American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

261. Bullseye’s Log – Final Chapter.

261. Bullseye’s Log – Final Chapter.

Countless wreckage burst into meteor-like fragments, and terrifying thunder pierced through the ground, tearing open a hole that reached five levels underground. The wind howled, whipping the rain like lashes that struck the ground harshly. The buildings groaned in a low, mournful tone, and the entire world was shrouded in a blurry curtain of rain.

"Caw— Caw— Caw—!"

Above the ruins, a black crow circled in the heavy rain, cawing loudly. Its eyes were fixed on the giant hole torn open by the lightning below, filled with a human-like joy and satisfaction.

Thunder raged, and the blinding light made it impossible to keep one's eyes open. All technological creations crumbled in this moment, as the entire Hydra underground fortress was engulfed by lightning.

Countless streams of lightning snakes converged quickly, forming a massive, dazzling brilliance like the sun. At the very center of the light, an old, decayed hammer shimmered with terrifying, destructive energy.

"My God."

Ashley, who had been thrown aside, managed to steady herself in a corner with Venom's help. Her entire body felt numb, a searing pain radiating from her body that was almost unbearable.

"What the hell just happened!?"

Venom extended its sticky form to anchor Ashley behind cover, protecting her from the rampaging lightning, while it curled up, trembling in fear. "The gaze of the gods has fallen. Thor's power has found a successor."

But Ashley no longer cared about Venom's explanation. She peeked out, eyes wide, staring at the center of the lightning—the spot where Black Canary had stood.


Amidst the sounds of metal clashing, pieces of metal scales materialized from the lightning, forming and arranging themselves on Black Canary's body into a beautifully crafted suit of armor.

A silver helmet slowly descended onto Black Canary's head, with two sharp wings at the top, flashing with a divine cold light.

In that radiant glow, a towering figure slowly took shape, and a suffocating sense of terror erupted, spreading rapidly and sweeping away everything around it.

The long-dead Black Canary was gently lifted into the air under the guidance of this power. She raised her arm slightly, and the old, worn hammer seemed to hear the call, transforming into a bolt of lightning that appeared in her hand in the blink of an eye.

The moment the hammer's handle touched her palm—

Thor returned!

Black Canary's eyes shot open suddenly, golden light bursting from them, too intense to look at directly.

Even stronger lightning exploded around her, twisting all the steel under the immense power. The ground cracked, and the entire sky erupted in thunder, illuminating the dark New Babylon with its blinding brilliance.

The rain poured down, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. It was as if heaven and earth were celebrating, using this awe-inspiring and grand spectacle to welcome the birth of the new Thor.

Countless memories and information flooded into Black Canary's mind. In that instant, she seemed to see the gods of Norse mythology nodding and smiling at her. The majestic power of Odin's bloodline descended upon her, transforming her entire aura.

If Black Canary had been someone people were irresistibly drawn to, someone they wanted to approach and conquer, the Black Canary standing now exuded a presence that commanded awe and reverence.

Feeling the great power flowing through her body, and the lightning swirling around her like it had finally found its rightful home, Black Canary couldn't help but smile.

Almost everyone in New Babylon witnessed this unparalleled scene. At that moment, none of them had the will to continue fighting. This terrifying display would forever be etched in their memories.

Far away in Hammerfall Town, the residents could not contain their emotions as the flashing lightning and the flying Thor's hammer caused a massive uproar.

People screamed as they rushed out of their homes, gathering where Thor's hammer had once rested. But by the time they arrived, the hammer was gone, leaving only a crater to prove it had ever been there.

"Did... Did you see that?!"

"My God, our prayers have been answered!"

"All-father Odin, Thor has returned!"

"The gods have responded to our prayers!"

In the square, exclamations of disbelief spread, eventually erupting into wild cheers.

The giant screen in New Era Square collapsed amidst the thunderous roar. As the communication feed ended, nearly everyone had caught a glimpse of the storm-summoning scene.

Alex quickly walked out of the wine cellar, his feet splashing through the puddles on the ground. But Alex didn't care. The storm seemed to avoid him, the rain whipping past as he looked toward the convergence of lightning.

Behind Alex, the others followed him out. Seeing the apocalyptic scene before them, they were all left speechless with shock.

"My God, this can't be real," said old Punisher Frank, his usually stoic face twitching in disbelief. "That's Thor's lightning. I'll never forget it."

"Damn it, I can't see a thing," Old Barton grumbled, but he was the one smiling the widest.

Nothing could make him happier than seeing the relic of an old friend find a new successor. Barton was even smiling through tears. Even though everything was pitch black in front of him, he was seeing more than anyone else!

Kara stood beside Alex, watching the dark clouds rolling in. Even she felt a surge of emotion from the depths of her heart. "So, this is the possibility you were waiting for?"

"Yes," Alex nodded, a pleased smile on his face. His gaze was deep and distant, as if he could see through the very fabric of reality.

"There are almost no people in this world worthy of the recognition of Thor's hammer, and we are no exception. But... what if it was a true hero?"

A hero worthy of being recognized by the Green Lantern ring—surely they could also wield the legendary Thor's hammer!

"You saw this coming?" Punisher Frank couldn't help but ask, and Songbird and Barton both perked up their ears.

"I can't unravel the mysteries of the entire timeline, but fortunately, I have an eye specially tuned to observe 'major events.' In a world long dominated by supervillains and filled with despair, the birth of the legendary Thor has finally come."

At this, Alex simply shook his head with a light laugh and asked, "Wouldn't you call that a 'major event'?"

In the ruins of the underground fortress, Black Canary curiously examined the armor now covering her. It was her first time wearing something so divine, and she felt an irresistible urge to show it off to Wonder Woman.

"That... that's the legendary Thor's hammer just three streets down from my place!?" Ashley's jaw dropped, her eyes filled with unconcealed envy. If she'd known that being a hero could grant her such immense power, she wouldn't have bothered with the underworld at all.

It must have been her dad who didn't teach her well. Yeah, that's it!

"Ashley, are you alright?" Black Canary quickly snapped out of it, scanning the area for Ashley.

"I'm fine," Ashley replied. "Your lightning really packs a punch."

"I really can't keep working with this woman," Venom weakly muttered beside her.

If it were just the sonic attacks, he could barely tolerate it for a while, but now there was high heat and deafening noise as well.

Teaming up?

Haha, that's not happening.

"If you're still cracking jokes, I guess you're fine," Black Canary smiled. Even though she had no idea why she received the Asgardian inheritance, becoming the new Thor, she wasn't planning to reject the honor.

After all, she still had a world that needed saving.

At that moment, a sound suddenly came from the distant ruins, immediately catching the attention of both Black Canary and Ashley. They both turned to look, their expressions uncertain. A massive boulder slowly shifted, then crashed to the ground with a heavy thud. In the dim light, a tall, skinny figure shakily stood up.

"This... this is a real... battle."

Bullseye opened his mouth, blood flowing freely from it, mixing with the rain.

By now, Bullseye was a far cry from his former glory. His entire mechanical arm had been torn off, forever left beneath the rubble, and his condition was pitiful—his body as broken as a discarded machine.

"Oh, for f*ck's sake, you old fart, how are you still alive?!" Ashley, always quick with her sharp tongue, was the first to voice her opinion. But her words didn't get any reaction from Bullseye. His eyes were still locked on Black Canary, as steady as ever.

"Still not giving up, Bullseye?" Black Canary frowned. "Didn't you already kill me once? But now, you have no chance of victory."

Bullseye ignored Black Canary's words. He staggered as he bent down, picking up Namor's trident with his remaining arm.

"A real... battle."

Aiming for Black Canary, who stood on top of the ruins like a god descending from the heavens, Bullseye muttered to himself, slurring his words, then took a step forward, starting to climb upward.

"Stand down, Bullseye. This is your final warning."

Black Canary's expression turned cold as she raised Thor's hammer, pointing it directly at Bullseye.

"This is my moment of glory! My battle!"

Bullseye's crazed voice grew louder and louder, until he finally roared and charged toward Black Canary. Seeing Bullseye's reckless dash, Black Canary decided not to engage him any further. She knew there was no saving these old relics. Bullseye screamed as he reached Black Canary and raised the trident.

"This is my—"

In the next instant, a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm exploded, piercing through his chest and sending him flying.

The insane grin on Bullseye's face froze in place.

"—glory, glory, glory..."


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
262. After the Storm.
263. Worries.
264. Adding Another Layer of Lock.
265. Preparation and Departure.
266. Apokolips War.

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