Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 219 Uxtan Slave Auction (3)

"Oh, whispering to each other now, are we? It seems you girls don't know your place yet," Lan says, levitating down and landing right in front of us.

For some reason, Bridget began to glare harshly at Lan, whose smile just got wider.

"Well, well, well… Look who we have here! Isn't this the old knight captain that was the king's right-hand man- er, the right-hand woman, I guess!" Lan shouts into the stone, causing it to reverberate through the room.

The audience then planted hundreds of their eyes right on Bridget, who displayed obvious discomfort but most importantly, her eyes were filled with rage towards Lan.

"We meet again, Rosakin," Lan says with what seemed to be a genuine smile.


Such a genuine smile that holds extreme malice is something only an insane person could pull off… not that I'm one to talk, though.

"Piss off, you magic-using bastard. You're not even loyal to the king, so you can't be talking," Bridget responds while also spitting on his sandals.

I could see a vein bulge from his forehead, but a genuine smile was still plastered on his face, causing chills to run down Bridgets back… She didn't even try to hide a slowly growing fear of Lan.

"Lan, can you hurry the help up. I'm getting tired," I say while faking a yawn to try and test his reaction.

The great magician snaps his head towards me in shock after hearing his name, making me tilt my head in confusion.

Why was he so shocked, and why did he look slightly scared?

"Who the hell are you?" The magician asks while gathering mana in the center of his hand.

The blue light that took the form of wind began to swirl around him and gather in 10 points. One on each hand and then a  ring of 8 around his back, making it look like a special summoning circle you would summon the final boss with.

"That's a lot of mana, dude. A lowly slave like me might not survive all of that," I say, making Lan take another step back.

"Answer my question," Lan says, standing his ground with his eyes becoming colder by the second.

"I'm just a lowly slave who is waiting to be sold… but, uh….. can you try not to sell me to a creepy old man… In fact, I would prefer you sell me to a woman, thanks," I whisper the last part to Lan.

Bridget and Lan looked at me like I was crazy while I just brushed their gazes off with a yawn.

Suddenly an overwhelming pressure on the scale of my own brought me to my knees, but I felt worse, so I could withstand the assault of what seemed to be gravity increasing, but it was really just Lan directing all his anger at me.

After only a few seconds of me kneeling on the ground, Lan clicked his tongue.

"Tsk… I guess we should continue the auction!" Lan says, placing a fake smile over his fuming expression.

Oh, he didn't do anything… I guess I am such a high-quality product.

And even when Lan levitated right back over us, Bridget kept staring at me in shock as she began to circulate different ideas on who I was, judging from her expression.

"Okay! Sorry for that little intermission, but we are back and now onto the beautiful elves! I'll explain them now and get onto the prices later, so you have some time to think about who you want!

First, we have the beautiful Trish, a natural-born fighter and has much experience within the bed, but be careful as she is hard to tame. There was even a rumor about her possibly killing her old Master!" Lan explains.

So it wasn't a scam? Or was he trying to scam with the humans because he could've just kept that last part out, which could potentially ruin any chances of him selling these girls…

"Next, we have the beautiful Isabella in the middle! She is not a natural-born fighter like Trish, but she is amazing with alchemy but not much experience in the bed because every Master who owned her ended up getting poisoned to death before they could even make a move! Amazing, am I right!

And finally, the most beautiful out of the three who is the best at warming your bed at night and has amazing physical capabilities… drum roll please…."

There was no drum roll, making Lan wipe away a fake tear before announcing the gorgeous elves' name, which was,

"She has no name! Great, isn't it! She was born a slave and still has these capabilities! Isn't that amazing! But do be careful as well with her as she is quite feisty but doesn't have a background of killing her Masters, so rest assured!" Lan shouts into the microphone.

For just a split second, nobody would've seen it, but Lan's smile turned slightly slimy before returning to normal.

If it weren't for my enhanced senses, then I would've immediately grazed over it without obtaining this interesting piece of information.

I have no idea what this guy is thinking.

[Grand Mind Magic]

A feature came with [Mind Control] that I never ended up using after it evolved into [Mind Magic]... listening to the thoughts of other beings.

I forgot this existed due to it not happening naturally after [Mind Control] evolved into [Mind Magic]. If I did remember, then I probably wouldn't have had so much trouble earlier on.

As soon as I thought of wanting to hear the thoughts of Lan, thousands of thoughts began to flood my mind.

There was so much that each voice was incomprehensible because there were so many other layers lying on top of it, making it impossible to distinguish the thoughts.

I began to get dizzy from all the information, but after a few minutes of concentrating on my own breath, I then focused on Lan, who was calling out the prices for Trish.


Everything was silent. I couldn't hear anything when I focused on Lan's thoughts, making me click my tongue in annoyance.

I had a few theories, but the one which seemed the most acceptable would be he wasn't thinking about anything at all… but that still has some holes as he clearly looks like he's thinking.

"I already used [Inspect], so I already know there's no skill that suppresses his thoughts… I'm confused," I mutter to myself before hearing Lan shouts the final price for Trish.

"You in the purple and white tuxedo! 3 Diamond Coins going once! Going Twice! And… SOLD!" Lan shouts with a massive smile on his face.

And just like always, the slave was unwrapped and escorted down the stairs into a different hallway where they were probably locked up again.

"Okay, let's move onto the next ones!" Lan shouts.

About 30 minutes had passed, and it was finally Bridget's turn.

The remaining two elves were sold to a creepy older man, making me feel slightly sorry for them, while my maids were all sold to different people who didn't seem that bad.

And so I could keep in contact with them, I attached some of my new blood wings to them to know where they were at all times.

I also gave them the order to gather information on the kingdom that we could potentially use during the war.

"Okay! Moving onto one of the main events of today! Bridget Rosakin! She was the previous right-hand woman of the king and personally helped the queen a lot! She is amazing with the sword and has a lot of experience with magic, so her starting price will be… 10 Diamond Coins!" Lan says.

Bridget had a scowl on as the price immediately shot up to 50 Diamond Coins and then 70 and then 90 and then 100.

It just kept going up without any sign of stopping.

"Stop," I hear a commanding female voice say from the top of the room.

Looking up, I saw a box with what seemed to be a tinted one-way window. The box was grand, and it had butlers and maids going in and out of it through both sides with curving stairs.

"Silence, the queen has spoken!" Lan shouts into the microphone, causing the entire theatre to go silent.

Can I [Inspect] through the window?


[Name: Reyna]

[Race: Human]

[Status: Intruiged]

[Level: 219]

[HP: 500/500  MP: 500/500  SP: 300/300]

[Strength: 100]

[Defense: 100]

[Magic: 100]

[Speed: 100]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 100]

[Skills: [Abyss Magic] [Abyssal Shield] [Abyssal Weapon Creation] [Sinkhole of the Abyss] [Canyon of the Abyss] [Summon: Army of the Abyss] [Summon: Abyssal Blob] [Body Enhancement] [Enhanced Senses] [Enhanced Regeneration]

[Body Modification: [Abyssal Body]

[Soul Equipment: [Abyssal Queens Robes]

[Titles: [Hard Worker] [Heartless] [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of the Abyss]

Oh, it worked!

Let's see… okay… okay… okay… yep, she seems pretty powerful but not as much as me. I could easily defeat her on a one on one… but the one thing that worries me is [Summon: Army of the Abyss].

If it is a real army, she could summon well over 5000 of whatever that skill creates. So obviously, I would never even get the chance to fight her one-on-one as long as she doesn't underestimate me at first glance.

Plus, Lan is still more powerful in all types of ways. But I want to see what she looks like…

"I want them both," The queen says.


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