Apocalypse Rebirth: Beauties Surround Me

Chapter 34 Be safe all the way!

Chapter 34  Be safe all the way!


Elijah's eyes lit up as he looked at her rosy lips.

He already had a picture in his mind.

Over the past few days, the two of them had gotten to know each other quite well.

But apart from that, there hadn't been any further breakthroughs. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Elijah had some thoughts, but unfortunately, Bella wasn't too keen. Now...

Bella slightly turned her head away, feeling a bit embarrassed, and muttered, "You can do whatever you want when you come back..."

Elijah was ecstatic!

"In that case, you stay home obediently and wait for me. Wait for me to come back..."

"What for? Is there anything else you haven't finished?"

Daisy came back at this moment!

Elijah looked at Bella, and everything was understood without words. Bella chuckled and left Elijah, embracing Daisy.

"Be safe all the way!"

"Don't worry, Bella!"

Daisy also hugged Bella back, patting her on the back.

"Alright, let's go!"

With his backpack on and spear in hand, Elijah was ready!

"Let's go!" Daisy also got her backpack ready, holding her Tang sword in hand, waving goodbye to Bella before closing the door.

Bella stood in front of the door, not leaving for a long time!

"How's Abigail doing?"

As they reached the fourth floor, Elijah glanced into Daisy's house.

The little dog was in the nest Daisy had made for it in the living room, eating.

Because they didn't know how long they would be gone, Daisy had prepared plenty of food for it, and now it was happily eating, ignoring Daisy.

"There hasn't been much change!"

Daisy was a bit disappointed!

"Maybe Abigail still needs some time to digest. After all, zombie grass doesn't grow in a day!"

Daisy also understood this truth, so she wasn't disappointed.

"Is the door inside closed properly? If we go too far this time, I don't know if my ability will still be able to control her!"

In his past life, the farthest Elijah had ever controlled a zombie was only a few kilometers away.

So he really didn't know the limit of his ability.

If the control failed, it could endanger others.

That's why Elijah had Daisy keep Abigail locked in her room.

"It's closed properly!"

The two continued downstairs and quickly arrived outside the unit door.

The mutated female zombie from yesterday was still on guard here.

After confirming that the unit door was locked, Elijah let the zombie scout ahead. The two of them then rode the tricycle out.

After four rounds of clearing, there were no more zombies from the unit building to the entrance of the community.

There were certainly still zombies in other parts of the community, but it didn't affect their outing, so they didn't bother.

Their first stop was the supermarket, where they stocked up on high-calorie food and water, both for themselves on the road and to bring some to Charlotte.

There was still some rice and noodles left in Charlotte's house, but without gas and electricity, it was inconvenient to cook.

If Elijah and the others were a day or two late, she would have to consider cooking with firewood.

The two packed their backpacks full, and then returned to the community entrance.

"Whichever entrance or exit in the community has cars blocking it, but the road outside the community entrance is still passable. We just need to move one or two cars blocking the entrance of the community, and we can drive the car out along the entrance!"

Elijah already had a plan in mind.

"The key is, what do we do once we're out of the community?"

Daisy also observed the surroundings.

Normally, the vehicles from their community would exit from the exit lane, turn right, and merge onto the main road heading west.

If they wanted to go east, they could only go west first for about a hundred meters, where there was a dedicated U-turn lane, and then make a U-turn to the east.

Now, Elijah and the others wanted to go east. Going west and making a U-turn wasn't feasible because it was already blocked.

However, going directly east, the main road was full of westbound traffic, and the entrance to the community was also completely blocked.

"Reversing on the non-motorized lane isn't an option either, because the road is blocked here, and there are drivers on the main road who are trying to be clever by using the non-motorized lane, but they're also blocked."

Elijah remembered the route he had taken last night.

"It seems we can only go on the sidewalk! It should be just wide enough!"

Elijah signaled Daisy, once again measuring the width of the sidewalk.

 If there were any obstructive bicycles or other vehicles, the two of them would move them aside, and they walked for about a hundred meters.

"There are fewer cars on the main road here! We should be able to get onto the main road from the sidewalk and drive in the opposite direction!"

Elijah breathed a sigh of relief.

Since no one was checking anymore, they could drive however they wanted!

"Let's pick up the pace!"

The opposite lane on the main road was smooth, and even if there were occasional cars, it didn't affect their progress.

The two of them entered stealth mode and quickly ran forward, with the mutated female zombie following behind.

Along the way, there were many zombies wandering on the road, but they didn't pay them any attention.

They kept running until they reached the next intersection, where they were blocked by a group of cars.

There were more zombies here, and the two of them carefully observed their surroundings.

The central road was completely blocked, but most of the cars were heading north and south, indicating that it was probably the green light for the north-south direction.

The vehicles in the east-west lane that Elijah and the others were currently on were neatly stopped at the stop line.

"We can turn right, there aren't many cars in the southbound lane, and then turn around to the north and return to this intersection before turning right again to the east!"

It was like circling around to the north before returning to the main road heading east. There was no other way, as they needed to go to the school ahead.

Following the planned route, they encountered some places where the road was narrow due to many cars, but fortunately, they managed to pass through.

Returning to the main road heading east, this time it was the lane on the right side with normal traffic, and there weren't many cars, unlike the opposite lane they had traveled earlier.

They arrived at the school gate without much obstruction by vehicles, but there were many students and numerous zombies, probably around fifty or sixty.

"What should we do?" Daisy looked somewhat dumbfounded.

"Tsk! Don't you university students have classes to attend? Why are you all running outside!" Elijah felt a headache coming on.

Dealing with so many zombies one by one wasn't realistic; it would waste too much time. But they needed to be able to drive in.

"There are so many people at the gate precisely because of classes," Daisy explained. If there were no classes, who wouldn't want to stay in their dorms?

Running to the gate early in the morning was because most of the teaching buildings were near the school gate!

"We need to lure these zombies away. Otherwise, with so many people crowded together, it's easy to be discovered even with our abilities!"

"Yeah, so does Elijah have any good ideas?"

"Ideas? Well, it's not that there are none..."

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