Apocalypse - Evil Shelter System

Chapter 37: Don’t Even Think About It!

Chapter 37: Don't Even Think About It!

Alex suddenly felt a bit ashamed.

It seemed that this beautiful professor not only didn't expect his help, but was also planning to take him in...

Moreover, this professor was really lucky, having discovered a way to kill the virus in the water zombies, and coincidentally, she had also stored a large amount of food...

The possibility of using food and water to lure Lu Yurou into compliance now seemed almost zero.

And if he were to force her, the professor's kindness made it really difficult for him to act.

Although Alex considered himself a bad person, facing the kind-hearted Lu Yurou, he couldn't bring himself to betray her kindness.

"Since you have food and water, why do you still need to call for help?" Alex said with a sense of helplessness.

"Food and water will run out eventually. I am just a woman, and to survive, I must cooperate with others," Lu Yurou seriously said, "I can share my food and water with you, and you can also use my place as a shelter."

"But I have one condition: you must not have any ill intentions towards me, and you must protect me until rescue arrives. If the rescuers haven't arrived by the time we run out of food and water, we'll go out together to find a new shelter and continue waiting for rescue."

Lu Yurou spoke seriously and earnestly to Alex about the conditions of cooperation.

"I don't lack food and water, and I don't need a shelter, I have my own..." Alex shook his head.

Lu Yurou looked at Alex seriously.

"My purpose in coming here is just to make you my woman."

"If you want me to protect you, or want to go to my shelter, then you must become my woman..."

Alex, tired of beating around the bush, spoke directly.

"You!! Don't even think about it!!"

Lu Yurou's face suddenly turned red with anger, and she took a step back, pulling out a fruit knife she had prepared earlier, pointing it at Alex, "I misjudged you. If you dare touch me, I'll die right here in front of you!"

Even the most eligible bachelor in Jiangcheng City didn't interest her, let alone a nobody like Alex!

Yes, in Lu Yurou's eyes, this student was just a kid.

Although she was only ten years older than Alex.

But in her view, Alex was just an immature child!

A kid wanting to win her over?

She absolutely couldn't agree to that!

Alex shrugged helplessly: "Your food will last for just over two months, right? What about after that?"

"Don't count on any rescue. If there really were rescuers, they should have come by now."

Alex tried to intimidate Lu Yurou.

However, Lu Yurou wasn't frightened: "Do you think you can scare me? I'm not afraid of death!"

Saying this, Lu Yurou pressed the fruit knife against her own neck.

"Damn it!" Alex couldn't help but curse, and suddenly knocked Lu Yurou unconscious with a palm strike.

Then he threw the fruit knife far out of the window.

Dealing with this fragile woman was all too easy for Alex with his current agility...

Alex looked at the beautiful professor lying in his arms, feeling an urge stirring within him.

Controlling his evil impulse, he only lightly took advantage, then left a note on the table and left Lu Yurou's dormitory.

The note read: "I mean you no harm. I'll give you three more days to think about it. I will come again after three days.

A woman entering the City of Darkness must be a woman who submits to me.

This was a principle Alex always adhered to.

Even if Lu Yurou was a kind and good woman.

However, Alex wouldn't change his principles for Lu Yurou.

He certainly wouldn't think of a long-term relationship or slowly try to influence her for the sake of one woman.

With millions of women in Jiangcheng City, he would rather spend his time finding other interests than devote it to just one.

After leaving the teachers' dormitory, Alex glanced at the few male students in the men's dormitory who were still staring at him in astonishment, and then walked towards the school gates on his own.

The zombies that rushed towards Alex were casually slain by him, as easy as slicing vegetables.

This scene deeply impressed those few boys.

However, they had already experienced the ferocity of the zombies, so they did not gain overconfidence in themselves like Shen Jianbin did because of Alex's relaxed demeanor.

On the contrary, they were filled with admiration for Alex.

"Idol! Will you take us as your followers? We want to hang out with you!" a somewhat chubby man shouted at Alex.

Another boy, who had previously been fantasizing about Lu Yurou, climbed onto the windowsill and kowtowed to Alex.

"Idol! Master! I want to be your disciple! Once a teacher, always a father! You are my dad!"

Alex looked at these nerds with a smile, finding them quite interesting and similar to his own loser roommates.

However, Alex didn't have time to deal with these geeks right now, as he wanted to go to the shopping mall outside the school to take down those burly zombies.

At the same time, he planned to scout out the situation in this gathering place.

Although there was no shortage of food and water in the City of Darkness, other living supplies were not as abundant.

Alex planned to find some living supplies in the mall to take back.

The five girls in the City of Darkness were now his women. He might not have been able to afford luxury items for his women before, but now, he could easily prepare international brand cosmetics, skincare products, and designer clothes and bags for each of them without any problem.

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