Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 290 The Kingdom Of Twilight Vs The Plane Of Twilight (24)

Suddenly the darkness below me began to shake as if an earthquake was brewing.

"Dammit… Something much worse is coming now," My inner demon says as she reopens her eyes.

The darkness surrounding us was suddenly torn open, revealing a gray turtle larger than a mountain.

"What the hell…"

"Hey, Arpious… Protect me for a second… I'm struggling at this," My inner demon orders me, but I didn't argue much as I could already feel the hostility from the giant turtle.

"Don't go ordering me around," I respond before dashing towards the giant turtle.

"Wait!" I heard my inner demon shout, but before I could turn around, I felt something crush me from atop.

I managed to just barely stop it with my hands, but it wasn't enough.

It felt as if my spine was about to snap in half with each passing second.

[HP: 918/1200  MP: 1000/1000  SP: 1000/1000]

After checking my status, I noticed everything had been refilled as if the fight from before had never happened.

I took advantage of this and decided to apply all the buffs I had onto myself, easing the crushing feeling from above.

But, it would've been much easier if I had the buffs I received from my past evolution, but as they were torn from me to save us, I had to push myself past my limits.

It hurt like shit despite me having [Pain Immunity], but I've felt enough pain for me not to crumble under these circumstances.

"ARGHHHHHHH!" I shout before digging my fingers into the thing above and throwing it to the side.

It didn't go far, but I at least managed to escape it.

"There's another?" I mutter after backing up to my inner demon again.

"You fucking idiot… Just stay here and protect me. They never get physical despite their large bodies… Plus, there's way more than two,"

I headed my inner demons' words and stayed next to her, summoning both Raiu and my scythe, which were coated in frost.

"Lightning won't do shit against these things… Nor will fire… So I'll use the strongest AOE I have… [Forbidden Magic: Skadi],"

As I reactivated my divinity domain, a blast of cold wind erupted from my body.

My hair turned a crisp, cool white while the rest of my body ultimately paled as if I was about to die.

My skin was whiter than snow.

In fact, you could say it was whiter than white itself.

My sclera turned a light blue while my pupils were non-existent as white completely replaced them.

Absolutely no definition could be seen in them.

The rigid horns on my head became even more stringent as they began to turn into icicles.

The feathers on my wings fell off and were replaced by solid light blue feathers that were not made from a soft material but a hard piece of ice.

They sparked even without light, like a chandelier being hung from a grand ceiling.

I also activated an old friend… [Fire of Deaths Armour: Araes Dress].

Usually, it was a black battle dress that was harder than any other armor in my kingdom. But it is also lighter and thinner than any clothing that I had seen.

It was meant for practicality, not looks, so it was coarse on my skin.

It felt bumpy and rough, as if somebody was rubbing dead coral on me.


A long icy mist drew from my lips, coating the surrounding area in ice and encapsulating my inner demon in a dome made from thick snow.

And just under the thick layer of snow was another layer made from thick ice.

The black dress on my body adapted to my divinity domain, becoming a long dress made from sparkling ice crystals and intricately shaped snowflakes.


I glanced upwards at the now five giant, gray turtles… or maybe tortoises due to their bigger body and humongous shell.

On top of their large shell was a mountain range, more extensive than the mountain my kingdom resided on.


In one of the giant turtles' mouths, a beam made of purple lights was collecting, and just the ball being formed vibrated the air and shook the abyss.

It was a display of power I could only dream of achieving… or maybe… I can.

"I'll devour it," I mutter with a smile.

Another blast of icy wind erupted from my body as thousands of walls of ice erected between us.

There was no way I could block by just myself, with just my weapons, which almost seemed puny compared to that beam's power.


I coated the darkness in my ice.

It began to crack from the almost collected beam of purple light, but I pushed on, pouring more and more mana into it.

I reached the ends of the abyss, which I had thought was endless.

My ice crawled up the sides, creating large stalactites that didn't even look like ice.

The ice formed waves of blades, ready to attack the turtles once I had finished.

[HP: 918/1200  MP: 653/1000  SP: 558/1000]

"MORE! MORE! MORE!" I shouted as the beam had finished collecting.


It tore through thousands of layers of my ice that I thought I had made thick enough… but clearly, it wasn't enough.

It shattered each and every single wall with ease.

And once it had finished tearing through all of my walls, the beam disintegrated the darkness, creating a massive crater large enough to fit my kingdom in.

"HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF… I'm so glad I moved it," I mutter after just managing to dash out of the way.

I had sacrificed an arm and a leg literally, but at least my inner demon survived.

From the beginning, it was clear they were aiming after my inner demon and not me, which is why I created the walls instead of just moving out of the way.

But, when I began to spread my ice all over the abyss, I moved the inner demon out of the large dome but left the actual dome there.

I slipped up a couple of times as it took so much effort to split my concentration, but thankfully the giant turtles didn't notice.



The second turtle began charging its large purple beam.

This time it had hints of yellow in the center, which I had no idea what it added, but at least I knew it added something.

The turtle then turned its head towards the top left of the abyss, where an insignificant stalactite hung.

But the problem was, my inner demon was in there.

"Shit," I mutter after feeling out my freshly grown arm and leg.

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei] was coming in clutch because without it, I would've died too many times to count.

This time, I decided not to waste my mana on creating walls that would do absolutely nothing, so this time, I moved the inner demon out of the stalactite and had her move across the ceiling with a flick of my finger.

She was coated in a thin layer of ice meant to camaflouge her, but it didn't do a good job as two more turtles began to charge up their large purple beams.

"Wait, wait, wait… You're supposed to be aiming for her, not me," I mutter before dashing back a bit.

Good thing I didn't realize it too late because one of the turtles was aiming at me, and another was aiming at my inner demons' rearranged spot.


A purple light ripped through the air, creating a large crater towards the top left of the abyss.

This gave me some good information that I could use as I felt a bit hopeless.

"They can't turn their head also… why do they look familiar?" I mutter before flapping my icy wings.

But, it seems I was baited out as the turtle aiming after me began to turn its head, and the beam of light grew way past the ones from before.

I flew like a panicked dragonfly and created large ice spikes taller than mountains from the ground, hoping to lose the turtle… but it continued to follow me.

Suddenly, I had an epiphany after glancing at the turtle again.

Flashbacks to the labyrinth I was stuck in began to flood my mind.

A turtle with a world on its back.

Different regions are made from trees, angelic materials, and demonic materials.

Then, the most insignificant thing… the material that the walls were made of.

The material that the gargoyles were made of as well…

It's… It's made from the same material.

[Weak Celestial Bone Creation]

The turtle blasted at me with its purple beam, ripping through space and time around me.

But I smiled as I flicked my fingers up, ready to create hundreds of walls made from celestial bone.

[The cogs of life have turned once again]

[The plane cries out in anger]

[The following skills have been sacrificed]


[Demon Genocider Bloodline]

[Weak Celestial Bone Dive]

[Weak Celestial Bone Creation]


"Are you kidding me?" I muttered.


[Sacrifice is sufficient]

[The cogs of life have turned once again]

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