Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 287: House thief is hard to guard

Chapter 287: House thief is hard to guard

"All right."

Su Han smiled and looked at Long Lie: "You are already the ninth man in the sanctuary strong list, stomping your foot can make the world tremble. If you are seen by others, you will think you are a child. ."

"Let it go, I won't cut your place."

When he heard the last sentence, Long Lie finally stopped his tears and smiled awkwardly.

Until now, he is still dreaming.

The figure that was seeking hard, actually appeared in front of him.

If this matter is passed to the sanctuary, it will cause the entire sanctuary to shake!

"It's time to talk about business."

Su Han pondered for a long time. After all, he turned his back, and after holding his hands, he whispered: "The situation in the Sanctuary...what happened?"


Long Lie took a deep breath. He knew that Su Han didn't want to listen, but he had to listen.

Because he cares about Su Han, and Su Han is also concerned about them.

"As those guys said before, now the sanctuary has changed hands."

Long Lie said: "The current Holy Lord... is called the Ancient Emperor Yuanling."


Su Han suddenly turned around and stared at Long Lie firmly: "You say it again?"

"It's really the ancient emperor Yuanling."

Long Lie laughed mockingly: "You didn't think about it, did you? I didn't think that, no one thought of it. After your fall, countless people have guessed who will succeed the next Holy Lord, even Chaos Zhai. They all listed the list. There are nearly a hundred strong men such as Minghai God King, Saint Mogu Emperor, Yaoyang Sword God, Golden Moon Law God, and so on. They feel that the next Holy Lord is likely to appear among them. but"

"The one who became the holy master in the end was the ancient emperor Yuanling, to be precise, the army commander of Yuanling."

"It turned out to be him..."

The cold light in Su Han's eyes was shining, and an unbearable chill was radiating from all over his body.

In the Tushen Pavilion of the previous life, there were three major legions, and each legion was a terrifying existence capable of deterring one party, which could be called the top power.

Among these three legions, each legion has a commander, and the commander of the Zijin Army is Yuan Ling.

Yuan Ling was loyal and loyal. When he was young, he was banished from the nine clans and was hunted down. He was the only one who survived his entire clan, because Su Han personally rescued him.

At that time, Su Han had not yet become the ancient emperor of the monster dragon, and had not established the Tushen Pavilion. It can be said that his cultivation base at that time was only in the middle of the star field.

To Yuan Ling, Su Han is his benefactor, and to Su Han, Yuan Ling is his brother.

The two had crossed countless realms, and had suffered more than a hundred life crises. Yuan Ling had sacrificed his life to save Su Han, and Su Han, also for Yuan Ling, was collapsed, and almost destroyed his soul.

Su Han regarded Emperor Mogu as his best friend and Long Lie as his best confidant.

But none of this is close to Yuan Ling.

Yuan Ling is a real brother to Su Han, a brother of life and death!

Su Han guessed that everyone would betray him, but never guessed that it would turn out to be Yuan Ling!

"You should have guessed it long ago."

Long Lie sighed and said, "When you first appointed Feng Yuanling as the commander of the Zijin Army, you should have thought that Yuanling would betray sooner or later. At that time, the whole sanctuary was discussing, they knew that you had the most relationship with Yuanling. Okay, there are four positions for the deputy chief of Tushen Pavilion, but none of them belong to Yuanling."

Su Han was silent, and the coldness on his body became stronger.

"We are strong, but we all understand that the mind of the strong is the same as ordinary people. Who doesn't want to be in power? Who doesn't want to overlook all people? But you don't give Yuan Ling such a right, even if you and Yuan Ling, He has lived and died hundreds of times."

Long Lie said: "Many people are puzzled. Even later me, I have discussed with others in private, why is there no Yuan Ling in the position of the deputy head of the Tushen Pavilion? With Yuan Ling's cultivation and talent, I can fully bear it. Named as the deputy chief of the pavilion."

"They know what a shit!"

Su Han suddenly shouted: "It's fine if others don't understand me, but how can he not understand me?!"

"How do you want him to understand you?"

Long Lie said: "Brothers who have been born and died, after taking power and taking control of the sanctuary, they throw them aside, ignore them, and treat them like his men? You let him understand you that way?"

"The three legions of the Tushen Pavilion are each comparable to the top powers, among which the Zijin Army is the most powerful."

Su Han took a deep breath and slowly said, "As the commander of the Zijin Army, he holds real power, real power!!!"

"Compared with this kind of real power, what is the deputy pavilion master? Those deputy pavilion masters, in the eyes of outsiders, are above the top, below one person, and above ten thousand people, but they can order the three legions? Can they be angry? Next, lead the legion and easily sweep a force? They can't!"

Su Han gritted his teeth and said: "The commanders of the three major legions are the ones who can control the lifeline of Tushen Pavilion! Especially the Zijin Army. Although they did not expose their strength, I know that there are 10,000 people in the Zijin Army. , Both have strengths comparable to those on the Yellow List of Sanctuary Powers! Even the other two legions combined are not half as powerful as the Zijin Army!"

"Although Yuan Ling is not the commander of the Zijin Army, it seems to be inferior to the deputy pavilion ~ but for so many years, which deputy pavilion master dared to offend him? A deputy pavilion master roll down!"

Long Lie stopped talking. If Su Han didn't explain, he wouldn't understand at this moment, but now, he suddenly realized.

It's not that Su Han didn't put Yuan Ling in his eyes, but...gave him invisible, besides himself, the greatest right!

Unfortunately, Yuan Ling did not see through.

"This is my brother, my brother, my good brother, hehe..."

Su Han smiled, a little sad and sad.

Long Lie pondered slightly and said, "Perhaps, it is precisely because you gave the Yuan Ling such a large invisibility right, so the first time the Yuan Ling came out, the Zijin Army completely rebelled."

He stared at Su Han, and said solemnly: "It's everyone! The entire Zijin army, with a number of 10,000, and no one left, all rebelled with the Yuan Ling. Finally, the Yuan Ling was sent to the Lord of the Sanctuary. position."

"Perhaps at this time, Yuan Ling has already realized your good intentions, but unfortunately, everything is too late."

"It's hard to defend against the thief by day and night. If he wants to be the master of this sanctuary, let him be."

Su Han sighed: "Where are the other two legions?"

"Before the rebellion, Yuan Ling might have prepared everything, because the Ziyin Army and Ziyu Army have also followed the rebellion."

Long Lie said: "I think, even if you don't fall, one yen spirit will betray sooner or later, but your fall has become an opportunity for him to rebel."

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