Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6072: Feitian Waterfall

Chapter 6072: Feitian Waterfall

6049 - Flying Waterfall

"Two billion?!"

Ling Yufei couldn't help but gasped: "So many?!"

"Actually, this is not something to be surprised about. It's just that you have just joined the Kingdom of God, so that's why you feel a little shocked."

Duan Shuci laughed and said: "The practice field you see now is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire practice field covers an area of more than 300 million miles, and it belongs to the largest activity area in the Kingdom of God. If you want to carefully Checking every corner, it would take a long time just to walk through the practice field."

"Furthermore, not all of these creatures in the practice field belong to the kingdom of God, and even more than half of them come from other kingdoms of God, or the kingdom of the universe, and those separate races, etc."

"Every practice field in the Kingdom of God is different, and the situation of the strong preaching is also different. As long as they meet those who are suitable for these creatures, they will rush over as soon as possible. After all, this is a problem for many who encounter bottlenecks. For living beings, it is a very valuable cultivation experience."

"Can they travel freely in the Kingdom of God?" Aizen asked curiously.

"of course not."

Duan Shuci explained: "If you want to enter the major kingdoms of God, you need certain conditions, especially to enter a place like the practice field."

"However, under normal circumstances, if you just listen to the sermon, the conditions will not be too harsh. If you pay some universe coins, they will be let in."

Lan Ran and Su Han looked at each other, hesitant to speak.

Duan Shuci and Duan Yuming obviously understood what he was thinking.

Duan Yuming said calmly: "As for the safety issue, you can rest assured that no one dares to act presumptuously within the scope of the Kingdom of God, and even if there is, they will be killed by the powerful people of the Kingdom of God immediately!"

"I heard that there are many powerful killer organizations in the universe, such as the 'Bloodthirsty Palace'."

Lan Ran slowly said: "In order to complete the task, they can do whatever they can, even the king of the universe dared to sneak attack."

Hear this.

The eyes of Duan Shuci and Duan Yuming fell on Su Han immediately.

They knew that Lan Ran was referring to Su Han and Jing Zhong!

"As long as the conditions are met, the Kingdom of God will not prevent any creature from entering, but it happens to be like this, which has proved the strong confidence of the Kingdom of God!"

Duan Yuming said to Su Han: "Father, in front of so many people, personally said that after you reach the realm of seven lives, he will hold a universal ceremony for you, which is equivalent to telling the entire universe very bluntly, you He will be the most important talent in my Legendary Kingdom of God, not one of them!"

"In this case, if there is really an assassin organization that can assassinate you, or within the scope of my legendary kingdom of God, where do you think the father's face will go?"


Duan Yuming said again: "Believe it or not, even if there is an assassination organization to assassinate you, even if it succeeds, the emperor will send troops directly to wipe out the assassination organization related to this when he is furious?"

Su Han was silent and did not answer.

"Don't worry."

Duan Yuming patted Su Han on the shoulder: "The people I want to protect in the Legendary Kingdom of God, even if the Supreme One comes in person, they will still be ashes!"

Aizen didn't say anything more.

It's just the smile on his face, which represents how satisfied he is at the moment.

"Do you want to visit this practice field?" Duan Yihan asked softly.

"Let's not go for the time being. The arrival of three children of the royal family of the Kingdom of God will inevitably disturb those creatures. We will come and see when we have free time later." Su Han said.

The practice field is huge, and there are countless creatures.

But they didn't feel the slightest noise here, only the sound of the strong preaching, containing the lingering Dao, blowing by the ears of many creatures like a spring breeze.

This is very rare for any country.


Duan Shuci and Duan Yuming worked tirelessly with Su Han and others, and it took nearly a month to see all the more famous places in the legendary kingdom of God.

This is still relying on the teleportation array, and they all pass by in a hurry without detailed inspection at all.

Otherwise, let alone a month, even a hundred years is enough to finish shopping.

until the end.

The huge royal palace stopped in front of an incomparably shocking Flying God Waterfall.

This waterfall, Su Han and others had already seen it outside when they first arrived in the legendary kingdom of God.

Standing in front of the waterfall at this moment, I suddenly feel how small I am, and even more amazed at the powerful means of the Kingdom of God!

"Flying Waterfall."

Duan Shuci explained: "This is the entrance to the baptism of the Kingdom of God."

Su Han looked down.

Below the waterfall, there is a huge lake that looks like the sea.

The waterfall cascaded down, making earth-shattering buzzing sounds in the lake, and splashing snow-white waves all over the sky.

From time to time, huge black figures flashed past the bottom of the lake and disappeared.

"Those are ferocious beasts of the water attribute. There are various types, and they are all ferocious beast races raised by the kingdom of God." Duan Yuming said.

"It's amazing!"

Aizen sighed sincerely: "From the time we entered the land of the Kingdom of God until now, we have seen 8,000 kinds of beasts instead of 10,000, and the number is even more indescribable. Its own strength is also amazing, even now, I still can't imagine how strong the overall strength of a kingdom of God can be!"

"Haha, this is just the beginning!"

Duan Yuming laughed loudly: "The longer you stay in the Kingdom of God, the deeper you understand the Kingdom of God, the more you will realize the horror of the Kingdom of God!"

"No wonder the universe is spreading rumors. UU Kanshu does not have any high-level universe country that can be promoted to the kingdom of God."

Ling Yufei also said: "All these gaps cannot be made up by the appearance of a few strong people. I really don't know how the Frost God Kingdom was promoted."

When it comes to the "Frost Kingdom", Duan Shuci and Duan Yuming, the two extremely proud children of the royal family of the Kingdom of God, can't help showing admiration on their faces.

Except for the Frost God Kingdom, the other nine universe **** kingdoms were all established at the beginning of the formation of later generations.

Only Frost God Kingdom was promoted later!

As the only divine kingdom that has been 'promoted' among the top ten divine kingdoms in the universe, who can not admire it?

"Let's not talk about that. In a few months, you will be baptized by the Kingdom of God. Let me tell you about the baptism process of the Kingdom of God."

Duan Yuming said: "Actually, the baptism of the Kingdom of God is not as complicated as imagined. Your baptism time is ten years, which proves that for five years, you are all accepting the accumulation of resources. In the next five years, can you Entering the 'Original World', whether you can obtain the original source, or even the Supreme Dao, depends on your own good fortune!"

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