Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 288 The Kingdom Of Twilight Vs The Plane Of Twilight (22)

"Shouldn't have done the same move, idiot," I taunt the man as a great fire explodes from my body, melting the man's armor and sword.

The surrounding palace began to melt like plastic, just from the tiny amount of fire that exploded from my body.

"This thing is overpowered," I mutter but ducked down after feeling an instant dose of bloodlust.

It felt like something was clawing at the back of my neck, but surprisingly, I didn't flinch at all.


I swung up, blocking the swing of a massive sword, but in return, I was sent flying across the palace.

I went to stand up, but my body collapsed to the side.

I coughed up a puddle of blood which made my eyes widen.

Upon switching off my immunities, I felt a raging pain come from deep within my chest, signaling I had probably broken a rib.

After switching back on my immunities, I couldn't help but wonder why my regeneration wasn't working.

Or was there that much damage.

But before I could conclude, a sword stabbed right towards me, and I just barely managed to move my neck out of the way.

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei]

I pressed the white fire against my neck and chest after letting go of my weapons and just as the shadow before I swung its sword again, I side-stepped out of the way.

[Forbidden Magic: Hermes]

Time slowed down, and the dust that the shadow's swing had kicked up was quickly dispersed with a swing of my arm.

I took a few steps back as time quickly resumed.


The shadow appeared before me once again, but this time I was prepared.

Prometheus activated once again, and my body burst into flames, devouring the shadows and burning the wielder.

He screamed in pain, and when I got a closer look, I noticed it was the knight from before, but his armor was off this time.

His entire body was covered in burns, head to toe.

No piece of skin wasn't burnt.

He was breathing heavily as a beast backed into a corner, and his blood lust had taken the form of a demon behind him.

"Wanna see who's the real demon?" I ask the man after healing myself once again.

I had to end this quick as my mana was running out fast, so I summoned my weapons back into my hand.

[Primordial Bloodlust]

I began to salivate uncontrollably as my bloodlust took the form of a winged demon with a pronged helmet that covered the middle of my face.

The man hesitated for just a moment… but that was enough for me to cut his head off.


The voice of a woman echoed through the palace like an angelic horn.

"Huh?" I muttered after hearing the name of the skill just announced.

Suddenly, water crashed down on top of me, but it felt like gravity had at least multiplied by ten times.

The water wasn't even a factor as I couldn't move my body, and my fire was extinguished.

[Predators Assassination Mist]

Despite my body being crushed, I used a skill to help me slip out of this mess.

A grayish mist began to seep from my mouth, and with one burst, all of the fog that had collected in my throat in mouth came rushing out.

The long hallway that was turned into an open arena due to my flames had been covered in my mist.

Though I had disappeared from the attackers' sight, a repeated barrage of water began to crack my bones.

My regeneration couldn't keep up with it, so I knew I had to do something else… but it suddenly stopped.

I recovered by spinning on my back in an instant, allowing me to throw myself over my shoulder and land in a ready fighting stance.

There… There… There… And there.

Four presences… And they're strong. Really strong.

"I might actually lose," I muttered and tried to signal for White and Black to come back immediately because, without them, I probably have no chance of surviving.

[HP: 419/1200  MP: 538/1000  SP: 812/1000]

I have too much mana…

"Hey, hey, hey… Can't we talk this out?" I muttered as soon as the black mist was torn through by a large gust of wind, spreading it apart towards the now open sides of the room.

"Nah, sorry," A young man apologizes.

He was dressed in green and white robes and had a large wizard hat that was about quadruple the size of his head.

It was wrapped in a few vines and had a few symbols representing the wind.

"One," I mutter.

Next, two women and one other young man stepped out from behind the soft boy in front.

The other young man was clad in purple chainmail armor and had a purple knight helmet.

He held a long halberd made from bright red metal that reflected the sun.


The two women also had armor, but one was made from bright blue steel, and the other was made from a bright yellow.


The woman with bright yellow armor had a helmet that completely covered her face but also had two angelic wings made from what seemed to be light particles.


The woman with bright blue steel, on the other hand, had no helmet, but her staff was completely made from water.

"Five," I mutter before dashing towards the weakest-looking one… the woman clad in yellow armor.

She has no weapon, and just judging from her appearance, you know she's a healer… but of course, I'm not so dumb as to ignore the others.

[Divinity Domain]

[Please select your skill]

"[Forbidden Magic: Medusa]," I mutter, causing my body to dim into a shade of gray.

My hair turned a dark gray, and so did my eyes.

My two weapons began to crack and turn a light gray while my skin stayed the same color and began to crack as if I was a stone doll.


I swung down, baiting out the woman's attack next to me.

A bullet made of streaming water pierced through the air faster than I could see… but since it was a bait, I had already ducked down long before she shot the bullet.

More bullets flung through the air, but this time they were from panic as I quickly approached the knight in blue armor.


I blocked a bright red halberd with Raiu and took a swung at the woman clad in blue.


A blast of wind ripped me off from the ground, causing me to spiral away.

The world was spinning, a nostalgic feeling reminding me of when I first came to this world as a feather.


I crashed into a rigid pillar.

It was made of a material that even my body which was being flung at who knows how many miles per hour, could withstand.


I coughed up a mouthful of blood and felt the bones in my wings shatter.

It was something that my regeneration would take at least an hour to recover.

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei]

White flames appeared on my back, but they were crushed instantly, along with my body which was smooshed against the rocky floor.

"Master!" I hear two voices shout.

Water crushed every inch of my body, causing my bones to creak and my tendons to strain.

My consciousness was slipping once again, but I still managed to lift my wrist and flick my finger just slightly upwards.

The water around me turned to stone and began to crack, but as it encapsulated me for a few seconds, I was able to lather my body in white flames.

The rock around me cracked, but I was ready… or so I thought.


A sword was stabbed deep into my chest, piercing my heart.

White and Black lunged towards me desperately, their hands covered in their respectable flames.

Amaterasu was aimed at the freshly revived man, and Ichimei was aimed at my wound.


I coughed up an unimaginable amount of blood that was clearly fatal.

I coughed up another pool of blood again, but I lost all feeling in my body this time.

My vision and hearing soon faded as well.

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei]

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei]

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei]

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei]!

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei]!


I began to scream into my hand the skill but all I saw, felt, heard, smelled, and tasted was darkness.

FUCK! I can't die yet! I have to kill them!

Please! Inner demon do something! Anything! I can't leave yet without killing them! If I die they all die! Please!

Those humans are too strong!

[A Higher being roars in anger]

[A Higher being roars in anger]

[A Higher being roars in anger]

[A Higher being roars in anger]

[Interference by higher being]

[Authority level is not high enough]

[Interference by higher being]

[Authority level is not high enough]

[Interference by higher being]

[Authority level is not high enough]

[Interference by higher being]

[Greater being has shifted the cogs of life]

[The plane cries out in disgust by your existence]

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