered her face with her hands. She then said, "I don't want to live here anymore! I shall go live by myself in the Southern side. I will be fine by myself."

Viscount Eduard's frown deepened further. It was because Marceline was talking about going and staying in the other mansion that the family-owned on the Southern side of the land.

Eve wondered where Marceline's hate towards her stemmed from. Talking to the vampiress was nothing less than talking to a wall. It was because the vampiress saw her point of view to be the only right one, while disregarding everything and everyone else.

"I don't have fangs.. I don't have a leg," Marceline sobbed as her eyes fell on her short leg, which was severed until mid-thigh. "I have been reduced to nothing. There's no meaning to my life!"

"You have us, your family—"Viscount Eduard began, only to receive a scream from his elder daughter.

"No! Y—you all let this happen to me," Marceline continued to blame as she sobbed, and Vincent sighed.

"You are right. From now onwards, you aren't my sister," Vincent dropped the needle on the ground and stood up.

With her mouth agape, Marceline stopped crying and asked, "W—where are you going?? My leg is still bleeding!"

"Do it yourself," Vincent deadpanned with his eyes looking down at her coldly, and he stepped out of the room.

Eve watched Vincent step out of the room. When she turned to look at Marceline, the vampiress looked genuinely hurt for the first time. This time it wasn't because Vincent had refused to help the vampiress but because he had severed his relationship with her. The vampiress looked like a child trying to stop herself from crumbling. She said,

"Marceline, Vincent didn't mean—" When Eve placed her hand on Marceline's shoulder, she stopped speaking.

Eve froze, where she neither continued to speak nor blink as she stared at the space in front of her. She pulled her hand away from Marceline's shoulder.

"What do you know about Vince and me?!" Marceline demanded from Eve with angry tears. "Are you happy now? For ruining my relationship with my brother and taking him away from me? Are you?!" She shouted.

At the same time, Mr. Pepper arrived at the front of the room with his physician's box and hurried inside. The physician said,

"Let me stitch this up right away and then I will wrap it with a bandage."

Eve whispered in shock, "How could you do that…"

The physician looked confused, looking back and forth if he wasn't supposed to stitch the vampiress's leg. He asked in doubt, "Did I make a mistake, milady?"

Eve turned her hardened blue eyes to look at Marceline.

When she had earlier touched Marceline, she hadn't expected her body to experience joy and anguish. The anguish came from the pain of the vampiress's leg, but the joy… came from stabbing Eugene to bleed.

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