Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 80: The abbess and the white lotus.

Case 80: The abbess and the white lotus.

The experience in Hanam lasted for a total of a month.

Near the end, Mie Xieren, who everybody thought that she couldn't make it, actually managed to reunite with the four and went on a date with Kierra.

The date itself was sweet and enjoyable, which was something the abbess wanted, but...



As Kierra quietly sipped her tea, she felt the surroundings cooling off rapidly. It wasn't the weather. It was summer, anyway, and she was indeed immune to extreme temperatures.

So... how did this happen?

When she opened her ruby-like eyes, she saw two demons.

On one side, Yu Chen, whose cold irises had lost their color, stared blankly forward, while on the other, Mie Xieren's burning red eyes were fixated on Kierra... and the two little disciples hanging by her arms.

Bai Qing and Kang Shuren were both shaking. 

It was too cold!

At this stage, they really wished the amicable and warm sect leader, the one whose contour greatly resembled a white lotus, would intervene. However...

''I mean, it isn't bad, but this is definitely not the best snack.''

''I disagree! How can you resist such flavorful—wait! You're going to gobble all of them up! Didn't you just belittle it...?!''

''It's edible.''

''Waahh...! You heartless woman!''

It seemed Tian Yun was busy being teased by August. Kierra could appreciate it, though, since Tian Yun's crying face was exquisite.


Mie Xieren's distant voice descended.

''What excuse do you have?''


As shameless as she could be, Kierra replied.

''Did you forget it, esteemed abbess?'' The archwizard gently pressed her index finger on her succulent lips as she narrowed her brows, seeming like a seductive vixen. ''I fully intend to embrace beautiful women as long as I hold affection for them and vice versa. Shouldn't you blame yourself for not being assertive enough?''


Mie Xieren gritted her teeth.

In fact, she was so sure that she would be the next one after Yu Chen to have a taste of Kierra, yet after mere weeks... she was surpassed by these two immature girls!

''How about you, little Chen?''

Kierra's teasing gaze naturally turned to Yu Chen, who had been silent. Unlike Mie Xieren, the martial master of Qinling felt something more than just jealousy. It was a mix of uncertainty... and perhaps unease.

She was still not sure if she would be fine having Kierra sleep with other women like this. Her love was too heavy and possessive for that.


But then, she belatedly remembered.

Wasn't August the example of what would happen when one harbored those thoughts? That was right. She needed to prioritize Kierra's happiness, even if she would suffer a bit more than usual.

''...Forget it.''

Letting out a sigh, Yu Chen quietly retreated, leaving both Mie Xieren and Kierra puzzled.

After that, the days quickly passed by without many incidents. Days and nights, Kierra was occupied with exchanging qi and mashing flesh. As it was a new experience for her, it wasn't that bad, even if it took a bit of her time.

With the sport so widely popularized in White Lotus, it actually pushed the ones who hadn't been involved significantly. 

Namely, Tian Yun and Mie Xieren.

The latter was always somewhat assertive herself, but Tian Yun, on the other hand, needed this push the most. Together, they began to probe around the archwizard more often, gathering the courage to hit it off with the vixen...

[A-Ah, Kierra...! It feels so good~!]



However, it almost always ended up like this.

With soulless eyes, they could only stare at each other outside Kierra's room, where the lewd sounds of females drowned in euphoria constantly tormented them.

It would be rather fortunate if they could just tell Kierra that she needed to cultivate and stop her. However, what Kierra and the others were doing was cultivating!

It was really effective as well!

Yu Chen, whom Tian Yun considered her biggest rival, had greatly surpassed her in strength ever since she started sleeping with Kierra. Of course, she could still squeeze herself into Kierra's schedule, but she didn't want such a... rushed—incomplete experience.

She wanted Kierra to give her proper attention... and love her like she would love a person, not just someone she could sleep with.

This sentiment was shared by Mie Xieren as well.

As proper humans, all they wanted was that sincere love from their crush. After all, only by showing righteous compassion could one expect to receive the same thing.

So, their solution was simple.

''Let's sabotage them.''


(╯`□′)╯~╧╧ (╯`□′)╯~╧╧

Compassion my ass!

At this rate, they wouldn't even be able to lay their hands on Kierra's boobs for a second, let alone sleep with her!

As the two were still sect masters of powerful cultivation sects, they quickly took out most of their competitors the following days. Tian Yun dumped work on Yu Chen and Bai Qing, while Mie Xieren used her power as one of the most influential people in the realm to have the sect leader of Lightning Tiger Sect call Kang Shuren back.

In an instant, only August remained.

This opponent was, in many ways, the trickiest to go up against. They knew how terrifying the Sword Empress could be. If August were to take Kierra away, they would likely not be able to do anything about it.

Fortunately, August and Kierra weren't... always doing it.

In the afternoon, they finally caught the archwizard as she was strolling the sect's garden.



''Hm? You two... why do I have a feeling it has been a long time since we met?''

See?! Kierra even seemed distant!

Nevertheless, they quickly utilized this free time to try to seduce Kierra as much as possible. It created a rather comical sight as each of them tightly hugged either one of Kierra's arms, walking alongside her while chatting fervently.

Kierra was a bit puzzled, yet she didn't mind much.

At Kierra's invite, the three headed into the archwizard's pocket dimension for an afternoon snack.

''Woah... this yogurt thing is too good!''


No matter how many times they had Kierra's snack, they would still be shocked by their exquisite taste. Through frequent parties like this, a myth had been born between the crew—where did all these snacks come from?

Kierra's fridge would seemingly generate them out of nowhere, even if the archwizard hadn't touched it!

''In any case... good work, you two.''

Taken aback by Kierra's sudden remark, the two didn't respond for a while.

''Being sect leaders isn't easy. Good job doing it so far.'' She added.

As they both took another bite of the dessert, a fuzzy warmth spread across their chest. Even if Kierra might seem cold and arrogant, she truly cared about them. After all, not many people would notice these seemingly obvious, sometimes trivial things.

''Hey, Kierra, did you know?''

Tian Yun spoke up with a smile on her face.


''I love you.''

Akin to a flower blooming, Tian Yun's smile radiated a certain air that was so lovely and precious, drawing Kierra in. While she remained stunned, Mie Xieren also stepped forward.

''I love you, too, Kierra.''

Mie Xieren's smile was a modest one, yet her breathtaking beauty and sincere eyes didn't allow her to look any less happy.

Taken by these two flowers, Kierra was guided to her own bedroom.

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