Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 262 New Information

I can also maybe level up this title…

"Yes, they're gathering at this kingdom called The Kingdom of Fire,"


"Is there something wrong, Master?" Yin asks after seeing my widened eyes.

Wait, but why gather at a kingdom where the king is about to die… or did he manage to survive? I doubt it, though, as he was on his death bed essentially… But I don't remember getting a random XP notification...

"Do you have any information on the king or queen of the kingdom?" I ask Yin after rubbing my chin.

"Regretfully, I do not have any information on the queen and know very little about the king. All I know is that he's been out of commission for quite a while due to a slight sickness that made him bedridden," Yin responds.

"Is that all? Did he die from the sickness?"

"U-unfortunately I do not know,"

"Well, I can't do anything about it then. But, if there is any other information on the kingdom, inform me right away,"

"Yes, Mistress-"

Suddenly, Yin stopped mid-sentence, and her jaw dropped while her eyes widened. It looked as if she'd seen a ghost right in front of her.

Her pupils dilated and then began to shake, with the rest of her body following after.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"N-n-nothing to worry about, Mistress," Yin says, but her face tells a different story.

Sweat dripped from each corner of her head as she took a step back and bowed before trying to exit the vicinity.

"Hey, don't ignore me," I say after constricting her breathing with the collar wrapped right around her slender white neck.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Mistress. Please forgive me. I was a bad girl and won't do it again," Yin sobs while clinging to my feet, begging for forgiveness as she gasped for air in between words.

She looked genuinely pitiful for her to be one of my kingdom's strongest soldiers.

I lifted her by her collar and placed her right in front of me, standing up, but she immediately collapsed back down, gasping for air, and her eyes seemed to grow a bit foggy, so I unrestricted her, slowly tightening collar.

"*gasp* *gasp* I-I'm sorry," Yin apologizes, quickly trying to return to her normal state but seemed a bit light-headed, so she struggled to stand up and gain composure once again.

"Come on… Tell me what happened,"

"P-please don't worry-"

My bloodlust immediately cut her off as I was getting pissed. She never avoided the subject this much, even after I tightened her collar. And, it seemed to be on a vital issue… So I was losing my patience.

Yin said something, but her voice was so quiet that even with my newly enhanced senses and godly senses combined, I couldn't hear it.

"Come on, speak up," I order.

"P-please don't be mad…." Yin mutters, just barely loud enough for me to hear it.


After I clicked my tongue, Yin tensed up and immediately lowered her head before opening her mouth once again.

"T-t-the assassins that I placed in The Kingdom of Fire have died,"


I clicked my tongue again, causing Yin to shrink back, but I didn't do anything as I entered deep thought.

What to do now… First, let's grasp all the possibilities I can think of and maybe let Kumo do the rest… Okay, so the humans might have a skill that enables them to trace memories, or perhaps they also have a necromancer like Aika where they can get them to talk… That'd suck.

But there's also the possibility that they tortured them before killing them so that they might've extracted information from that… But this might be the most stretched one as I doubt they would give up any information no matter what the humans do…

"Do you trust that your subordinates will not let any information leak from being tortured?" I asked Yin, who was just about to leave again.

"I-I do… A-And may I leave? I'll be sure to station more assassins there and try to gather more information," Yin requests with a desperate smile as she wanted to please me.

"Don't do that. You'll risk the chance of information getting leaked or even more information leaked if they get caught,"

"T-then what would you like me to do?"

"Go with two of your most trusted subordinates and if you encounter anybody strong, don't go near them and immediately leave as fast as you can. And I swear to god if you get caught… I hope you know what'll be in store for you,"

"A-as you wish," Yin responds before disappearing into the shadows beside me.

I breathed a long sigh to calm myself down before thinking a bit more about the previous topic.

So… Torture… An unknown skill that reads memories… What else could there be… Maybe a skill that can track the scent of something. I'm positive that's a thing due to how basic it seems…

Next, there could also be the possibility that there's a traitor among us… This is another far stretched theory, as I'm pretty sure the most potent warriors found them on this plane as they came to the Kingdom of Fire.

"*sigh*... Too much work. I wanna take a nap," I mutter as dark clouds begin to coat the sky, signaling that it is about to rain again.

As soon as I brought my eyes back down from the sky, I noticed that all of my commanders were looking at me in fear, and so were the soldiers… besides the newly acquired… lieutenants? Is that what the second in command is called… I don't know.

"Stop looking at me and rearrange your formation. It looks like shit," I say before flying away.

I could've split the rain clouds if I wanted with my skill, but I like the rain. It was peaceful. I even liked thunderstorms, lightning storms, hurricanes… Everything. All of it is just peaceful.

A few minutes after I arrived back at my castle, the rain began to pour, so I decided to kick back and relax with only Treyni and Homura as they had a day off today.

Aika was still training some of her students in such a stressful situation, and Kumo was doing her usual strategic thinking while working with Yin. She informed her of everything she knew about the enemy, so Kumo had a lot to work with.

"Did they leave already?" I ask Homura.

"You mean Luna and Freya?" Homura asks as she strokes my hair gently with her hands.


"Yep. They left a few minutes ago with Reyna and her friends… But I honestly don't trust them… That's why I ordered a few maids to shadow over them just in case, you know,"

"Oh, thanks for doing that,"

"No problem," Homura says before taking another sip of beer from her cup on the nightstand.

Treyni, on the other hand, was playing with Flora, who seemed to be a genius in magic like Freya and… maybe Luna. But I'm pretty sure she's just a well-rounded fighter who's comfortable in close combat and long-distance.

The maids informed me that she is way ahead in proficiency with a scythe compared to Freya, who seems to be still learning the basics.

But, Luna still hasn't acquired [Partial Mastery], which I shouldn't be disappointed by due to how long it usually takes to achieve.


[Name: Homura]

[Race: 6 Tailed Wisp Fox]

[Status: Servant]

[Level: 81/100]

[HP: 600/600  MP: 800/800  SP: 250/250]

[Strength: 120 (+25)]

[Defense: 120]

[Magic: 300 (+25)]

[Speed: 120 (+25)]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Spectral Wisp Magic] [Greater Body Enhancement] [Feral Claws] [Fire Immunity] [Concentration] [Enhanced Feral Regeneration] [Enhanced Feral Senses] [Summon: Fire Ghost] [Summon: 1 Tailed Wisp Fox]

[Equipment: [Blue Ring of Twilight]

[Body Modification: [Ring of Wisps: 3]

[Titles: [Servant] [Chiefs Daughter] [Catastrophic Level Monster (2618 / 20000)]


[Name: Treyni]

[Race: Mother Nature]

[Status: Servant]

[Level: 142/150]

[HP: 500/500  MP: 900/900  SP: 100/100]

[Strength: 60]

[Defense: 60]

[Magic: 450]

[Speed: 80]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Jungle Magic] [Ancient Forest Magic] [Mother Nature's Kindness] [Solar Beam] [Domain of Mother Nature] [Plant Manipulation] [Plant Growth] [Summon: Elite Dryad] [Summon: Elite Trent] [Summon: Hydra Chomper] [Forbidden Magic: Chloris]

[Mastered Weapons: [Plants]

[Titles: [Mother Nature] [Queen of the Dryads] [Servant]


[Name: Flora]

[Race: Cursed Nature Dryad]

[Status: Extremely Happy]

[Level: 1/100]

[HP: 300/500  MP: 800/800  SP: 300/500]

[Strength: 70]

[Defense: 70]

[Magic: 400]

[Speed: 150]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 25]

[Skills: [Body Enhancement] [Black Jungle Magic] [Ancient Forest Magic] [Domain of the Fallen Haven] [Plant Manipulation] [Plant Growth] [Black Vine Creation] [Black Vine Manipulation] [Cursed Roots of the Ent Creation] [Cursed Roots of the Ent Manipulation] [Ancient Fire Magic: Amaterasu] [Starving Fruit Creation]

[Body Modifications: [Cursed Blood]

[Titles: [Third Horseman of the Apocalypse]

Oh, my wives are close to evolving once again. Probably after this war, they will evolve, and Flora is quite a unique being. She has cursed blood, which I have no idea what the effects are… I'll just [Inspect] it later.

But besides that, she's powerful. Her skills are unique, and she's even the third horseman of the apocalypse like Zehar, who is the first.

And if I had to guess… Zehar represents death. And my cute little Flora represents famine due to that last skill that stood out the most.

"[Starving Fruit Creation] huh? Interesting..."

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