American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

264. Adding Another Layer of Lock.

264. Adding Another Layer of Lock.

"The situation in the Wasteland is going to get much worse, even worse than forty years ago," Old Barton slowly began, his voice calm. "Back then, even though a lot of trouble was stirred up, those supervillains still had a shred of 'humanity.' With them around, the smaller gangs didn't dare act too recklessly. But now, it's different."

The old Punisher also agreed with Barton's statement. His years of experience made him understand how insane the small gangs became once they gained power.

"Civilization has broken down, and most people have lost even the most basic decency. When all these factions go to war, they won't care about civilian casualties. The entire world will be consumed by fear and death. To deal with these problems, Barton, we need more help," Frank said seriously.

"I met an X-Man at Murderworld before, codename Blindfold. She used to be Scott's student. And there's Logan. Even though the world is in chaos, he's got to consider his family and kids, whether he wants to get involved again or not," Barton said casually.

"I can reach out to what's left of S.H.I.E.L.D. They have connections with local militias, which might be able to lend us some support," Frank added after thinking for a moment. "And there's also Viv Vision's Avengers. I can contact them as well."

Hearing Barton and Frank's exchange, Pietro couldn't help but chuckle. "Seems like, no matter how dark the world is, there are always people yearning for the light. When you add it all up, we've got quite a bit of backup."

Pietro's words lightened the tense atmosphere among the group.

To their surprise, when they started counting the various scattered militias and organizations, they realized they had managed to put together a massive network of forces.

"With this in mind, if our goal is just to survive and gather refugees while waiting for your return, we should be fine," Barton nodded and then turned to Alex. "Anything else you'd like to add?"

At this, Alex pursed his lips, his mind recalling the various factions in the Wasteland and a few particularly capable individuals. Leaving aside Star-Lord, who was still somewhere in space, there were quite a few hero descendants left in the Wasteland. But after such chaos, it was hard to say how many had survived.

After a moment of contemplation, seeing that everyone was looking at him, Alex cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Uniting the factions is one thing, but recruiting some skilled individuals is also important. I've heard that Yelena, the Black Widow, is still alive. You can try finding her, as well as the kid with the Ant-Man helmet and Luke Cage's daughter. Try to gather as many of these superhero legacies and descendants as you can."

"That makes sense," Frank put down his glass, nodding seriously. "And there's also the tech from the supervillains. If Red Skull could use the heroes' legacies, we can do the same."

"But you all still need to be careful," Alex cautioned seriously. "Magic is just starting to reawaken, and there are a lot of things in the dark stirring. I'll have Baron Blood form a new 'Midnight Sons,' but you should still be cautious."

Previously, during the era of magic's decline, many dark creatures were on the verge of extinction. But now, with magic from other worlds taking root, no one could predict what new changes would emerge.

The darkness had opened its eyes again, and empty rooms were once more filled with the sound of children's laughter. Everything was returning, and these changes would undoubtedly pour fuel on an already chaotic situation.

"I'll be careful," Frank replied, exhaling a puff of mist, his stiff smile softening. "Winter is almost over."

"Yeah, once we survive the long night, we'll see the dawn again," Alex added.

No one could fully understand the feelings of Frank, Barton, and the others at this moment. It was a unique kind of excitement. Previously, they had lived in a hopeless Wasteland, consumed by the sins of the past and the sacrifices of old friends, trapped in endless despair.

In such an environment, no one could see hope. Everyone had lost their dreams, trudging through each day aimlessly. Even Barton had been like that. He had drifted through most of his life, and if it hadn't been for the arrival of the Raven pushing him to make a comeback, he likely would have continued suppressing himself.

But now, everything had changed. Osborne was defeated, Zemo was confined to a wheelchair, and even the arrogant Red Skull had become history. So, even though the world was about to be engulfed in flames again, Barton and the others couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Because, for the first time in decades, they saw hope. A hope they had waited forty years for!

"Now, let's discuss who will travel to Dinah and Jason's world," Alex said, breaking the moment of reflection.

As soon as the words left his mouth, half the room immediately raised their hands without hesitation, including Old Barton.

"Dad, what are you doing? Don't you need to stay here to unite the various factions?" Ashley said, a little exasperated with her eager father.

"Frank and Kate can handle it better than I can, heh," Barton scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah, right. I have no idea where Yelena or that X-Man you mentioned are, so you'd better stick around with me," Frank replied, rolling his eyes.

Seeing Barton, who acted like an old child during everyday conversations, Alex couldn't help but suppress a chuckle.

"I know you want to see what another world looks like, but we're not going on a field trip—we're going to save the world. If you were forty years younger, sure. But for now, you better sit this one out."

Plus, the more people that go, the more power it uses.

Alex had realized he was starting to get a bit obsessive about managing power consumption, but he couldn't help it. After all, energy was precious.

With that said, Alex turned to the others. "Pietro, you've got enough experience, so no surprises there. But Kara, I need to remind you. I know you're excited to see your cousin in that world, but you need to be careful. There's Kryptonite in that universe, and it's very dangerous for you."

"I understand. Black Canary has already told me some intel about that world. I'm prepared," Kara nodded seriously.

"Good, that puts my mind at ease."

Since Black Canary had already given Kara a heads-up, Alex didn't need to elaborate. He turned to Ashley next. "When you get there, follow orders. Got it?"

"Yes!" Ashley and Venom both responded in unison.

"Alright, then finally, we have the most crucial issue."

Alex stretched lazily before looking at the hammer in Black Canary's hand, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Is something wrong, Alex? Is the hammer not allowed to come with me?"

Black Canary noticed Alex's gaze and felt a bit nervous. This was the first time she had possessed such great power, and it had given her hope of saving the world. She didn't want to lose it now.

Alex merely shrugged and smiled.

"That's not it. I just need to add another lock to it. Otherwise, when we get there and seven or eight new owners pop up, who knows if the hammer will still listen to you."


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
265. Preparation and Departure.
266. Apokolips War.
267. Batwoman Under Siege.
268. The Bat Family’s Ordeal.
269. The People of Gotham Amidst Disaster!

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