Am I A God?

Chapter 874: Giving Birth and Discussion

Chapter 874: Giving Birth and Discussion

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Matcha hung up the phone and buried his head in his stomach. The more he thought, the angrier he became.

He did not sleep that night and was busy for the day. As he pondered, he fell asleep unknowingly.

A series of roars were heard and Matcha opened his eyes in a daze.


“Matcha, what’re you doing?”

“Wake up!”

Matcha opened his eyes and saw a short and fat version of himself patting him. “Your son’s pooing again. Go clean up immediately!”

Matcha turned his head and saw a small orange cat sprawled on the ground. Beside him were lumps of poo.

After cleaning up the floor, Matcha heard another shout. “Matcha! Your son’s constipated. Go lick him!”

Matcha retorted, “Why should I lick him?”

“When a kitten’s constipated, his parents need to lick them to stimulate his stomach. Don’t you know this? What kind of a dad are you?”

Matcha walked over reluctantly.

“Matcha, there’s no more milk! Buy some milk for your son!”

“Remember to feed him milk at specific points in time.”

“Tomorrow’s his vaccination. Don’t forget to bring him to the appointment.”

“Matcha! Get up immediately, your son...”

Matcha was kept busy with his son’s errands. When he next looked into the mirror, he saw a frail face with blood-shot eyes.

His fur was oily and looked like he had not cleaned himself for days.

His paw pads were soiled and filled with dust.

His cheeks were hallowed and his eyes listless. Even his stomach slimmed down.

“How did I become like this? My looks dropped by at least 50 points.” Matcha muttered to himself.

He heard the flapping of wings and a Munchkin cat flew in and circled above his head. The Munchkin cat shouted happily, “We meet again and it’s earlier than I expected! Are you happy?”

Matcha frowned and glared at Doomsday as he said, “Who are you? I feel like beating you up.”

“Hahaha.” Doomsday laughed loudly. “I deliver surprises for the world. I fight for world peace and gender equality.”

“Huh?” Matcha frowned and looked at Doomsday. He was dazed in the dreamscape but he still had his subconscious’ mind and memories.

Matcha’s eyes popped when he recognized Doomsday. “It’s you! You’re the one who delivered the kitten to me! Are you the one who made me pregnant?” Matcha wailed as he charged towards Doomsday and wrestled with him.

Two orange cats tossed and turned on the ground as they fought. Doomsday shouted in shock, “What’re you doing?”

“You’re asking me?” Matcha roared furiously. “You’ve gotten me into hot soup!” He bit Doomsday’s ear.

Argh! Doomsday screamed in pain as he kicked wildly at Matcha using his hind leg. “I know you’ll be unhappy at the beginning but you’ll thank me in the future! I gave you the world’s best gift!”

“The world’s best gift?” Matcha was angered. “Do you know how much I’m suffering? I’m a tomcat and you let me give birth to a kitten?!”

Matcha bit Doomsday’s ear viciously.

“Ah! My ear’s dropping! My ear’s dropping!” Doomsday panicked and said, “You don’t know what’s good for you! I’ll get you to understand my good intentions!”

The next moment, the world swirled and quaked as Matcha’s eyes were filled with darkness. Then he awoke in the office.

“What? I was dreaming?”

As he was recalling his dream, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked at his tummy which had grown bigger.


“I’m feeling the pain of labour?!” Matcha panicked and exclaimed. “Why do I feel like I’m giving birth?”

Matcha became anxious as though he had caught fire. “What shall I do? What shall I do?”

Old Cat came into the office and said, “Sir George, we’re starting the meeting... We...” He lifted his head, saw an empty chair, and was puzzled. “Not in the office? I thought I saw him just now?”

Matcha activated Time Freeze to hide outside Cat Wonderland. He muttered, “No, I can’t stay in Cat Wonderland...”

“I’ve got to find a place where nobody will recognize me...”



With the disappearance of the White House, powerful organizations in the world were shocked by such powerful superpower.

In Jianghai, half an hour after the White House’s disappearance, Uncle Ho took a flight to the North to attend a secret high profile meeting.

Looking at familiar and some unknown leaders, Uncle Ho could not stop swallowing his saliva nervously.

He had few occasions to speak except for answering some questions during the meeting. However, he got to know a large amount of intelligence unknown to him previously.

“Zhao Yao is the confirmed perpetrator of the White House incident.”

“The United States have informed us that the Pentagon was very unhappy about this incident. The effect on international relations...”

“Zhao Yao’s superpowers went beyond our expectations. Is there any conclusion from the superpower strategic unit?”

“As for the unknown superpower, we’re unable to observe, defend, counterattack or organize effective...”

After hearing four consecutive ‘unable’, everyone frowned deeply.

“Previously, Zhao Yao exhibited similar superpowers but without the destructiveness.”

A senior leader looked at Uncle Ho and asked, “Mr Ho, you’ve been in charge of Zhao Yao. Do you know what that superpower is?”

Uncle Ho stood up nervously and said, “Though we were in contact for long periods of time, Zhao Yao’s cautious and used illusion and invisibility to hide his superpowers so we are not sure either.”

An elderly leader said, “Don’t worry, just tell us what you know. Bold speculations and meticulous confirmations are what we want.”

Uncle Ho nodded and pondered before saying, “Zhao Yao exhibited a similar superpower before and the duration is short so we thought it was the Teleportation superpower. After observing several battles, his superpower’s not as simple as a Teleportation superpower.”

“Within a certain distance, he can complete many actions that we are unable to observe in a short time.”

“A similar superpower that I can think of is our unit’s Time Acceleration. However, he’s faster than that. Even high-speed cameras can’t capture his actions or changes in his shadow.”

“I only know of one superpower that can do that.”

Everyone looked at him curiously. “What superpower?”

“The superpower’s faster than light,” Uncle Ho said grimly. “Time Freeze, more than a minute of Time Freeze.”

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