Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 279 The Kingdom Of Twilight Vs The Plane Of Twilight (13)

Suddenly, the sounds of bones cracking could be heard, almost making me gag as the sound was nauseating.

Large pillars of solid white bones sprouted from the snow below us, blocking the large fists made of snow and even denting them which is nearly impossible.

Even her previous cut was something I thought nobody could do.


Just as I began to recover from shock, I noticed a large blade of deathly mist cut towards me and struck me right in the face.


I let out a blood-curdling cry as I fell to my knees in pain.

"M-my face! MY FACE! IS IT GONE!?" I scream in pain, touching every spot of my face as it felt as if it was set on fire and then slowly torn off.

"*sigh*... Will you shut up. You got me all excited but this is all you amount to… Are you one of the strongest warriors here? Cause if you are I might as well just get this over with," A cold voice says before a foot was stomped into my stomach.

Blood shot up from my mouth like saliva and then I turned to the side, puking up coagulated blood that had been stuck in my throat for a while.

"You're so dead. If you kill me my master will slaughter you!" I shout, trying to send at least a little bit of fear down the necromancer, but it seems negative emotions weren't in her book as she just stared at me coldly.

But, I wasn't going to go down without a fight so I reeled in all my fingers on both hands, summoning 7 more whirlwinds that began to spin around the necromancer.

"W-what are you doing?! STOP! STOP!"

(Aika POV)

Suddenly, 7 gusts of wind began to swirl around me as if they were controlled by magic. This was easily detectable due its density and precise movements. It was as if they danced around me.

But, I had already noticed something that will make the woman in front of me regret it for the rest of her life.

Crouching down, the woman's face turned to horror as the winds swirled around her as well and just to make sure she wouldn't move again, I summoned 4 sticks made of bone.

"W-what are you doing?! STOP! STOP!"

I tried to puncture her wrists and ankles with this but it seemed her defense was too high so I formed the ends of the sticks/poles into a sharp point that easily pierced her skin.


She didn't even retaliate as the pain on her face was already too overwhelming. And on top of that she couldn't even struggle.

I could've easily ended the fight right then but I wanted a bit of entertainment.


The cries of the massive frost giants vibrated the surrounding air and then suddenly the shadow of their balled fists loomed over us.

"Well, I'm out," I mutter with a smile before turning towards the outside of the shadow.

But as soon as I tried to run, I collapsed to the ground due to the hole in my leg.


As I couldn't run, I summoned a few of my undead who carried me out of the way… And though it was close, I managed to get out of the way of the massive fists made from compacted snow.


And as soon as the punches landed, they began to crack what I thought was powder snow below me.

The throne world shattered into thousands of pieces with the massive snow giants leaving with it…

"Now it's time to check up," I mutter before calling Yin over who was monitoring the war from the shadows per Kumo's orders.

Arpious wanted her to stay in the kingdom and defend it but it seemed Kumo had a bad feeling about this war so she ignored Arpious and ordered Yin to monitor the war.

Hades informed me of the methods she used and it seemed familiar so I shuffled through my memories… And of course they led back to when she was in bed with Arpious.

"How funny," I chuckle to myself before skipping over to the unconscious body of what I assumed to be one of the rulers that had gathered at the present kingdom.


And before the siblings who were trembling in fear could escape, I cut their heads clean off with one swing of my sword that created a blade of wind.


"Yes Mistress,"

"Do you have any Magic Collars in your shadow?" I ask the now singular Yin.

It seems her other personality Ina was gone as she "devoured" her or some bullshit close to that. I didn't really care much as I have my own corps now… Otherwise known as my Slaves of Death…

"Yes, would you like me to get one?" Yin responds while bowing deeply.

"Yeah…" I muttered and within a few seconds, I held a large, thick metal magic collar which I let a few drops of my blood slide down.

Then with just a thought, the collar jumped out of my hand as if it was alive and latched itself around the unconscious woman, immediately waking her up due to the pressure that almost suffocated her.

"Ack- Ack- *gasp* *gasp* *gasp*,"

The woman struggled against the collar and clawed at it as if it would do something.

"Okay, you're my slave now," I mutter with a smile but suddenly felt so much bloodlust that my pupils dilated and I coughed up a throat full of blood.

"Release her," I hear a cold woman's voice say.

It was close to my voice and slightly tom-boyish.

Slowly, I turned around, only to be met by a woman exactly my height. Her hair was completely white unlike my new slave who had light blue hair. Her eyes were almost an icy green as they seemed to stare into my soul.

"Now why would I do that," I reply after gathering my scattered thoughts and putting up a tough front.

Of course it was a front… As the woman in front of me was much stronger than me. I didn't know how much but unlike the facade that my new slave put up previously, this one was real.

The pressure. The bloodlust. The swirling green icy wind that began to revolve around her and me, sending Yin flying into the air.

"If you don't release her you'll meet a fate worse than death,"

"I'm a necromancer dumbass,"


The woman clicked her tongue before moving at a speed I could barely comprehend. And an axe kick… Straight to my shoulder.

I took a knee, not from the pain, but literally from her pushing me down. She had also broke my collar bone but it healed within a few seconds due to accelerated healing.

But the holes in my limbs were still taking quite a while to regenerate.

"Oh, that was meant to chop off your arm… What a surprise," The woman said coldly before raising her foot slowly, at a speed I actually could comprehend, so I reached out my right arm to catch it.

But as soon as I was about to touch her foot, she kicked it, shattering all the bones in my hand.

"Release her," The woman repeats herself.

Ah… I see what's happening…

After dashing back and putting some space between myself and what I could only assume to be my slaves master, I then stood up before summoning a few hundred undead and calling my Slaves of Death.

My previously calm and expressionless face warped into a smile as one of my undead brought over my newly acquired slave who looked at her Master with begging eyes.

It was clear she wanted her to save her but she couldn't.

"If she removes the collar from you it will immediately kill you. If she kills me it will kill you," I inform my newly acquired slave.

"W-what?! What is this?!" She shouts.

"It's a Magic Collar," The woman who's green eyes glowed in anger replied.

"Y-you mean the collar that only the most dangerous of criminals are given?"

"Sadly… Yes,"

"Oh yeah, what's your name?" I ask my newly acquired pet.

"W-why should I tell- Ack-,"

Just as she tried to talk back, I squeezed my fist into a ball, causing her to choke. Her face even began to turn into a deep shade of purple due to the lack of oxygen.

"STOP!" The Master shouted but couldn't do anything.

It seems she realized that if she knocked me out, her disciple would die. If she hit me and I didn't even go unconscious then, that'd just anger me more, possibly sending me over the edge and killing her disciple.

Hmmmm… I don't want her to die.

I unfurled my fist, allowing my new slave to breathe and gasp for air.

"Her name is Tiana! So stop!" The Master requests once again.

"And why should I?" I reply with a taunting smile.

"STOP OVERSTEPPING YOUR BOUNDARIES!" The woman shouts, clearly losing control and trying to gain control of the situation, but I didn't falter in the slightest.

"You're overstepping your boundaries," I responded before blasting out my own deathly aura which eroded the Master's icy aura.

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