Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 59: Delicacy. (R-18)

Case 59: Delicacy. (R-18)

With two of the unorthodox sect leaders down, the battle quickly became one-sided. Seizing the advantage, folks who called themselves righteous bravely jumped forward, pouncing on their enemies left and right.

However, the remaining two unorthodox sect leaders took a bit longer to defeat, even with two orthodox sect leaders handling each of them. Still, they claimed victory. 

Sensing the war was ultimately lost, the commanders left in the field unanimously gave out retreat orders. Their goals were to preserve forces and beg the sword empress for help—that was the only hope.

On the orthodox side, Kierra also gave out a retreat command. By this time, the large-scale buff was almost up due to the casters' mana pools being depleted, and it was not as though they didn't suffer damage.

Overall, this battle only took around half a day—far too low of a number for most people, and it was all because of Mie Xieren and the wizards of White Lotus. If lucky, they wouldn't need two more battles to win the entire war, which was unimaginable for most.

Although not a perfect victory, the folks were delighted enough.

That night, they threw a banquet to celebrate this victory, and in Kierra's pocket dimension, a small party was also in full swing.


'''' Cheers! ''''

Clinking their glasses, the usual members quickly downed the fruit juice and began to converse with one another. This victory—this feat was essentially the result of what Kierra had been teaching them for almost a year, so they all felt proud of it.

In particular, Mie Xieren and Yu Chen, as well as Tian Yun, were similar to puppies, looking intently at Kierra as if waiting for pets.

''...Good job, you three.''

Kierra didn't give out pets, but she smiled at them, which was a reward in itself. However, one of the three apparently thought that it wasn't enough at all. After the party ended, everybody bid goodbye to Kierra and exited the dimension... except for Yu Chen.

The black-haired, purple-eyed woman stood firmly near Kierra's bedroom, leaning against the wall while staring at the archwizard with meaningful eyes.


Kierra was puzzled for a moment. What was this?


Then, she realized it the next moment. It should be about the advanced magic bet. 

In reality, there was an error when Kierra proposed the bet. She didn't consider that Yu Chen wasn't her, the Master of All Elements, so the number of spells Yu Chen did during the battle, which was more than twenty, was more than qualified to win the bet.

Still, this rascal dared to hide her ability from her master! 

Suddenly feeling a bit salty, Kierra stepped one foot into her room and turned to Yu Chen.

''I'm going for a quick bath.'' She said.

Yu Chen blinked. ''I... see?''

''Don't 'I see' with me.'' Kierra sighed. ''Sit on the bed.''


Completely losing her momentum, Yu Chen found herself obeying Kierra's word, sitting restlessly on her bed while the archwizard was in the bath. Only after looking around the room for a good five minutes did she realize what this might mean.


Was this an invitation?! Did she really get the green light??

'No, no, this was her promise in the first place!'

Her heart seemed as though it would jump out of her chest anytime. Taking a few deep breaths, Yu Chen cleaned herself with qi and sat down again. Even then, Kierra still wasn't done with her bath.

Bored of playing with her hands, Yu Chen naturally turned to the neatly folded quilt and the pillow on top of it.


In battles, they said one must know the battlefield to achieve victory!

Resolutely, Yu Chen dived into the pile of cotton, burying her face in it as she felt the scent of Kierra. Since the archwizard didn't use perfume, this was as close as it could get to her usual smell—refreshing, a tad sweet, and pleasant.

''...What are you doing?''


And she was promptly caught red-handed. Letting out strange squeals, the creature known as Yu Chen hid her face behind her hands, eyes shut closed.

''Hah...'' Kierra sighed lightly. ''So impatient. Don't you think it's disrespectful to the original?''

As it was, Kierra actually climbed on the bed, got onto Yu Chen's lap, and pulled her wrists apart, revealing a terribly flushed face. At this point, Kierra only had a short bathrobe on her body, which revealed her deadly cleavage, and she was without makeup—Yu Chen's favorite.

Suddenly being assaulted by the archwizard's irresistible scent and her mind-numbing visual, Yu Chen nearly fainted.


Yu Chen felt as though her mind was wandering elsewhere, not responding! 

It didn't seem real.

Letting out a little smirk, Kierra put Yu Chen's hand on her lower back, hers around Yu Chen's neck, and they were now officially embracing each other.

''So?'' Kierra whispered, her voice dripping like the sweetest honey. ''On it?''

This was precisely the breaking point for Yu Chen after enduring Kierra's teases for months.

Almost immediately, she plunged forward, stealing Kierra's soft lips for her own. In the rapidly heating up atmosphere, the two's tongues intertwined with each other, playing around with much familiarity as they had done this multiple times before. Still, Yu Chen couldn't get bored of this hot and fulfilling sensation, and neither did Kierra.


After separating, Yu Chen took a bit to realize that she could continue, only gazing dumbly at Kierra's beautiful eyes. Her nervous hand slowly crept up, pulling the bathrobe's collar down.


And it released a deadly weapon—two of them, to be exact. It wasn't as though this was Yu Chen's first time looking at boobs, and it wasn't the first time she had looked at Kierra's, yet, to be able to admire them this close was something she dreamt of every time.

''Good job,'' Kierra said with a gentle smile, stroking Yu Chen's head. ''Continue as you like.''


Like a curious child, Yu Chen leisurely grazed her fingers around the two mountains, feeling the shape and the skin to their fullest. Kierra's chest was perfectly shaped, and it was unexpectedly big when taking out those loose outfits as well. When touching, it gave the fingers a milky smooth sensation, enticing further contact.

Unable to resist the temptation, Yu Chen squeezed the mountains heartily, and it was easily the best feeling she'd ever felt. A mind-melting level of softness enveloped her palms, and the warmth from it could seemingly cure any disease.

''Mhm...'' Kierra breathed out lightly, keeping on stroking her partner's head.

Meanwhile, Yu Chen, who was immersed in the boobs, quickly got bold and began to knead the doughs as she liked, squashing them left and right as she contemplated the universe. 

'Ah, the pink...'

She lightly pinched the cherries, causing Kierra's body to quiver ever so slightly. This shock was also sent to Yu Chen, the nervous girl.

After playing with the two peaks for a while, Yu Chen gulped once more and bowed her head. Initially, she couldn't resist planting a kiss on that beautiful nip and then wholly went in, covering the pink area with her soft lips. 

By this time, Yu Chen also realized that Kierra was unexpectedly sensitive in this area, which was evident in her body trembling, even if it was barely noticeable.

For now, however, she decided to have a taste of this delicacy, brushing her tongue around the nip and then flicking it once. A slightly sweet flavor spread across her tongue. It was akin to eating grapes—delicious, but never enough. And, Yu Chen was greedy.

When she kept doing that, as if trying to accomplish a purpose, her hands also crept down and found themselves indulging in Kierra's round bottom, causing just as much mischief as they did with the ones above.

Finally, after turning and twisting a bit, Kierra, under the constant attack from multiple fronts—


—let out a quiet moan. Even if she tried to suppress it, with her unbearably sweet voice pushing to the absolute limit and with the hyper-aware Yu Chen, it was the trigger for something fiercer—Yu Chen's beast.


Suddenly pushed down against the bed, Kierra widened her eyes briefly before regaining her smile. Gazing into Yu Chen's beastly purple eyes, she guided the other person's hand toward her thigh and licked her lips.

With a slightly reddened face, she yearned.

''Come here... my little darling.''

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