Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 175 Uxtan Kingdom Vs The Kingdom Of Twilight (20)

[Fire Magic]

[Wind Magic]

[Poison Secretion]

[Deadly Poison Mist]

[Sea of Poison]

[Tidal Wave of Poison]

[Summon: Zombie]

[Summon: Skeleton]

I've never felt it before, but after activating so many skills, I felt almost all of my mana drain from my body as I pressed forward.

It was a strange experience that made me stumble in shock, but I quickly recollected my thoughts before increasing my speed once again.

Only a few zombies and skeletons rose from the ice, but they only served as cannon fodder to block the various wind and fire skills that came in my direction.

Even more poison mist leaked from the side of my mouth while poison secreted from my skin, burning through my clothes. I then used the secreted poison to regenerate my thin body armor and re-create my poison blades once again.

Wisps of fire and balls of wind swirled around me as I sent them flying towards the remaining fire and wind skills that the heroes used.

Finally, my greatest poison skills rose from nothing. They just formed on top of the ice creating a thick layer of poison, about 4 feet in height at the base of the stairs.

Suddenly a massive wave of poison rose from the sea as I jumped on top of it. It was about at the 50 step height, so it gave me a slight advantage, but I would be knocked all the way down if I weren't careful.

Thankfully, there was enough space on top of the wave for me to move around, so dodging the incoming golden ice pillars, fireballs, and wind blades were relatively easy.

But even though I was avoiding so many attacks, I was still suffering from the injuries that I received when I stupidly used my wings.

I hadn't used them much before, so I was particularly slow at flying and turning in directions… which is why I should've never used them in the first place.

"Fuck, I need to practice more," I mutter.

After about 2 minutes of narrowly dodging the incoming attacks, I had finally arrived at the 54th step. It seems my wave poison didn't rise any higher, so I was forced to jump off and begin my dash up the flight of stairs.


Just as I got onto the stairs, a pillar of ice sent me flying into the air. The next Light Hero thought I would've used my wings, but I used [Wind Magic] to accelerate my descent back onto the stairs.

Shocked, he tried to react by forming spears of golden ice below me, but that just served as another advantage as I lightly landed on the side of one and jumped off.

I had landed on the 63rd step from the little boost the next Light Hero gave me, causing me to smile menacingly.

There was no real pattern to their attacks, but I eventually got the flow as it allowed me to save more mana than before. [Sea of Poison] and [Tidal Wave of Poison] drained my mana extremely fast, so I needed to conserve as much as possible.

"Tayber, why is he coming up here on his own? Doesn't he just rely on his summons and long-ranged skills?!" The next Wind Hero shouts.

"I guess not! Just keep pressuring him! He should be running out of mana any time now!" The next Light Hero shouts.

I felt my blood boil when he said that.

Picking up my pace, I activated the one skill that I thought was useless in a fight… [Horsemans Deathly Presence].

Tiny skulls rose from clothes, slightly confusing me, but I saw my opponents slightly shiver in fear once I looked up. It made a smile appear on my face as I continued to dash up the stairs.

The attacks started to slow down as it wasn't just from me activating my skills to counter them, but also because they ran out of mana… well, the next Fire Hero and next Wind Hero at least.

Sweat was dripping from them, and they almost looked to be in a trance. Their eyes had a slight glaze over them as they kept firing their skills one after another.

On the other hand, the next Light Hero was doing alright, but his stamina was taking a beating. He looked as if he couldn't stand up anymore because his legs were shaking so much.


A fireball exploded next to me, almost knocking me off the wide stairs. I just barely managed to save myself by scratching my forearms poison blade against the ice, slowing my fall.

Wiping off a drop of sweat from my chin, I dashed up even farther. I took longer strides, but whenever I saw or felt a threat coming, I slowed my pacing a bit before upping it once more.

I felt my control over my own body increase over time. My body felt stronger, lighter, faster as I continued to dash up the long flight of stairs. I felt like I could control almost every muscle within my legs at this point.

79th step.

92nd step.

129th step.

Suddenly, I ran into a giant wall of ice. Not only did it block my path, but it also began to push me down the stairs.


I scanned the area and noticed that there was no way around… besides over it.

I bent down and pushed all of my power into my legs. The dark red aura that had coated my body surrounded my calves and thighs as I built up even more power.

The way up was long, so I needed to make sure I got over the wall in one fell swoop. If I didn't, I would be knocked over immediately and then barrel back towards the 50th step.


I take in a sharp breath before jumping as high as I can.

A few hundred spears made of golden ice strike right towards me, but I barely mauver out of the way with [Wind Magic], only receiving a few more cuts to the shoulders. But even with the painful injuries, I continued to push on.

Even though I was two-thirds of the way up the ice wall, my speed already started to decelerate.

My eyes narrowed as I knew it was going to be close.


I barely managed to get my right hand over the top of the wall.

Before anything else could attempt to bring me down, I launched myself over the wall and landed on the 172nd step… the heroes were so close I could practically taste their adrenaline.

Upon landing, I was greeted by the next Wind Hero and next Fire Hero, slicing their weapons right at my throat. The heroes were holding a fire-coated spear and daggers made from solid golden ice.


I just barely managed to duck under the insanely sharp weapons, but the raging fire singed the ends of my hair.


Clicking my tongue, I spun around and did a back kick to the next Fire Heroes chin, sending him stumbling back. His eyes were rattling from side to side as the next Wind Hero sliced downwards with her ice daggers.

Since she aimed to cut off my leg, I quickly pulled it in before punching the step below me, making me twirl in the air.

Before the next Wind Hero could do anything to me in the air, I kicked her neck, instantly sending her into the step below. She gasped for air and clawed at my feet, giving me a rush of ecstasy.

And that rush of ecstasy only grew as I looked up and saw the next Light Hero seething in anger.

"Oh," I mutter.

I laughed to myself and bit before crushing the next Wind Heroes neck even further.


I was hit from the back by a giant pillar of ice. It crushed me into the step in front of me, almost killing me.

As I gritted my teeth, I barely managed to slip out with almost visible internal injuries. You could see my ribs had caved in, instantly shattering, rushing my mind with thousands of signals that all screamed one thing…

"It hurts like shit," I mutter through gritted it teeth.

[Name: Zehar]

[Race: Deathly Plague Siren]

[Status: Servant]

[Level: 26/100]

[HP: 58/500  MP: 128/700  SP: 99/500]

It was too much. The only thing my mind could concentrate on was the internal injuries that made me bleed out fast.

Any normal person would've run away, but as I saw that it was useless, I glued a crazed smile onto my face before lunging at the next Light Hero.

The next Fire Hero was struggling to stand up, and the next Wind Hero was trying her hardest to breathe… so I just needed to take out the last enemy. If I took the next Light Hero out, I would instantly win.

"HAHAHAHA!" I laughed, crazed and drunk on adrenaline as I charged towards the next Light Hero.

I saw him visibly shiver in fear as I got closer. He stood up with his wobbly legs, scared by the crazy stunt that I pulled before grabbing his sword.

He raised it above his head before swinging down with as much force as possible.


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