Apocalypse: I Can See the HP Bar, Killing Monsters Drops Loot

Chapter 291: 149: Special Energy (Please Support with Monthly Votes)_l

Wang Tao’s gaze focused on the grey HP bar, and several lines of explanation popped up.

[Current Special Energy: 5160]

[Special energy is obtained from killing zombies above your level]

[Special energy can be used for extraction and fusion of abilities]

[Extraction abilities: Turn a learned ability into a crystal core of the current level. Extracting a Level 1 Special Ability consumes 1000 special energy; Extracting a Level 2 Ability consumes 5000 special energy; Extracting a Level 3 Ability consumes 30000 special energy.]

[Ability Fusion: Fuse two learned abilities of the same level. If fusion is successful, the ability has two traits, and its level is the average of both. If fusion fails, the primary ability remains, and the secondary ability disappears. Fusing a Level 1 Ability consumes 1000 special energy; Fusing a Level 2 Ability consumes 5000 special energy; Fusing a Level 3 Ability consumes 30000 special energy.]

This grey bar represents special energy, which appears from killing zombies above his level! It probably didn’t show up before because he had no use for it, but now that he is about to reach Level 2 Ascension and can use it, it has become visible.

And this grey bar also displays the specific numbers of special energy obtained.

The numbers, in the order they were received, are: 960,600,1080,1560, 960…

Five sets of numbers in total, and Wang Tao had just killed five Level 2 Zombies. And he distinctly remembered the first number, 960 – wasn’t it the HP he gained from killing the Level 2 Zombie Shao Yong?

So does that mean these numbers respectively represent the special energy converted from the HP he gained from killing zombies Shao Yong, the Hooded Zombie, the Green-eyed Zombie, the Gorilla Zombie, and Zombie Wu Fei?

With over 5000 special energy, he could extract one of his four learned abilities and then learn other abilities! Even, he could extract an ability to give to someone else, effectively passing it on.

However, he can’t extract right now because the notification above says he can only extract Level 2 abilities after he has achieved Level 2 Ascension.

And Wang Tao hasn’t decided which one to extract since all four abilities he currently uses are very important to him.

Wang Tao was more concerned with ability fusion.

Having learned four abilities, if he could fuse these four into one, wouldn’t that free up three ability slots?

Of course, this was only theoretical at this moment since the fusion also has a rate of failure, which would be quite unfortunate.

Just like with extraction, he also can’t perform fusion yet and must wait until he officially becomes a Second-order Superpower Owner before he can utilize these two abilities.

Wang Tao checked everything carefully again and, finding no issues, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Begin Ascension!

Wang Tao felt a warm and comfortable sensation throughout his body. Then he gradually lost consciousness…

The next day, 6 AM.

It had started to drizzle outside.

Within Shuize Base, survivors had no time to grieve; they were all busily engaged in post-disaster reconstruction.

Although the outer defense was fixed the day before, the large number of zombies entering the base still caused a lot of destruction. And the defense needed to be reinforced, so everyone was busy with their tasks.

Of course, the committee wasn’t stingy; they provided plenty of food. Although it wasn’t unlimited, it was definitely enough to ensure everyone was well-fed and also came with many Contribution Points.

Inside the comprehensive building.

“You actually succeeded?”

Xiang Hongbin stared incredulously at Wei Zhenguo.

The green Ascension crystal core that Wang Tao presented them yesterday, after some discussion, everyone decided to let Wei Zhenguo use it.

Ideally, it should have been for Xiang Hongbin, being the second-strongest person in the base, but Xiang Hongbin really didn’t trust his own luck, so he offered the opportunity to someone else. Just like when Feng Ming’an fused the vomiting crystal core, it was because Xiang Hongbin didn’t trust his luck and let Feng Ming’an have it.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zhen Guo actually succeeded!

A 55% chance… it could only be said that Wei Zhenguo was lucky!

“Haha, I’ve always been lucky!” Wei Zhenguo laughed heartily, then said, “I’m going to hunt some Elite Zombies to try out the effect of my Level 2 Ability soon!”

After a successful fusion, the Ascension crystal core Wei Zhenguo obtained was Rush. He wanted to test the power of a Level 2 Rush.

“Okay, shall I join you?”

Xiang Hongbin was also looking forward to it.

“No problem!”

The two of them delegated their tasks and then left the base in a car.

“Damn, where are the Elite Zombies on this street? When you don’t need them, they’re everywhere, but when you do, you can’t find a single one!”

Xiang Hongbin cursed as he looked at the zombies outside the car.

Wei Zhenguo also felt somewhat helpless. He certainly didn’t hope for too many zombies to appear, but he was eager to find an Elite Zombie to test his strength.

“Let’s go further outside.”


After driving a while longer, Xiang Hongbin’s eyes lit up.

“There’s a Self-exploder!”

Not far ahead, a zombie with its internal organs protruding from its chest was moving sluggishly.

“That’s the one!”

Wei Zhenguo immediately got out of the car. From his position, more than thirty meters separated him from the Self-exploder, with a few Ordinary Zombies in between, so the Self-exploder naturally didn’t notice him.

“You get ready. If I can’t kill the Self-exploder in one second, causing it to Self Detonate, you need to drive over quickly to pick me up.”

Wei Zhenguo was still a bit unsure of himself.

“You can count on me!”

Xiang Hongbin patted his chest, confident that Wei Zhenguo could kill the Self- exploder in a second, but prepared for the worst just in case.

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