Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 211 The Skeletal System Of A Plane (13)

We decided to follow them as we inferred somebody was down that hallway… and that was when we found you," Bella explains.

"I see… well, I'm glad you all are alive,"

[Day 77]

Today I wanted to try something after learning I could swim through these stone walls, which included using my newly acquired skill, [Weak Celestial Bone Dive].

"I'll be back," I say to my maids, who were patiently standing in the middle of the room.

"Please stay safe," They all respond, bowing deeply towards me before I activated [Weak Celestial Bone Dive].

After feeling myself already sink into the floor below me, I walked forward into the wall, causing my senses to be blocked, including sight.

Normally I could see clearly even in the dark, but for some reason, the godly sense wasn't working… but it made sense as none of the others were working as well.

As soon as I felt my entire body slip into the wall of the dome-shaped room, I began making a swimming motion while directing myself upwards.

I was able to hold my breath for an extremely long time after my stats went up, but if I was already exhausted and most oxygen was pushed out of my lungs like when I was in the fight with the gargoyler, I obviously wouldn't be able to hold it for much longer.

After only a few minutes of swimming directly upwards and about one-half of my breath had been used, I suddenly hit a hard surface which surprised me as it came out of nowhere.

I felt around the dark void surrounding me and only felt the hard surface above my head, signaling I had reached a layer or maybe the surface?

Hmmmmm… Now how do I pass this? I can't summon any soul equipment, and [Weak Celestial Bone Creation] will most likely shatter upon coming in contact with this hard surface, so… forbidden magic it is.

[Forbidden Magic: Skadi]

[You have been granted the power of forbidden magic, allowing you to use one of the singular powers that one of the ancient beings wielded.

You can manipulate the power of snow and ice while also obtaining the ability to change the weather into a torrential blizzard that can freeze even the largest of mountains right to the core.]

This won't work… so I'll stick to my trusty and handy medusa.

[Forbidden Magic: Medusa]

I place both of my hands on the hard ceiling that seemed to stretch infinitely on both sides, causing a cracking noise to be heard, which was the first sound I had heard while inside this seemingly dark abyss.

The cracks became louder until I heard a shattering sound that almost split my ears open.

I slightly flinched before the sound began to disappear, signaling for me to feel the ceiling once again.

Nothing. There's nothing… does that mean I can swim through.

Readying my arms in front of me, I then scoop downwards, pushing myself up while hoping I wouldn't ram my head into something.

Despite me only seeing pitch-black darkness, I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself in case I collided with anything.

Nothing once again. I opened my eyes while still aware of the darkness around me before swimming up again.

Another few minutes passed, and I had about one-quarter of my breath left, but I wasn't going to start panicking as I had just run into another ceiling.

Using [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] once again, I hear the cracking of what seemed to be stone and then the shattering of what seemed to be glass.

And then, another few minutes passed.

I ran into three ceilings, with the space between each ceiling becoming much smaller.

It took a while for me to actually realize this until I passed the fifth ceiling and then hit the sixth ceiling after about 20 seconds.

After another few minutes, my breath was slipping away from me, but I continued to try and not panic as that would make me use up even more of my breath.




I continued to break through layers and layers of multiple ceilings until I reached an extraordinary ceiling that had sharp spikes all over it. It was even capable of piercing my hand as I placed [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] onto it.

All I had to do to regenerate it, though, was to use Ichimei and direct it towards my hand to heal it.

Shit… I'm running out of time…

I had no choice but to place both of my hands on the spikes, causing them to pierce through, but thankfully medusa started to spread.

The usual cracking could be heard, and even a peak of light shone through, slightly surprising me.

Then the usual glass shattering sound could be heard as I immediately started to swim up and was met by blinding sunlight that felt warm on my skin.

"*gasp* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*"

I gasped for air but was quickly interrupted by the thick liquid that came out of my throat after inhaling it as I just came up.

"Damn… *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* I breathed too quickly," I mutter to myself before looking around and deactivating [Weak Celestial Bone Dive].

I was in a plain grassy field with no monsters in sight. The nice breeze that swept over it helped calm down the beating sun, which lathered me in sunlight.

Looking down to see where I just came out of, I saw a hole that was just made from dirt, and inside it, about 3 feet deeper, was a black platform that was still falling apart onto the top of a smooth stone sheet.

I reactivated [Weak Celestial Bone Dive] after fully climbing out of the hole and then reaching my hand towards it to confirm the smooth stone sheet.

It slipped through immediately.

"So this is what I just came out of… now I need to find my maids," I mutter to myself before deactivating [Weak Celestial Bone Dive] and standing straight up.

With a few more minutes of stretching, I activated my feathered wings before flying straight up. As I couldn't find an open hole in the ground, I started to fly around even more, as I knew there was an opening somewhere if I'm going off what I saw in the dome-shaped room.

After about 30 minutes of searching the area at my top speed and all my godly senses pushed to the max, I finally found what looked to be a ravine in the ground.

It wasn't as big as the one Bella first found, but after looking down into it and seeing a river of thick clear liquid, I immediately knew I had arrived.

Flying down into the ravine, I check my surroundings before seeing my maids waving towards me on the other side of the invisible wall.

I smiled slightly before flying over to the invisible barrier while trying to stay just above the thick clear water, which for some reason, still made no sound.

Just like before… it was eerily quiet.

"Now, how do I break through this without potentially killing myself…?" I mutter to myself while tapping my chin.

I proceeded to scan the edges of the barrier to try and find a clue, but nothing surfaced as my maids patiently waited on the other side of the barrier.

"First, let's test something out," I mutter to myself before flying out of the ravine, grabbing a pebble that sat on the lush green grass and then making my way back.

I let out a deep breath before chucking the pebble with about half my strength at the invisible barrier.


The pebble slipped through the barrier, accidentally hitting Amelia on the forehead. Still, I was too intrigued by the sudden turn of events to apologize as I slowly made my way up to the barrier.

Slowly but also carefully, I reached my right hand towards the invisible barrier.


My hand went through, and it was only slightly shocking as I already had a good superstition that it was a one way.

As I tried to pull my hand back, I felt something rebound towards my body, shooting myself backward and just managing to catch myself with my wings before hitting the raging river below me.

That was close... Now, what's next... Can I maybe [Inspect] it?

[Ninth Tier Barrier]

[The fourth highest tier of barrier allowing only one-way entry. Breaking this barrier is impossible to any mortal besides archdemons or archangels.]

"Shit," I mutter before scrolling through my status.

I wanted to try and find something that could help me, but after a few minutes of scanning up and down… I, of course, came up with nothing… Absolutely nothing.

There was [Monster of Monsters Body], which felt all-powerful, but I highly doubt it could compare to an archangel or archdemon, which I'm pretty sure are much-much stronger than me.

"Maybe I can burn it?" I mutter to myself before using Amaterasu.

A few black flames were sent barreling towards the barrier, but instead of hitting it and setting it on fire as I hoped it would, it instead just went through it and landed on the dome-shaped rooms' floor.

It proceeded to burn quickly, but with a snap of my fingers, it instantly disappeared.

Think… Think… Think… Think…

"Wait… It said it couldn't be destroyed, but it never said it couldn't be deactivated…." I mutter to myself with a smile sneaking onto my face.

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