Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 245 Inner Demon: Depression Vs Twilight Official: Lan (2)

'You aren't using Hermes, right… Hermes isn't meant to slow down time but accelerate yourself to the point it looks like time has slowed down. This means Hermes can be applied to only specific parts of your body if you focus enough,' A voice rings through my head.

I see... This guy… or woman… I can't tell which one it is as it seems my inner demons borrow my appearance, but they also talk as if they are a separate person, so…


My inner demon swings my scythe again but with much less power as she managed to fake out Lan before slicing my resummoned katana down into Lan's shoulder.

"AH! SHIT!" Lan shouts before grabbing my blade and ripping it out of his shoulder before taking a few flash steps back.

"Weak," My inner demon mutters before shaking her head side to side as if she was disappointed in me and not Lan, who began to sweat profusely.

Lan stumbles back once more after feeling an overwhelming sense of death press down on his body as if a god stood before him.

It wasn't a simple pressure anybody could release with skill, but it was made just by the sheer appearance.

A pressure that would make anybody weaker than the personality's own strength tremble in fear due to the ferocious god-like aura that radiated off my body, still without a skill.

Fuck the king's dinosaur-like aura and pressure; the pressure that my body emitted with my inner demon in control even made me tremble in fear as I watched my body take one singular step.


A ringing sound rang through the air as my body brought down my weapons, just before hitting the ground.

It was calming. The sound was calming like a rainy day when you're inside your house, doing whatever you like while listening to the pittering and pattering outside.

"You've chosen the attack route for [Abyss Magic], right?" My inner demon asks Lan, who was trying to grasp the situation.

"H-how do you know? Do you have [Abyss Magic]?" Lan asks once again while taking a few glances at the sideliners, which consisted of my wives, my old friends, and 6 of the surviving soldiers that helped take care of the commanders.

"I had a friend who used to have it, and he told me all about it. But that still doesn't take away from how dangerous it is, so I should probably remind myself what skills I have," My inner demon mutters the last part before opening my status.


[Name: Arpious (Kronos)]

[Race: Lamassu of Ancient Fires]

[Status: Possessed]

[Servants: 7]

[Subordinates: 7]

[Pets: 3]

[Level: 76/100]

[HP: 700/700  MP: 500/500  SP: 500/500]

[Strength: 200 (+5) (+25) (+25) (+25) (+215)]

[Defense: 200 (+5)]

[Magic: 200 (+25) (+25) (+25) (+115)]

[Speed: 200 (+5) (+25) (+25) (+25) (+115)]

[Luck: 5]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Forbidden Magic: ******] [Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus] [Virus] [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] [Inspect] [Gluttons Stomach] [Concentration] [Evolution Switch] [Gold Manipulation] [Assimilation] [Lavas Will] [Forbidden Magic: Hermes] [Blood Devouring Army Enhancement] [Tangible Bloodthirsty Aura] [Invisible Grand Flying Sense] [Ancient Reproduction Art] [Mystic Arm and Leg] [Summon: Phoenix] [Summon: Walking Jungle Hydra] [Night and Day Enhancement] [Summon: Overlord Deer] [Summon: Overlord Wolf] [Grand Mind Magic] [Forbidden Magic: Midas] [Summon: Golden Mountain Bear] [Grand Water Magic] [Weather Manipulation: Wind, Rain, Sun, and Snow] [True Queen Overlords Dominating Presence] [Forbidden Magic: Skadi] [Twilight Dragons Vampiric Breath] [Ancient Fire Magic: Amaterasu] [Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei] [Divinity Domain (.05/100)] [Grand Healing Magic] [Ice Control] [Icicle Spear] [Thread Manipulation] [Contortion] [Godly Ally Enhancement] [Grand Assassins Perfect State] [Immovable Army's Frozen Armor] [Grand Jewel Manipulation] [Grand Jewelers Perfect State] [Godly Senses: 8] [Throne World: Purgatory] [Godly Immunity: 5] [Summon: Blood Slime Wings] [Apocalyptic Weapon Swing] [Heavenly War Flag of the True Hero] [Summon: Heavenly Royal Charred Unicorn] [Grand Weapon Enhancement: 5] [Weak Celestial Bone Dive] [Weak Celestial Bone Creation] [Aphrodisiac Resistance]

[Body Modification: [Great Wings of the Cursed and Blessed Lamassu] [Cursed and Blessed Tattoos] [Incinerating Tail of the Cursed and Blessed Lamassu] [Piranhas Spiny Fin Wings] [Bat Wings] [Aquatic Body] [Monster of Monsters Body] [Ice Dragon Wings] [Legendary Overlord Creature Bloodline] [Divine Mark] [Divinity Trait: Forbidden Magic]

[Mastered Weapons: [Scythe]

[Soul Equipment: [Fire of Deaths Sword: Raiu] [Fire of Deaths Armour: Araes Dress] [Anapofeyktos Thanatos]

[Equipment: [Queens Crown] [Green Ring of Twilight] [Purple Ring of Twilight] [Blue Ring of Twilight]

[Titles: [Blessed by the ********* Spirit of *************] [Savage Assassin] [Heartless] [Blessed by a Star] [Chief of the Fire Harpies] [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of Curses] [Blessed by the Phoenix Mountain Guardian] [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of Blessings] [Strong Willed] [Catastrophic Level Monster (2814 / 20000)] [Blessed by the Moon] [Blessed by the Emperor Spirit of Gold] [Queen of Golden Mountain Bears] [Ruler of the Mountain of Twilight] [Blessed by the Emperor Spirit of Ice] [Blessed by the Emperor Spirit of Snow] [Blessed by Mother Nature] [Alchemist] [Saintess] [True Hero] [Grand Holy Healer] [Grand Bowswoman] [Hard Worker] [Commander] [Respectable Figure] [Grand Assassin] [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of Light] [Grand Swordsman] [Grand Spearman] [Enchantress] [Jewelry Designer] [Jewelry Maker] [Pet] [One Who Lost Their Pride] [Naturally Talented] [Godly Spearman] [Detestable Figure] [Respectable Figure] [Godly Swordsman] [One with the Earth]

Huh? Kronos?

'Oh, there are a few good ones here, but… wait, you have [Weak Celestial Bone Creation]... Plus, there's [Monster of Monsters Body], which is a body modification I had before being sealed, so… let's go with that,'

This motherfucker! If he uses that, not only is Lan going to die, but everybody around us!

'Yeah, yeah, I can hear you. But I don't think I'll be able to beat this guy if he regains his confidence. That one move where I used Hermes on just my arm drained so much of our mana that it'll be bad if I do it again….' My inner demon thinks while cracking her neck.

Do you have another way?

'Maybe… but, I don't think you'll like it… not that you can stop me,'

What is it?

'Using your [Divinity Domain], which I'm surprised you have with such minor stats….'

Oh, that's it? Then go ahead… But give me my body back as soon as you kill Lan…

'I'm in control, so I get to decide when I give it back… but, I'm using Kronos,'

Kronos? What the hell is that?

"Nothing, let's get on with it," My inner demon says before activating [Monster of Monsters Body] with a large smile slowly growing on her face, sending a shiver down my mental spine.

This son of a bitch…

[Weak Celestial Bone Creation]

My inner demon activates [Weak Celestial Bone Creation], slightly confusing me until I saw what she did next.

She created a mask that instantly turned gray, and it took the form of what seemed to be a demon with long thin horns.

'Fuck, losing control,' My inner demon says mentally before placing the mask on her face and finally losing control of my body, but it seems she was satisfied with her work.


I screamed an ungodly sound that shook the air before a red aura began to spread across my body and then manipulate myself like I was a puppet on strings.

"Well, if we want to control this thing, then we'll have to work together and use the power of friendship!" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me.

But I was confused as the sounds from my real body was heard like they were coming out of a speaker, and I watched a movie presented in front of me.

"What the hell!" I shout, jumping in shock after seeing my inner demon appear right behind me in the void in which I was watching my body.

"Stop screaming so damn loud otherwise, you're going to burst my eardrums," My inner demon says while rubbing her ears.

"Where the hell am I?" I ask my first immediate question, which came to mind.

"Can't tell?" My inner demon says, snapping her fingers once.

We reappeared in the large cylinder-like room with two yellow and gray eyes at the top, peering down on us.

"Ah, the sealing room place," I mutter before seeing a screen from the system displaying what was happening outside the sealing room.

"Indeed, and we need to use the power of friendship to help maintain control of your body; otherwise, you'll kill everybody present," My inner demon says with a sadistic smile that showed obvious ill intentions.

Currently, my body was tearing at Lan with brute force, forcing him to regenerate his limbs while my body instantly began to get used to his invisible dangerous air swipes.

My body obviously learned from getting hit multiple times, and one time it even tore my entire waist and below off, but my body instantly fixed that with Ichimei, and so were the other wounds.

"What do you mean, power of friendship?"

"Oh, that was something I wanted to say after digging through some of your memories… But, I guess it's kind of like the power of friendship as we need to work together," My inner demon says with a slimy smile.

I internally cringed before agreeing reluctantly.

Power of friendship, my ass... I still have to be wary; otherwise, this woman is probably going to take my body... It's just a feeling.

"You know I can hear you, right?"


"Piss off,"

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