Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 283 The Kingdom Of Twilight Vs The Plane Of Twilight (17)

The skinny man clicked his tongue in disappointment after seeing me not fall victim to what I assumed to be a potent poison due to its vile and sickening smell that coated the inside of my nostrils and penetrated deep into my sinuses.

Suddenly, three glints could be seen, quickly approaching my eyes, so I ducked but was met with four more needles that were shoved straight into my face.

They all missed my eyes, but I soon realized that it was unintentional as my left arm went limp.

My immediate reaction was to create more space between us, but when I went to take a few steps back, my legs gave in, causing me to fall to the ground.

The man didn't give me any time to recover as he charged in. Hence, I summoned a few crawler legs from below me, creating a shield around me that served as a few seconds of protection as it quickly crumbled due to a sledgehammer being brought down onto it.

"*sigh*... Finally," I mutter before activating [Grand Moon Barrier].

A pink, thin-film wrapped around a 5-meter radius from where I was, trapping myself, the skinny man, and the assassin strangely using a sledgehammer.

Ah, so this is the guy that set the webs on fire.

He has been supporting the skinny man from the shadows so he can use his power to its full extent while having an easier time fighting me.

[Forbidden Magic: Gleipnir]

"Forbidden Magic?!" The skinny man exclaims before glancing towards the pink film surrounding them.

He wanted to escape, but as soon as he touched the barrier, a shock burned the palm of his hand and sent a jolt of electricity through his arm and down his body.

A thread. One single thread appeared in my hands, but the man wasn't stupid, so he knew something was up with the thread that I grasped tightly.

Even its aura told the man to stay away, but before he could even take a single step, the thread pierced through his stomach while also killing the assassin.

"Normally, this is used for binding things… But I thought, 'Since it's so strong, why not use it for offense as well?'" I mutter before tugging on the thin, almost clear thread.

(Alba POV)

"Y-yes, Mistress," I reply through gritted teeth.

I tried to stand up, but the necromancer quickly stepped over to me and slammed her heel into the back of my head, forcing my face into the ground.

"Who said you could get up?" The necromancer asks.

"Forgive me. I was in the wrong," I reply, not wanting to feed her sadistic nature.

Hopefully, she'll lose interest in me. I don't want to suffer, and more importantly, I don't wish Tiana to suffer any more than she already has.

Tiana is strong, but it seems she's reached her mental limit. The necromancer's bloodlust mixed with her sadistic actions seemed to have scarred her, so I need to ease that.

I don't know when I'll be able to escape or if I'll ever be able to escape, but I need Tiana to run.

I don't care if she takes over my now vacant kingdom or if she lays low for the rest of her life, but I wanted to her escape. Live. She has to.

"Come on. Stop stalling and hurry up-"

Suddenly, an overwhelming amount of bloodlust was unleashed from the kingdom, but judging from the necromancer's frightened face, it wasn't from their side.

So that can only mean…

"It's been released," I mutter with a smile, grasping onto this new aspect as my and Tiana's only hope.

Either we're all going to die, or we completely overwhelm them.

"What has been released?" The necromancer asks while pressing her heel even deeper into the back of my head.

Damn! How high is her strength!? Isn't she a necromancer?!

"An Arch Demon from Infernum," I replied obediently.

Not that a monster would know about Infernum. I doubt they even know about planes, so all of this will be a long process.

"Infernum? How the hell did you get one from Infernum?"

How- wait, did Paimon explain it to them? Does she know? That's the most likely answer because they're just monsters, not humans.

We know about how everything came to be due to thousands of years of studying, but monsters who are secluded in their own habitat will never be able to discover.

"Answer!" The necromancer shouts while lifting up her heel and slamming it down into the back of my head.

I cringed in pain, and my vision blurred. The back of my head screamed at me but when I went to go look at the healer from before, she didn't even return my glance.

Am I going to die?

"P-please stop hurting Master," I hear Tiana's voice whine.

"Who gave you permission to speak?" The necromancer responds before stomping over to her, but I grabbed onto her ankle.

I don't care if I die… As long as Tiana survives.

"Stop. I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to touch Tiana,"

"Don't order me around,"

It was worth a try.

The necromancer's anger was quelled by my interruption so she returned back to me and crouched down before me.

"So, you gonna talk or what?" She asks.

But before I could even open my mouth, a chill was sent down my spine, and the sound of water moving could be heard from beside me.

"What's wrong?" The necromancer asks, and as I turn my head, I see somebody coming out of a shadow beside me.

"Captain told me to tell you that we found the traitor. It is a demon with the name Paimon," The fire siren says before slipping back into the shadows.

"Tch… I never trusted that guy anyway. A king of hell, but he was being so obedient… I should've expected that," The necromancer says after clicking her tongue.

The deathly aura that the necromancer released made chills crawl all over my body, and the collar would always put pressure whenever I tried to counter it with my own aura.

(Treyni POV)

Clang Clang Clang

I kept deflecting my opponent's sword with flowers harder than steel, and upon blocking the attacks, I tried to retaliate by whipping the flowers.


But they don't affect my opponent at all as they nimbly dodged it without much trouble.

My current opponent is a man with a long metal sword clad in thick armor that even my flowers can't pierce but can dent.

Whenever I managed to land a sneak attack with flowers I planted in the ground; they would whip themselves towards the man and dent his armor.

He didn't seem affected on the surface, but I could tell his speed slowed down, so I decided to finish it quickly.

The fingers on my right hand flexed as I charged towards the knight, and I could sense a smirk behind that heavy helmet with slivers made for looking through.

Suddenly, a blood-red aura wrapped around him and coated his sword in a thin red film, increasing his power fivefold.

But, it was too late.

Dryads suddenly appeared from behind him and held his limbs in place, allowing me to wrap my hand in vines and use them to increase my punching power.


My fist pierced the metal, causing it to dent into the man's stomach, and even if my fist didn't do damage, the man's dented armor had pierced most of his internal organs.

And as I ripped my fist out, the light in his eyes faded, and he almost fell on top of me.

"You're free to return," I mutter with a warm smile towards the dryads who bowed towards me before disappearing into a few leaves that scattered in the chilly wind.

My summons is different from regular summons because I draw them from the garden of Eden. Something only granted to the highest tier of mother nature despite there being only one in the entire plane.

But, even if I don't have the skill, I can still draw some of the power from it. And that power is things like treants and dryads. In the future, I might even be able to summon elves.

And to summon these things, I use seeds that I can produce from my body without a skill. Almost like the wings of a siren or harpy… Arpious is an exception, though, as her wings and tails turned into body modifications for some strange reason.

These seeds then draw the power from the garden of Eden, turning into dryads or treants with just a thought.

"*sigh*... Another one…" I mutter after feeling another powerful presence, but this time it was eerie.


A chilling wind brushed past me, and a semi-clear ghost appeared before me when I turned around.

It was as big as me and bobbed up and down in the air.

"Oh, you're not scared," A chilling woman's voice asks.

It wasn't far in the distance or right behind me… It was sent directly into my mind.

"Is it [Telepathy]?," I mutter.

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