Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 295 The Kingdom Of Twilight Vs The Plane Of Twilight (Final)

"Good… All of you will be my personal slaves. You will fulfill anything I need without question,"

"Of course, Mistress," They all say in unison once again.

I smiled before getting up and signaling for them to follow me.

Yin also followed behind, still eager for her reward.

"*sigh*... Yin, come here," I say as I wanted to get this out of the way so she could focus on her work.

Her eyes lit up like the sun before quickly scampering over to me and hugging me tightly.

"What would you like your reward to be?"

"I want to hug you forever,"

"That's not possible,"

"Why?" She asks innocently.

"*sigh*... Fine, no reward then," I mutter, and her face pales upon my words.

"N-no! T-then let me hug you for a few minutes… I promise that's it," She says with puppy dog eyes that almost penetrated my soul… but I managed to just barely resist.

"Only for a couple of minutes," I say as we make our way out of the palace.

And just as we were about to exit the majestic palace, I heard one of the empresses speak up.

"Mistress, may this lowly slave ask something?" Hoka the woman with short white hair, says.

"What?" I respond without even glancing back.

"May we please put on our clothes?" She asks as I got Iris to bring their dresses as I wanted to gift them to my wives… but since they'd misinterpret the situation, I decided to just let them put on their clothes.

"Fine," I mutter before summoning my scythe and activating [Apocalyptic Weapon Swing].

My swing tore through the giant blizzard surrounding the kingdom, surprising my wives, who were overseeing the remaining bits of war.

I quickly flew over to them, and the others traveled with me through Yin, who traveled in my shadow.

She absorbed them into her own shadow and then dove into mine.


Suddenly, Aika lunged into my arms, hugging me tightly.

"You died… didn't you…."

"H-how did you-"

"We all knew… The plane gave us a notification that read: 'The threat to the plane has been eradicated'... and it was so obvious it was you," She says, and I just pat the back of her head as she digs her face into my collar bone.

It was comforting.

"Okay, well, I knew she was going to come back some way or another… She always… always," Tear leaked from Kumo's eyes as she lost control of her emotions and hugged me tightly.

Treyni and Homura just smiled warmly before hugging me as well.

This continued on for a bit until I noticed some newly collected slaves behind Aika.

"Who are they?" I ask, and Aika just glanced back before digging her face back into my collarbone.

"Some people I picked up. Don't pay them any mind… Also, who are those behind you?" Aika refutes back upon seeing the five empresses I had kept alive.

"They're some people that will help us rule the plane… Don't worry. They won't betray me… right?"

My cold eyes stared deep into their soul, so they vigorously shook their heads up and down.

"Y-your highness, what are you doing? Why are you submitting to these things?" What I assumed to be Aika's slave cries out.

She was strong… So strong in fact that I think I'd trying to fight against her… I could take her down possibly, but it's still only a possibility.

"How the hell did you capture her?"

"I threatened to kill her apprentice, and she immediately gave herself up… well, with a bit of resistance. I honestly thought I was going to die a few times," Aika chuckled to herself.

"Okay, that's enough,"

Everybody slowly backs away from me as we oversee the remaining skirmishes from the large stone wall.

"THE WAR IS OVER!" I shout, my voice booming through the air.

Everybody suddenly stops as if god himself started to speak.



My soldiers all cry out in victory.

My voice was enough to stop the conflict, and the commanders of each side led their soldiers away from each other.

"Now, shall we go home?" I mutter.

After a long day, I sat at the wooden desk in my bedroom and flipped through the diary which I had jotted down.

"The first day was quite eventful… I started off as a feather… and then everything only went uphill from there. There were a few twists and turns, but thankfully I managed to get through," I muttered to myself before writing down the final day.

[Day 91]

[We started and ended one hell of a gamble. We were the winners by just a slim fraction, but in the end, I was content]

I shut the diary closed before pushing it towards the end of my desk.

My wives all slept peacefully on my bed, so I joined them, anticipating the tomorrow.

A few days have passed, and I stopped logging my days as I was too busy.

I had to do so many things related to politics that I went for three days without sleeping which made me feel like shit.

Even my wives which usually coerce me into having sex, couldn't convince me as I limply dropped onto my bed.

"Finally… Now it has come to fruition,"

The next day came quickly, and I woke up at high noon, glancing over my rapidly expanding empire.

"Mistress, I have come with a report," Yin says as I sit in my throne.

I had disposed of the woman who was acting as my personal servants as I now had the empresses who were usually out as they had to deal with lots of politics.

But, the only time felt quite nice.

"What is it?" I ask before slumping even deeper into my grand throne.

Everything had expanded, including my castle, so of course, I had a throne large enough for me to lie on with my wives next to me.

"There is a human rebellion taking palace within the Empire of Glaciers, controlled by Miss Hoka and her husband,"

I sighed deeply before rolling my eyes and sitting upon my throne.

"And she hasn't taken care of it?"

"I-I haven't checked,"

"Then go check,"

"Yes, Mistress,"

She's a competent woman, as well as her husband, who was even better at politics than her.

It's just he was in charge of keeping the morale of the kingdom up and creating friendly relationships between the empires I had created with just a flick of my wrist.

It was satisfying, and I didn't want to leave… But I knew I had to leave soon.

I glanced upwards at the panels above me.

[Your presence shakes the plane]

[Your existence is too powerful for the plane to suppress]

[Would you like to become the new Plane Guardian?]

'Oh, shit… I didn't expect that,' My inner demon says.

"Is it good?"

'Very good. it expands your influence and should allow you to teleport anywhere within the plane,'

"Hey… I've been meaning to ask… but who are you really? You never responded,"

'I can't say right now… It's not that I don't trust you, but if I slip up once, both of us could end up dying within a few seconds,'

"Is your real identity really that threatening to the great spirits?"

'Sadly, yes… I just want to be with my lover,'

"Yeah, yeah, I already heard you a thousand times,"

Apparently, my inner demon is sticking with me in order to be reunited with his lover and take revenge on the ones who caused him to fall from divinity.

He complains about it all the time… So of course, I wouldn't know…

"Mistress, you have a few meetings today. They are waiting outside," One of my maids says as she bows after entering the massive throne room.

"Let them in,"

A fat human man with pale white skin enters the throne room, making my face warp in disgust.

I wasn't disturbed by his appearance but really his personality that was clearly intended to stroke my ego.

"Kaiser Arpious," He says, kneeling on one knee.

Kaiser was the new title that I had granted upon myself as I was no longer a queen or an empress as I ruled multiple empires.

"What is it? I don't have all day,"

"Y-yes… First of all, the Empire of Flames residents have been mistreated because our soil is unfertile and we can't grow any crops. S-so I have come as a messenger for the Emporer and Empress to request some new fertile land that we can grow crops on," The man says, rubbing his plump hands together.

"*sigh*... Not one piece of your land is fertile? Don't fuck with me,"

"I-I didn't mean to offend your royalty… It's just that we do have fertile land, but it isn't enough to grow enough crops for the rest of the empire,"

"Listen carefully… And make sure you don't miss a single word that I'm about to say when you report it to that red-haired bitch… I gave you land that could help create profit with thousands of rich mines filled with millions of materials. Then use those profits to trade,"

"I-I will report as your royalty wishes,"

"Also, tell Kolora to come here once she has some free time. I need to make sure she gets the fucking idea through her fucking thick skull… Geez, so annoying," I mutter before sending him off with a wave of my hand.

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