Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 234 Underground Kingdom (3)

Only the people you see present survived from the beating as the rest bled out to death and were immediately disposed of by our slave traders.

We were extremely saddened and mad, and so mad to the point where all 6 of us burst into the main cabin where the slave traders stayed and slaughtered all of them savagely with anything we could use.

And I don't know if we were just lucky or this was fate, but we found a weird gadget like a mini cauldron. It held dark liquid that seemed to be endless.

So in the middle of the fight, when we retreated into a room due to us being pushed back, I accidentally knocked it over, and the liquid splashed all over me.

And this was where our life began to turn around," The queen says, downing another beer with everybody in the room just looking at the ceiling as they reminisced of their younger days.

"Heres your food Miss Arpious. A churkol leg and some freshly grown vegetables by the old woman next door," Sun says, placing a plate of what seemed to be a chicken leg and some vegetables in front of me.

"Thanks," I say as I listen to the rest of the group's story.

"When the liquid splashed over me, I appeared in a void-like field with nothing but myself. I could walk forward and back, but that was the only thing I could do.

I was scared and confused as I called out for my friends until a woman with dark purple hair and eyes like a purple nebula stood in front of me.

She wore loose clothes as if she was a martial arts practitioner and stood before me with a smile.

We both stood there, staring at each other. I was scared while she just kept smiling warmly before she spoke up after a few hours of silence.

She said, 'I'm glad my granddaughter has inherited my magic,' before disappearing into a purple wind that went inside of me… And that was the first and last time I met my grandmother.

As soon as the wind entered my body, I felt no pain but mild discomfort. This continued for a few minutes until I blinked once.

I was outside of the void-like field, and around me were the bodies of the slave traders. My friends were standing around me, but instead of looking at me with fear, they congratulated me and cheered me on as we were now free.

They explained what happened and I couldn't believe it… I had used the fabled [Abyss Magic] that you only read in books.

And then, a few months passed as I continued to train my newly acquired [Abyss Magic], which came naturally to me. It felt as if controlling the abyss had always been within my grasp, and I just never decided to try it.

But I wasn't the only one who got stronger; these 5 did as well as my accomplishment filled them with determination after seeing me unlock the magic.

We are all able to get our own unique type of magic while Bridget… well, let's say she's more proficient with the sword," The queen says, slightly chuckling to herself while Bridget just downed a beer and ignored the giggles from the group.

"Yeah, I was able to get some poison-related skills and [Earth Control], Elisa was able to get [Fire Control], Moon was able to get [Water Control] and some moonlight related skills, Sun was able to get [Fire Control] and some sun-related skills, while Bridget was able to get tons of sword related skills that honestly were the backbone of our group until we became nobles," Dorna says.

"Yeah, so a few years passed, and we became nobles after being noticed by the previous king. We were even allowed to stay in the same mansion, which was nice, allowing us to have meetings easier as we had one goal in mind… to make the Uxtan Kingdom a better place.

We wanted slaves to be free and nobody starving on the streets, but that was just a pipe dream as the seeds of evil were planted too deep inside the kingdom.

We realized that no matter what we did, we couldn't uproot the grown roots of evil inside the kingdom, so instead, we decided to create our own kingdom where everybody is free.

But we needed backing, so I worked my ass off to eventually marry the king, which I took a liking to, but after he became obsessed with fighting and power, I lost all interest.

Eventually, I was able to gather some of my closest aides, and with the help of Dorna getting [Grand Earth Magic], we were able to carve out this entire place over the course of 10 years. Of course, other people helped, but it was mainly Dorna.

And… everything pretty much went from there, and our new goal was to destroy the Uxtan Kingdom as we hated every single thing about it. We don't even want to bring the humans in here as they'll probably pollute my kingdom with the even greater evil," The queen says with furrowed eyebrows, clearly showing her disdain.

"I see… well, what are your plans next?" I say after feeling my fourth beer hit me.

"I don't know… I think I'll create an alliance with the kingdom the Uxtan Kingdom is currently at war against so we can surprise attack the generals and hopefully get rid of that fucking pest… Damn, Lan is so annoying," The queen says.

Oh? Well, I guess she'll be in for a surprise when we get there.

"Well, I won't bother you guys any longer, so I'll be leaving now," I say, but as soon as I stand up, the world around me began to spin, and I stumbled a bit.

"I told you our beers are strong," Sun says as he began to wipe my clean plate after washing it with some soap and water.

"Yeah, yeah, just let me sleep," I say, but the queen quickly grabs the ring on my collar before pulling me in and sitting me down on her lap.

"So cute," The queen says as she rubs her cheek against my cheek.

"Let go," I say as I stumble off her lap and collapse on another stool which I use to bring myself up.

A few more hours passed, and it was currently night. And the only way I knew this was because the giant glowing stone at the top of the kingdom had turned off, causing the kingdom to go pitch black.

And the kingdom would've stayed like this for a while if [Fire Magic] users didn't light street lamps.

"I want more beer," I say as Moon tries to drag me from my stool, but I stand my ground and down my tenth beer of the night.

"Sun, please take away her beer-"

But before Sun could even reach out for my remaining 3 bottles of beer, I scoop them into my arms while rubbing my cheeks against them.

"Hahahaha… Why are you drinking so much?" The queen asks as she could barely stand up while giggling to herself.

"I want to see my wives," I whine as I cry into my bottles of beer.

"You have a wife?" Moon asks.

"No, I have 4, and I really want to see them,"

"Geez, it seems Dorna isn't the only one who cries while she's drunk," Moon says as he glances at Dorna, who was going easy on the beer.

"Hmph, I'm nowhere near as bad as this woman. Also, what happened to your wives if you're a slave?" Dorna asks, only feeling slightly tipsy.

"They're doing things that I'm supposed to be doing, but here I am, just being a slave… uh," I once again cry into my beer before opening the next bottle.

"That's enough; you're going to kill yourself if you drink anymore," Moon says, trying to snatch the bottle of beer from my hand.

"Then I'll die for all I care. There is no point in me living if I can't see my wives," I say, struggling to rip the bottle of beer from Moons grasp.

"Wouldn't your wives be disappointed if they saw you like this?" Elisa asks.

"Uh- You're right. I'm sorryyyyyy!" I cry out before weeping into my remaining two bottles of beer.

"So annoying," Dorna says.

"I've become a good for nothing! Please forgive meeeeeeee,"

"No, you have not become a good for nothing, Arpious. You are... a good for everything," The queen says, walking up to me and placing her fingers under my chin.

As we stared into the eyes of each other, our eyes twinkling like stars.

"M-my lady," I mutter with sparkling eyes.

"Uh, what are these drunks saying? Get them out of here, Moon!" Sun shouts as he downs his fifth beer of the night.

He was currently extremely drunk and curled into a ball in the corner of the room.

"You shut the hell up and give me that beer! How about you try and move this woman! She's strong as hell!" Moon snapped and began to go on a rampage.

And soon, we all turned the neat and nice bar into a battleground filled with alcohol and drunks.

[Day 83]

Sitting up, I saw that I was leaning against a stool with the queen cuddled up next to me.

"What the hell happened last night," I mutter.

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