American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

280. Preparations for Summoning Demons.

280. Preparations for Summoning Demons.

Summoning demons is no easy feat, even in a world full of supernatural occurrences.

In a world where magic exists, not everyone has the ability to cast spells. While it's true that anyone who knows the right incantations and rituals, even a child, could technically summon a demon, there's still a significant difference between individuals.

The summoning of a common person and that of a wizard is worlds apart. Some people, no matter how hard they try, can never summon anything beyond a crossroads demon. It's not because they lack the ability, but because they aren't worthy.

Think of it like making a phone call; demons also have the right to decline. If anyone could summon a demon at will, then they wouldn't be called demons—they'd be genies. Moreover, magic is defined as mysterious phenomena that cannot be explained by science. This alone ensures that most people will never have access to such a miraculous domain.

And the Seven Deadly Sins are no ordinary demons. To establish a connection with them, both the ritual and the caster need to be of the highest caliber. Otherwise, it's not just that the summoning will fail—they might not even hear the call.

Although Alex had never personally summoned a demon before, he had witnessed the process several times. In the Marvel Multiverse, whether it was magical rituals or communicating with the minions of the Elder Gods, these experiences had left a lasting impression on him.

Now, in a universe that was both familiar and foreign, he was about to summon the legendary primordial demons. Alex was both excited and anxious.

As Alex was pondering how to prepare, Miss Minutes seemed to sense something. She disappeared in a flash, leaving Alex, who realized that someone was approaching. Sure enough, moments later, the door to the rooftop opened, and Kara appeared before him.

"Just arrived in a new world—aren't you going to rest? Your body is still recovering under the influence of the yellow sun. Sleeping should help your body adjust better," Alex said with a smile as he looked at Kara.

"I can't sleep," Kara responded, her eyes downcast, her face full of worry.

"Is it because of your cousin?" Alex understood Kara well and knew what her greatest concern was.

Kara gently nodded, acknowledging her thoughts. "I can't believe that Kal has turned into this. He was supposed to be Krypton's greatest. He shouldn't be so reckless, and he definitely shouldn't be the one starting a war."

"You could tell him all of this when you see him," Alex suggested. He wasn't sure how to judge this universe's Superman.

"To be honest, Alex, I don't even know what I'll say when I see him. I've imagined our reunion countless times, rehearsed so many conversations. But in this world, I really don't know what I'll say."

Kara was in pain. With her abilities, she could easily sense Barbara and Kate's attitude toward her cousin. And as her super hearing returned, she could even hear people inside Gotham's sanctuary quietly criticizing Superman.

"My cousin was supposed to be their symbol of hope, but now everything's changed. He's destroyed everything, destroyed this planet. He's no longer the guardian of humanity. Now, he's just a plague everyone wants to rid the world of. Even his comrades think this way."

Hearing this, Alex immediately caught on. "Kara, did you overhear something?"

Kara shook her head and sighed deeply. "I just heard people's most honest opinions about him... Ugh, never mind. I don't want to talk about this. How about you? How's the magic communication going?"

Seeing the conversation shift to himself, Alex smiled and spoke honestly. "I have to thank Black Canary. Luckily, her memories had fragments about the magic in this world. Otherwise, I wouldn't have figured out the balance between the magic of these two worlds so quickly."

It's important to note that the magic in Marvel and DC is very different. Just look at the magical elements in each. On one side, you have Sorcerer Supremes from various dimensions, and on the other, you have figures like the Inverted Man. It's hard to compare.

"It looks like you're making good progress. I think Barbara and the others can breathe a little easier now. I just talked to them and realized how much pressure they've been under, especially after seeing us," Kara said with a wry smile.

"That's understandable," Alex agreed. "After all, they're sidekicks. While they hold some status among heroes, they're not quite at the level where they can stand on their own yet. But after two years of 'training,' I believe they've surpassed expectations."

Kara remained silent. She wasn't very familiar with all of this, and before now, she didn't even know that the Bat Family had so many members. She'd only ever interacted with Bruce.

After a moment, Kara looked at Alex. "Aren't you trying to find my cousin? Barbara and Kate have already contacted Lois. We should have some news by dawn. So, what's our plan next?"

"No rush. We're going to stay in Gotham for two more days. Right now, the priority is to gather all the forces we can. I've already brought a friend here, but it'll take him a little time to arrive."

Alex said this casually, then turned his attention to Kara. "As for now, I need a quiet place. There are quite a few beings in this world that can give me power."

Seeing the cold glint in Alex's eyes, Kara quickly realized what he was up to. After all, Alex only had two reasons for showing this expression: either he was about to manipulate someone, or he had found something to devour.

Kara tilted her head. "So, who's the unlucky target this time? I thought this world was too broken for anything to be worth your attention."

"Not one, but seven."

Alex raised an eyebrow and held up seven fingers.

"There's always something worth paying attention to in any universe, even one that's on the verge of destruction. There are treasures that ordinary people can never reach. The only question is whether you have the eyes and the power to find them."

"So, what's your target?"

"The Seven Deadly Sins, the oldest primordial demons in Earth's mythology." Alex didn't hide the truth, since he was about to perform the summoning ritual, which would be impossible to conceal. "Their power is immense, and once I devour them, I'll have the means to deal with other demons."

Seeing Alex so eager, Kara knew there was no point in trying to dissuade him. After all, Alex had devoured plenty of bizarre creatures over the years without any ill effects. Kara decided to let him be.

"So, what do we need to do?" Kara asked.

Alex carefully recalled the steps for the demon summoning ritual, then spoke seriously.

"Help me prepare seven mirrors, candles, and a quiet room. These are the basic requirements for summoning spirits. Of course, summoning demons will require more, so we'll also need some offerings."

"Where am I supposed to find offerings for you in the middle of the night? Want me to give you some of my blood?" Kara asked, glaring at Alex with disdain.

Hearing that, Alex quickly waved his hands.

"No thanks. You might burn someone again."


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
281. The Demon You Are Trying to Summon is Out of Service…
282. Constantine.
283. A Bad Encounter.
284. Why Not?
285: An Offer You Can't Refuse!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.